Search results

  1. B

    Which ride evokes the most swearing?

    for me 3 coasters at SFGA (all for different reasons) El TORO: i basically scramed F word boulder dash b/c at the time i thought toro was better (I got a reality check promptly riding boulder dash 13 times later that night) kingda ka my only reaction to the ride (i was actually afraid to go on...
  2. B

    Have you ever lost weight to fit on a ride?

    no, actually i am usually the oppicite (5'5" 130LB) slim as ****. i actually want to pack on a few pounds when i went on nitro last week i used the test seat to realize the seat was loose in the tightest posistion (or so i thought) boulder dash i actually am in the lowest restraint...
  3. B

    What is your top 10 to do list?

    in no praticular order (note ones i have allready ridden get an * 1. boulder dash*my goal is 300 rides this year 2. coney island cyclone* 3. top thrill dragster 4. Wickid twister 5. goliath SFNE 6. apalows Charriott 7 maleneum force 8 magnumXL2000 9. expeditionGEforce 10. Kingda Ka*
  4. B

    Lake Compounce

    [qoute="Joey"] Was forced into paying full price because their calendar is bollocks. All other parks were open when we visited, LC didn't have a calendar up when I booked, but I thought nothing of it. The park was only open until 4 that day, but still charged the full price. I contacted them...