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  1. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    how are we suppose to function normally when they keep changing there minds on everything so often :( My heads spinning,
  2. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    Cos Towers are the sensible ones. As there’s no transmission of the virus from asymptomatic people masks are a bit pointless ?‍♂️
  3. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    And Chester zoo opens
  4. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    maybe this will be better
  5. BlueSonicHD

    Tony’s Chocolonely Chocolate Circus | Zaandam Netherlands | Indoor Park

    The salted caramel one is lush ? And it’s on offer in Sainsbury’s so even better ?
  6. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    As long as infections keep low they will probably scrap the quarantine. They can claim as infection are not rising and the science we can do this. ... If this is true it’s massive. asymptomatic people do not spread covid
  7. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    True. As I also see the Mirror are reporting we will be able to travel accrosc Europe by July
  8. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    sorry double post but... Telegraph reports theme parks may be allowed to reopen very soon. In that case, so should zoos. They’re also open-air attractions where social distancing is easy to manage. And unlike parks, they have an important conservation function. Do it or they may have to close...
  9. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    Oakwood mention there is a debate in parlement later this week about zoo re opening, heres to hoping MP listen and get their act together
  10. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    seems a bit odd with masks, saying some rides may need them, so you have to put them on and then its ok to remove them throughout the day ?‍♂️ put the virus infected mask in your pocket then put it back on to ride and infect everything you touch, including yourself ? looks like still cant...
  11. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    o_O I forgot about IKEA, I need some meatballs and candles, also running low on those free little pencils I can put in a draw for emergencies
  12. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    I still cant understand why they wont let a zoo open, but we can go and buy a new car
  13. BlueSonicHD

    Phantasialand | F. L. Y. | Vekoma Launched Flying Coaster | 2020

    ?‍♂️ unless they were lies, and having you on., they just want the ride to themselves, its real !
  14. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    thanks, one of the downsides of having a very large family for me is the situation ... I guess one thing all these riots will show is do we need to social distance or not the figures will be in two weeks, will there be a spike in infection or not ?‍♂️
  15. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    there is no way the UK gov can justify any of the lockdown measures now, juts seen pictures from London protests yet I'm not allowed to attend my nanas funeral next week :mad: just makes me feel ? the sooner 2020 ends the better
  16. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    And who are going to supply all these masks. 7 billion masks per day for the entire global population :rolleyes:
  17. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    :eek: Mands would be mortified to hear you say that, there is that nice garden feature near icon :p
  18. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    what happens if you are midway on your journey and you loose your mask ?‍♂️ all these questions so little time now a waiting game to see what the UK parks take on this is 4 weeks and counting
  19. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    Im glad I dont have to use public transport, and there would be no way now, how many know how to use PPE facemasks correctly, the amount of infection accumulated on the front of a mask is huge, so easy to spread around when people are constantly touching and readjusting the mask pulling it...
  20. BlueSonicHD

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    So Blackpool Pleasure Beach can open. We can go and look at Mandy’s fountains ?