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  1. Aaron

    Ever Caught A Peep Vandalizing?

    Re: HAHA I've never seen a peep vandalise! I just assumed it was something that just happened based on your park rating! I'm gonna have to look out for this one lol
  2. Aaron

    Holiday World | Mammoth | Water Coaster

    Re: Mammoth, water coaster for Holiday World I saw water coaster and thought "oo not seen one of those for a while!" I clicked on the video and saw a water slide. I realise it's only a rendering but it looks really boring, and I can't see anywhere they could possibly claim you'd get negative...
  3. Aaron

    Can Theming Ruin A Coaster?

    As a big lover of theming this is a very interesting subject for me What you said about Thirteen certainly struck a chord with me too mark, for such a massive effort in the theming (they re-did the whole area for it!) it really does not pay off. Can't polish a turd and all... lol But I still...
  4. Aaron

    Best Horror Mazes in London?

    The Dungeons is good fun and probably the best done (can you tell I used to work for merlin? lol) it's very detailed and you can learn stuff while having a good laugh at the black humour they use, plus there's a couple of good rides in there too (credit?) I've not been since their new ride...
  5. Aaron

    Man goes blind after riding "Harry Potter coaster"

    The closest I've come to being hit by anything on a coaster is when I rode The Big One in a hailstorm (which started after the lift hill so we had no choice) and that hurt! I would like to add, I found the following statements probably a bit too loleriffic... (EDIT: it also seems despite not...
  6. Aaron

    Zooom at Flamingo Land opens!

    ha, check me out not paying attention... So accompanied there is no restriction then? ... "Luke, cred!"
  7. Aaron

    Zooom at Flamingo Land opens!

    Looks cool, the layout looks pants if I'm honest, but it's for kids so I'll let them off The theme looks brilliant, I love the idea of the runway as the loading platform! Do you know what the height restriction is? (accompanied too?)
  8. Aaron

    GF Costume Competition: HAVE YOUR VOTE! LIVE!

    Cripes! Fast shops! :lol: It's so hard to choose, there are some really good costumes here, Two Face looks good, but is very similar to Mark's last year, although more specific so an honourable mention to Leigh I do like the mario one, (though I heard that Peach and Luigi were also...
  9. Aaron

    GF 666: Curse of the Omen - Trip Reports!

    Late, but better late than never. Leigh, what a bloody amazing video, seriously. OMG. Well done, your effort was well worth the final product!
  10. Aaron

    Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

    HA I'm back again... wow. So, yeah I've been trolling the towers times forums for ages... oh, sorry, TRAWLING... I have to LOL at some of their suggestions, and yet I come here and it's just as fun! A little point to note, did anyone else but me spot that in the background of one of those...
  11. Aaron

    "Get Yer Mumbos Out" (FL/LWV) trip reports

    Minibump for some good news... I've hit upon a conversion that renders my video clips usable in Vegas, so if all goes well, I will be bringing a video to the party soon!
  12. Aaron

    Swine Flu = Draanks

    A group of friends and I tried that recently (we have access to lots of purell) seriously, these prisoners must really be desperate, because that stuff stings like a bee!
  13. Aaron

    Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

    Well from those pictures alone, I'm excited! Look at that view, it's gonna be amazing to be rushing through the forest like that, like the ultimate, but hopefully less painful!
  14. Aaron

    Phone Apps

    Sorry, but :lol: I have loads of apps, I can't stop downloading them... some of the best I have are; FML - great for schadenfreude, and quick cheap laughs Ragdoll Blast - great physics based game TapTap Revenge 2 - awesome guitar hero like game, plus it's free! JellyCar - simply...
  15. Aaron

    Ride stations you would move into

    It's blatantly gotta be the Hollywood Tower Hotel... That or Haunted Mansion (FL)
  16. Aaron


    no, the water is not designed to slow the train down, merely to look good!
  17. Aaron

    Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

    And, if they're doing anything similar to Hex, from what the concept art looks like, that will fit in perfectly!
  18. Aaron

    Derren Brown

    LOL, I thought that too!
  19. Aaron


    I think that at the moment, B&M are the only manufacturer who have used scoops on the trains to effectively throw a load of water into the air for visual effect. It doesn't change the ride at all, it just looks pretty! It's surprising that more coasters haven't done it, but it requires a...
  20. Aaron

    Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

    It's not a reverse tilt in Everest, the track does not tilt at all, the train moves to a section, while a section behind, or in front of the position rotates. I hope it is something exciting, but how many more world's firsts can there really be?