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  1. Montubelle89

    USF | Harry Potter: Escape from Gringotts | Unknown

    I was at Diagon Alley Saturday with my better half. We LOVED it, but were secretly hoping Gringotts would open for the public as it was Fourth of July weekend and the day after the Fourth :roll: . It was really busy, but not too unbearable. The dragon really is something else. We waited right...
  2. Montubelle89

    What Is The Most Overrated Roller Coaster?

    The Incredible Hulk. The beginning starts out great and it peters out after the vertical loop into nothing. Nothing special. I expect better from a B&M :)
  3. Montubelle89

    Rides you rode in the opening season?

    I rode Cheetah Hunt with my fiance the first week it was open! We waited two and a half hours and waited for the front row! It was also our first date :mrgreen: I rode Rip Ride Rockit with a friend later in its first season. As for non-coaster rides, I rode Forbidden Journey the first week it...
  4. Montubelle89

    Going Beyond Vertical

    I live in Florida and have not ridden many coasters outside my home state...YET! I've done loopers, dive machines, vertical lifts, launchers, flyers, inverts, and woodies, but one type of element I have yet to experience that I really would like to is a beyond 90 degree drop ala Maverick...
  5. Montubelle89

    Coasters with moments of utter insanity

    I have to say manta's pretzel loop in the very BACK row! I thought my chest was going to cave in... But it was awesome! Being hung over the precipice of SheiKra in the very front row, and the vertical lift hill on Rip Ride Rockit.. I swear I'm going to fall backwards every time.
  6. Montubelle89

    B&M Inverts, Best to Worst

    My name says it all! Haven't been on many, but Montu wins for me :--D I like Chinease Fireball at IOA , but neither Dragon Challenge come even close. I really want to try Banshee at KI!