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    Favourite Theme Park Food

    Are you saying I'm fat?!?!? Thanks a lot for ruining my day. I'm overly sensitive about my excessive size and girth. I'm going to waddle off to the kitchen now and find something to comfort me. Just joking. I'm actually 5'3 and 118 lbs. I can get away with being that little since I'm a girl.
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    Would You Rather

    This should be disqualified on the technicality that what Bieber puts out isn't exactly music. Either way you're not getting any music, really.
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    The correct pronunciation of "meme".

    Actually, it's pronounced [*shifts to one side and farts loudly*]. I hope that clears up any confusion.
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    Toilets of Tomorrow

    You can easily win by taking in the biggest Super Soaker you can find. Also, Toilets of Tomorrow sounds like an awesome theme park name. Just imagine the rides and staging!
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    How old were you when you became an enthusiast?

    Dad won't get on a roller coaster, so Mom was counting the inches till I was tall enough to get on a roller coaster with her. Still I didn't get on my first real coaster until I was about 13 after we moved to Florida. It was the woodie at Boardwalk and Baseball, the Florida Hurricane. Now it...
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    8 proposals to revive SF New Orleans

    I hate seeing pictures and videos of SF New Orleans. To me it's not creepy so much as it's sad. People used to get excited to go there and would have so much fun. Now it's all just dead. Whoever gets the place running again will definitely make sure there's a link to the pre-hurricane version...
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    Favourite Theme Park Food

    Dollywood has some good food. Maybe I'm just partial to Dollywood since it's only an hour from my house. For the most part, theme park food is just something to shove into my belly as quickly as possible between rides.