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Your Scare Maze!


Roller Poster
As it is Halloween, I thought I would create this topic!

If you could create your own scare maze concept, what would it be?

Happy Halloween!

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^Oooooohhhhh that would be cool but im not a big fan of batman but not alot of people like saw and that does well at Thorpe Park .
Oo what about a night mare on elm street? Just think, you could be walking through scary rooms and Freddy could be stalking you and lurking in the shadows! Then for the finale, he jumps out and takes a swing, then you run out of the exit.

Woah, scary ;-)

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Re: Re: Your Scare Maze!

owenrita121 said:
Well i would do a paranormal activity one as that seems to be all the rage now .
An arkham asylum scare maze could work.

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coastergeek14 said:
Oo what about a night mare on elm street? Just think, you could be walking through scary rooms and Freddy could be stalking you and lurking in the shadows! Then for the finale, he jumps out and takes a swing, then you run out of the exit.

Woah, scary ;-)

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Yer and every turn you go around it always say elm street .
Yeah, and Freddy could sometimes touch you and hide away.
To make you feel even more scared it could be that you have to go through the maze alone, (once someone gets to a certain point another gets let in) So there would have to be more than one actor playing Freddy.

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Freddie's been done.

I want a Batman one damn it!

Have it be that you're visiting Arkham, then have Scarecrow break out <3 And then you can have fear gas versions of all the other villains coming to get you. It'd be, so good.
I would do one all about obesity. Throughout the maze people will shove burgers and stuff in your mouth, so by the time you come out, you will be obese! :--D
I REALLY loved the premise of Experiment 10, but I'd like to see it taken to a further extreme. The isolation chambers, people shouting in your face etc, would be a LOT more effective if they could just spend more time 'working' on you. I know in the real world this isn't exactly plausible and they need to try and maximise throughput and that, but yeah, I'd like to see that.

Also, a Jaws sort of thing? The ride still scares me and I think a walk through on a boat could work REALLY well. With something like, you know that scene in Free Willy where he's in the underwater viewing tank and the lightning flashes and you just SEE the whale and it's creepy as ****? Yeah, imagine that, but with sharks. Maybe even a cage-diving simulation? I don't know exactly how you'd do it, but it could be awesome.
I have no Idea what it'd be themed to but my house would make a good scare maze.

What could make a good scare maze is something themed to walking through a war-zone with people shooting at you and Corpses and heavily injured people would get up, touch you and tell you to take them home or heal them.
My scare maze would be bassed on The Freezer (Thorpe Parks first major Fright Night Maze)
And it would still be called The Freezer
I thought that if I were to have a scare maze, it would be in pitch black, and give the guests torches of some kind to hold onto as a way of seeing their way around the maze.

That way, the actors would literally appear out of the dark when the light is shon on them... and I guess each go through the maze would be slightly different since the guest is in control.

Obviously the torch would not be so bright as to blind the actors. Still...a pretty scary concept methinks
I'd love to do a proper "haunting" style maze. A trip through a twisted nightmare house - without actors. I'm not a big fan of mazes, mostly because "Bob from Staines, 22, actor, unemployed 9 months of the year and wearing a rubber mask" isn't scary.

A proper psychological walkthrough that plays on fears of the unknown. Dark twisted corridors with lights that suddenly go out behind you (kind of running out down the corridor) with loud bangs as each section goes dark; rooms full of dipping water and decay; plank walks over abysses (using mirror technology to convey the feeling of height - you know the trick); rooms that suddenly become chill and with drafts as the light goes down; rooms that suddenly appear to burst into flames behind you, offering just one way out.

Essentially the feeling you're being pursued ever deeper into a nightmare world by unseen malevolence. I'd also love to be able to work out a way of splitting up a party, so that people are forced down different paths. The idea that others in your group are vanishing could be good, but being separated and outcast on your own would be even better. You could run concurrent paths then with maybe one way mirrors with effects to make it look like the lost party is in hell, and mics and speakers that distorts the other party's cries for help.

Etc, etc, etc...
A proper psychological walkthrough that plays on fears of the unknown. Dark twisted corridors with lights that suddenly go out behind you (kind of running out down the corridor) with loud bangs as each section goes dark; rooms full of dipping water and decay; plank walks over abysses (using mirror technology to convey the feeling of height - you know the trick); rooms that suddenly become chill and with drafts as the light goes down; rooms that suddenly appear to burst into flames behind you, offering just one way out.

Surely they would be cheaper to run in the long run too, so are more practical for long term attractions? I hope we see something like this one day. I've certainly thought about it before.