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  1. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    I can’t see how Alton Towers are getting away with opening this weekend Gov explicitly say theme parks can’t open Even if they are not running rides they are listed as a Theme Park :rolleyes: By that logic any theme park could open if they didn’t run any rides
  2. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    Not sure if anyone interested. Sorry if not scroll on by ☺ The FOI request on SAGE meetings been released makes some ingesting reading on how the UK came to the point we are at now This thread sums up They repeat no evidence of mask effectiveness but someone it pushing to find it. And...
  3. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    still a bit far to go with all these restrictions in place :( and the two week quarantine on getting back to the uk I did read that there may be a bit of a rebellion going on with ministers that want the 2week quarantine thing dropped ?‍♂️
  4. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    the UK test n trace thingie say you have to isolate if you have been next to someone (closer then 2m) for more than 15 mins as you will not be sat on a coaster for more than 15 mins, maybe there would be no reason to leave seats/rows empty I only say this as my sister (dont tell here i told...
  5. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    :( Maybe I’m feeling a bit down today after this week and now today I see the 4th July parks opening slipping away rapidly Deeply believed we won’t get a second spike. People on the whole are sticking to the rules It’s all going down hill rather rapidly
  6. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    If the people at the EU parks can’t control themselves the UK has no hope. Reading the last few posts it’s enforced my thinking that Im really not interested about visiting a park this year. Why go just to be stressed and disappointed ☹️
  7. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    looks like they have finally updated the UK legislation on business that cant open was just 19. Funfairs (whether outdoors or indoors). now added (ii) in paragraph 19, at the end, insert “, theme parks and adventure parks and activities.”; :(...
  8. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    Rip to next years new AT flat ride then. ?
  9. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    :confused: This is what I think the UK parks will be like I’m so discombobulated about it all. Would really like to go to a park soon. But if ride ops are so abysmal will it ruin the day.
  10. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    Re PPE at work places. My local Starbucks opened last week. (I’m happy happy) (and they still remember my drink choice ?) They only running drive through at min. But noticed the 3 staff there , working behind the counter had no PPE. Perspex screen at collection point window. ?
  11. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    So you can go to park but don’t laugh scream breath? Oh dear
  12. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    Sunday morning good news, ? The oxford vaccine trial going a bit adrift tho as they say the virus is so low in the population, those testing the vaccine are not being exposed to the virus maybe this virus will die out before they can actually get a vaccine to kill it
  13. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    looks like visits to French parks from UK are a no no for the time being People arriving in France from the UK will have to self-isolate for 14 days from 8 June, the French government has announced.
  14. BlueSonicHD

    Phantasialand | F. L. Y. | Vekoma Launched Flying Coaster | 2020

    ? Surgical masks in short supply... everyone turns up with a vacuum cleaner bag on their head
  15. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    Corner Coffee Party ! including caramel triangles ? I cant imagine Towers entrance plaza with everyone 2m apart trying to get through the turn styles, can see it taking hours just to get into park :confused: will probably have to set up a queuing system into the coach park will have sold...
  16. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    If. If most uk parks open on the the 4th July Can we claim this as our Independence Day ☺ Claim our freedom from the tyranny of lockdown
  17. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    wow so a week after we bring ours in everyone lifts theirs . ? ? I just dont even :rolleyes:
  18. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    ? I'm sure Sturgeon would love to force quarantine all the English coming into Glasgow ?
  19. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    I sill cant make words to think about this, would love to see the advice gov is acting on to bring this in who how what , so many online shouting its completely stupid and the gov cant see this? :rolleyes: this is 1st press brief ive looked at in ages, wont be watching any more ?
  20. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    Ive been told that by many people ? Im still at a loss that the UK gov are still going on with 14-day quarantine for people flying in. and to then self isolate. we could be taking thousands and thousands of people flying in, spreading throughout the land, and then someone is going to check...