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Your personal faves..


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Do you have a list of your personal favourite coaster(s)? ro do you just find it too dificult to decide?

care to share your list?

Mine: (the top[ 3 practically writes itself...)

1 - Superman / la Atraccin de Acero
Really blew me away - smooth, lovely inversions - not intense, but very very rideable

2 - Black Mamba
Was expecting this to be between nemesis and inferno, but it just tops nemesis imo. Rather bizarrely the first drop isn't great, but the rest of the ride is!

3 - Nemesis
Still great after akll these years

4 - Ultimate
rough and intense, but such good fun

5 - Troy
sublime pacing, great first drop and lovely pops of airtime throughout

6 - Oblivion
is there a better "one trick" coaster out there? (actually,. I think you get a nice pop of air on the tuurn at the end as well)

7 - Speed: No Limits
quite intense, and definitely worth a few goes in a day (if not necessarily ome after the other..)

8 - Revenge of the Mummy
those launches are great, and the effects make it even better

9 - Colorado Adventure
the second best family coaster (after troy)

10- Wild Mouse (bpb)
one of the few rtides that gets occasional yikes's from me!
My Top 5

1 - Expedition GeForce - There is a reason why this is voted as one of the best coasters in the world. It's just everything I want from a coaster.

2 - Oblivion - This is quite possibly one of the scariest coasters in the world. The drop is just amazing.

3 - Rita - I love everything about this ride. I don't find it rough at all.

4 - Jubilee Odyssey - The drop on this thing is amazing, the pacing is a bit off but the inversions are all really intense.

5 - Nemesis - I'm not sure whether I prefer this or Inferno, but I've got to ride Inferno again to decide. I think it is really overrated but it is still a very intense ride with great themeing.
My #1 is Dragon Kahn

Great coaster, nice theme, intense, fast, loads of inversions and in a great park!
1. Boulder Dash
2. El Toro
3. Maverick
4. Superman: Ride of Steel (SFNE)
5. Voyage
6. Ravine Flyer II
7. Griffon/Sheikra
8. Alpengeist
9. Montu
10. Top Thrill Dragster

There ya go. :p
1- El Toro
2- Maverick
3- Fahrenheit
4- Storm Runner
5- Kingda Ka
6- Top Thrill Dragster
7- SheiKra
8- Montu
9- Talon
10- Millennium Force
1 - Dragon Khan: B&M at it's best, very intense, forceful, smooth, huge, atmospheric, and most of all good fun!

2 - Nemesis: Unique, forceful, excellent theming, nothing else like it in the world.

3 - Furius Baco: Intense launch, massive dose of ejector, amazing inline twist, unique trains, superb theming and situation.

4 - Space Mountain Mission 2: Epic, outstanding theming, unpredictable layout, nice inversions, great effects.

5 - Nemesis Inferno: Forceful, fun, re-ridable, nice theming, smooth as silk, good compact layout.

6 - Oblivion: B&M floater, smasing drop, intimidating, clever theming.

7 - Big Thunder Mountain (DLRP): Possibly the greatest family coaster of all time, insane indoor drop section, beautiful theming, surprisingly fast, very re-ridable.

8 - Colossus: Forceful first half, gimmicky second half, plenty of inversions, probably the nearest thing to Dragon Khan in the country, nice colour scheme, great theming.

9 - Air: Unique, smooth, awesome drop under the bridge, it's a flying experience which works well, no OTT intensity.

10 - Indiana Jones (DLRP): Great compact layout, very forceful loop, intense finale, fantastic theming and interaction, re-ridable.
1. Xcelerator
2. Oblivion
3. Space Mountain (California)
4. Hulk
5. California Screamin'
6. Nemesis Inferno
7. Wild Mouse (Blackpool)
8. Dragon's Fury
9. Kraken
10. Rock 'n' Rollercoaster (MGM/Hollywood Studios)

It's been like that for ages though hopefully I should be able to get at least 3 more in there by the end of the year.
I don't really keep an exact record of it, so answering these kind of topics and voting in polls can be pretty inconsistant with me, but....

1. T-Express - Amazing first drop. More moments of airtime than any other coaster I've tried so far.

2. Steel Dragon 2000 - It's far from the "best" coaster technically. In fact, the layout is pretty dull on paper, but I just love it, despite the ugliest trains on the planet.

3. Pyrennees - Awesome invert. Can't see any others that I think would be better.

4. Kawasemi - Loads of airtime, very rerideable and loads of fun.

5. Eagle Fortess - Really deserves the hype and attention it's been getting recently.

6. Fujiyama - My number 1 for a very long time. Probably slipped because I haven't ridden it for ages.

7. Atlantis Adventure - Best "small" coaster I've ever been on. Great launch/top hat, decent airtime and one of the best-themed coasters on the planet.

8. Phaethon - The most rerideable B&M I've been on. Insanely smooth with a great layout, plus decent height and length.

9. Oblivion/G5 - Can't really decide which is better, but love both of them.

10. Gravity Max - Yes, it's a gimmick, but a fantastic one. Nothing else like it.
This is a difficult choice but I do have a top 3 list:

1. Superman Escape - Simply the best accelerator coaster I've been on (out of the 5 :D) and it's been my top coaster for 3 years!

Equal No 2. Dragon Khan & Colossos (Heide Park) - Both amazing coasters and I can't decide where to put them but they are in my top three!

Not sure what to put after those but the rest would include Nemesis & Oblivion :D
Here goes!

1: SpeedMonster. My first launched coaster, and first with inversions. Also, it has airtime in every imaginable direction, and looks really good too.

2: Piraten. I think it could have hit the top spot hadn't it been for rain, and the fact that I only rode in the middle seats. Lots of airtime on this one.

3: ThunderCoaster. This used to really be one beast of a ride. But still, even the GCI retrack can't hide the fact that this was built for monstrous airtime, and it partially delivers still.

4: Thor's Hammer. Airtime, turns and is generally fun.

5: Loopen. Just because there are no more coasters to add here.
This is my top five, which is a definite:

1) El Toro
2) Maverick
3) Kingda Ka
4) Dragster
5) Shivering Timbers

And 6-10 which is kind of not a definite but are other honorable mentions:

6) Millennium Force
7) Behemoth
8) Nitro
9) Dominator
10) Medusa
1. Dragon Khan, Port Aventura, Spain
2. Nemesis, Alton Towers, UK
3. Anaconda, Gold reef City, South Africa.
4. Stunt Fall, Parque Warner, Spain
5 Superman la Attraction de Acero, Parque warner, Madrid.
6. Nemesis Inferno, Thorpe Park, UK
7. Abismo, Parque Attracciones, Spain
8. Oblivion, Alton Towers, UK
9. Megafobia, Oakwood, UK
10. Knightmare, camelot, UK

Have trips to Scandinavia and America this year, so clearly thats going to change rapidly over the next 6 months.

Also off to ride my baby Anaconda again this year. While Im there I hope to god Tower of Terror is open, if its as ****ing awesome as it looks, it'll be my new number 1, I reckon.
1. Millie
2. Voyage
3. Tennessee Tornado
4. Maverick
5. Dragster
This is my top five and it is likly to change this year.
I havn't been on too many...thats why ive got a bit of a limited top 10 :)

1. Stealth, Thorpe Park
2. Oblivion, Alton Towers
3. Nemesis Inferno, Thorpe Park
4. Nemesis, Alton Towers
5. Air, Alton Towers
6. Kraken, SeaWorld Orlando
7. Corkscrew, Alton Towers
8. Colossus, Thorpe Park
9. Spinball Whizzer, Alton Towers
10. Rita QOS, Alton Towers