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13 Year Olds and Alcohol - Your Opinion

The american view on alcohol is retarded.

You can't get drunk and kill your own liver legally untl you're 21, yet you can get a death machine (car) and cause untold numbers of accidents at 15. :roll:
tks said:
The american view on alcohol is retarded.

You can't get drunk and kill your own liver legally untl you're 21, yet you can get a death machine (car) and cause untold numbers of accidents at 15. :roll:
Laws are more lenient in countries where they need to be. Still stupid? Yeah perhaps... You have to be able to drive earlier in the US. You can't do anything until you have a car.
I'm completely against it, I really don't see what's so appealing about having drunk so much alcohol that you end up not even being able to stand up straight. Alcohol doesn't even taste nice anyway, it's either really bitter or tastes like you've just swallowed petrol. I can only drink it if I mix it with energy drinks.

And to be honest it's ****ing annoying when kids get so drunk that they end up being hospitalised and it's the taxpayer who has to pay for their treatment.
I don't think your mum is irresponsible at all. She'd be irresponsible if she'd let your sister and her friend go and wait outside the shop till god knows what time asking people to go in for her. The fact your mum can regulate how much your sister drinks is pretty clever.

It's the way I was brought up, and hey I've turned out ok. Well, sort of lol!
mintebuttons said:
the sort of people who go and buy alcohol underage don't look at the strength, they just see the brightness and think "This can't be too bad"

Bollocks. The "sort of people" who drink underage are looking for the highest alcohol content at the lowest price.
Well, my mum let my sister go to a party tonight with another mate. Guaranteed to be a lot of alcohol, mum didn't even ask questions. She is quite irresponsible I think...

Will have to see the state my sister comes back in whenever she does indeed come back in today...
I do have to say in the very beginning that the alcohol culture in Finland is very prominent and so close to the one in the UK even though it might be hard for you to believe, oh and our regular prices are stupid, e.g. here an average crappy lager "pint" (only 500ml) is 4£.

I think it's wrong to give alcohol to people that young. Although I agree that it's better than let them drink in the streets/parties at that age.
Of course if it would happen that they got very sick and didn't want to drink until they turn 18, as Ben wrote about, then that would be a pretty good thing I guess, but if they just suffer much one day, and say continue to drink soon after and start gradually binging when they're just 14 and continue doing so, that's a great shame in my opinion.

It's a tricky issue, if you'd be just be completely naive and didn't know what happens in the world around you, I would say that I think it's ok if people start drinking at around 16 years, I know it might sound too late for some people, but I just hate it when I see so many drunk 13-14 year olds around, sure they might have 'fun' etc, when drunk, but people have been having fun at that age without any extra hurtful 'aid'. Also with that young peoples' drinking "progress" (as wrong as it sounds to use that word in this context) it feels that soon younger teens won't have any childhood at all, when they've already done all adult things when they're just 14 or so. Obviously that doesn't have to be bad, but I've read studies where they've indicated significantly more stress, depression, ill-being among those people.

Personally I started drinking very late compared to other people, I was 17. From being that old till around 20 I had always been very moderate about drinking, never puked etc. When I started uni, my drinking habits gradually increased a lot (very surprising). Although the very most of the time I've always been aware of my actions, there are 4 nights with memory lapses, some of which are pretty scary, like the one where I woke up 23 miles outside the city in a very rural area, you can't easily access, with 4 bruises, 2 bloody cuts, open black eye, which scar is still visible after almost 3 months..

I don't condemn drinking at all, I just think it would be better if some attitudes could change and so many people wouldn't need to overdo it (yeah I know that sounds ironic) on such a frequent basis. Also sorry, but the US drinking age is ridiculous, sure many people drink before that, but the fact that it's illegal to say have a small can of watery beer before you're 21 is stupid.
Also one thing which might be obvious, is that you can be feeling great even though you drink very loads and think that it doesn't affect you really, but then one day you might get diagnosed with cancer, I know that doesn't happen to SO many people, but sadly I just know too many people that died too young that way.
Will said:
This is actually a really interesting topic... as well as a bloody tricky debate, because weirdly, I can see both sides of it.

First up, my gut reaction to the 13 year old thing was: What WAS she thinking? Forgetting the fact that at 13 it's going to cause a fair amount more damage to an immature body unused to the stuff, and that it wasn't just her own kid - there was a friend involved, and I'd be far from thrilled if I was her parent. And this is intended as a precautionary measure to stop them going out, finding their own drink, getting pissed and causing a nuisance in public... lots and lots of waffle and useless Flaingoland credits later (which certainly has)... driven you to drink


WHO let Will loose in an alcoholic topic?!
I think for maximum effect, it would have to be read in my style, preferably by me with emphasis in all the right... or more likely, all the wrong places. That, whilst a nevertheless effective way of getting things straight in my own head, accidentally ended up as one of the five most emotional things I've ever written, and I struggle to imagine voice software with an irritating accent doing me justice :P

As for Neal, I'm surprised by you of all people trivialising what I have to say in this topic. Nevertheless, I'm sure that whoever it was you set out to impress in doing so, you've succeeded. But you've also succeeded in annoying me. Again. And there's not a lot to be gained from that - anyone else, and I'd suggest that if this was the level of constructivity they intended to maintain, then this place had probably been a better one in their absence.

Apologies if I'm overreacting, but that criticism (not you, Joey, I know exactly how that was intended :)) has touched a particularly raw nerve. If anyone else has a problem with my views on the subject then again, I apologise and I'll keep them to my self in future - this topic just seemed an appropriate one for some long overdue exorcism.