Giga Poster
I've tried finding if this topic was discussed prior & nothing really fitted it completely so here we go
Wiegand Summer Toboggan runs do you consider this a cred or not & why? Certainly interested to hear people's thoughts below especially @nadroJ
Well personally I do, Why?
Well to start it's very similar to the mountain coaster model with the only difference being that you aren't fixed to a track when you leave the lift, it coasts ofc & it's very much similar to bobsleds made by Mack/Intamin just with single 'trains' with the ability to control you're speed.
At the end of they day it's all personal to each person but interested to see how it swing's
Thoughts, feeling's, comments below
POV incase you aren't familiar with the model
Wiegand Summer Toboggan runs do you consider this a cred or not & why? Certainly interested to hear people's thoughts below especially @nadroJ
Well personally I do, Why?
Well to start it's very similar to the mountain coaster model with the only difference being that you aren't fixed to a track when you leave the lift, it coasts ofc & it's very much similar to bobsleds made by Mack/Intamin just with single 'trains' with the ability to control you're speed.
At the end of they day it's all personal to each person but interested to see how it swing's
Thoughts, feeling's, comments below
POV incase you aren't familiar with the model