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Youtube muting protest.


Staff member
I know a few people are having problems with YouTube muting their videos.

This ISN'T YouTube's fault in all honesty, it's the ageing music industry behemoths unable to move with the times. They're looking for revinue streams off YouTube users, failing to notice that the YouTube users are actually giving them much better advertising and recognition than they would otherwise get.

So, instead of ranting about it on here in the bad news topic (I was on the internet in seconds to record my displeasure) - let's do something about it.

What I would propose, is that you remove all your muted videos off YouTube. That's the first move.

Next, record over the video you created. The recording is simply you talking. Make it polite, and fact like - not a rant. Say something like (this for the Warwick CF Meet I did):

"Hi, this video used to have the excellent Scrooged music by Danny Elfman on it. Sadly, Universal Music Group said this wasn't allowed. Fair enough, they claim it is hitting their revenue streams. Like many muted YouTube videos the original was muted.

I disagree, so let's REALLY hit them in the revenue stream! Simply stop buying music sold by the Universal Music Group. Stop buying anything produced by Danny Elfman. Show your support for their silly, archaic ways - stop buying their music. It's going to be tough, as we love their music, and usually buy it - but if we stop buying, then maybe they'll start listening - listening to the great music we use on our videos which gives others a chance to discover, and buy, it. Now, please enjoy the rest of this silent protest".

In the title and tags, but the name of the artist (Danny Elfman, Scrooged Theme). In the description, put the same, but also - protest note against Universal Music Group Muting YouTube.

If it catches on, then anyone searching for that group, will start to get lots of people on YouTube saying "don't buy this music". It may take a while, but if it can snowball, then you may have a chance of starting a quiet revolution from within YouTube itself. They can't take the video down for legal reasons, as all you're doing is stating facts and it's you're own work.

So, anyone up for it? (at the very least, people can moan in here rather than the bad news topic :lol: ).
They not only muted my video, they deleted it, just because of the music. What made it worse was I didn't have the file on my computer anymore, so I lost the 4000 odd views it had.
Ollie said:
My videos are all fine. :p
That's great, couple of mine use copyrighted material though so aren't fine - certainly not forever...

I'm going to do some recording and uploading over the next few days :)
I think you guys know my problems with WMG mutings.

The disput option has gone :(

Removing the music actually destroys videos when they are timed. That I spend WEEKS creating.
I think mine don't get muted as the music I use isn't from CD's or iTunes. And they're songs that not many people have heard off.
I'm joining the protest in the protest of people protesting in the Bad news topic about YouTube muting their videos.

I guess I need to get a YouTube account.
I'm in.

All of mine are fine on YouTube, but I'm joining the protest anyway.
I've never had any of my video's muted, but I got my most viewed video (15000+ views) deleted without warning, because of a copyright claim. It's times like these when I hate record labels.
Actually, none of my music is legal either.

So I guess I can't stop something I've never done! :lol:
I don't understand the obsession of getting so many views. It's the reason I stopped using Bebo as I kept getting 'COME oNTo MY paGE aNd YEWl get 1miLLion page Views!!' It's not like it'll make your penis grow bigger.

I'd rather get less people view my videos but someone who actually cares about it instead of some randomer who clicked a wrong link.
Yeah, they're really taking the piss now - I'm in!

They muted my "top 5 rollercoasters" video which was pumping up 2.5K views. It's dated nearly 2 years anyway; but seriously it's wrecked my entire production :evil:

So yeah count me in guys :)
Well, all you need to do is delete (or just re-upload) the video as I put above and make a stand. It's got to be the users who do it - just remember, YouTube are just covering themselves legally. It's the music companies need to be made suffer :)
Rush said:
I don't understand the obsession of getting so many views. It's the reason I stopped using Bebo as I kept getting 'COME oNTo MY paGE aNd YEWl get 1miLLion page Views!!' It's not like it'll make your penis grow bigger.

I'd rather get less people view my videos but someone who actually cares about it instead of some randomer who clicked a wrong link.

You can get money from views?

YouTube has the partner program.. and quite a few members get healthy doses of cash just for posting videos.
Ah ok. That's something I didn't know.

What I meant was the casual YouTube users though.
Lol I'm working towards getting on that Partner program. I'm about halfway there now which is good. :D
I'm in. Added Captions to my muted video. Luckily it had less views than most of my other videos, bt it's a pain in the ass nonetheless.
Lol. I haven't checked back many of my videos so just found one that has been muted.
It's not too big a deal. But is a tad annoying.
So yeah. I might as well join. :p