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Your favourite MCBR entries and exits

Matt N

CF Legend
Hi guys. MCBRs, or mid-course brake runs if you're not into abbreviation, are often used on coasters as a way of increasing capacity. Enthusiasts often bemoan their inclusion due to them breaking the flow of the ride, but sometimes, their exits can provide surprising opportunities for airtime or force. So as much as this might seem like a random question, I'd be keen to know; what are some of your favourite MCBR exits on a roller coaster? What mid-course brake run exits add a surprisingly fun element to their respective rides?

I'll get the ball rolling with my own answers.

In terms of my own answers, I have 2 rides in mind.
  • The first that comes to mind is the MCBR exit on Silver Star at Europa Park. I love this one because it provides a surprising moment of strong ejector upon exiting the MCBR wherever you're seated in the train, and this can really catch you off guard if you're not anticipating it, as you can possibly tell by the rider screaming when it occurs in the below POV! (If the timestamp hasn't moved already, go to 2:49):
  • The second that comes to mind is actually Saw The Ride at Thorpe Park. I like this MCBR exit because like Silver Star above, it offers a really surprising moment of strong ejector; you really fly out of your seat when exiting the MCBR on this! (If the timestamp hasn't moved already, go to 1:47):
But what are some of your favourite MCBR exits?
This is such a weirdly specific topic, I love it. Agree with you on Silver Star, it's a fantastic yank and great to have variety on a B&M hyper from the usual gradual floaty airtime.

Slight twist on your topic but I'm going to nominate my favourite entry to a MCBR and that's Alpengeist. The snap as the train straightens up is so snappy, wonky and uncomfortable but I love it. Almost a Gerst esque transition but it's on a majestic B&M.
The exit from Saw's final MCBR is incredible - so punchy, and always taken at such pace too.

Really I can't think of anything else that is even noteworthy. The only other one which vaguely springs to mind is Colossos' straight section (not even sure if it is a MCBR?), as that's when the ride kicks back up a gear.
Love stuff like this. You've pretty much nailed the first two that came into my head as well. From memory none of the other hypers have topped that Silver Star MCBR moment, which is one of the main reasons it has remained amongst the better ones for me. The Saw one is just plain ridiculous and I feel like it didn't always used to do that, it's got better with age.

Junker was the third one that popped into mind.

Followed by Dragon Khan's entry.

I'm sure there's more.
Yeah, +1 for Silver Star from me, and Saw, although the latter is almost a little too aggressive for me. The entry into Dragon Khan's at the front is also pretty fab, with the exit being quite snappy towards the back.
Well it's Steel Vengeance innit. S'obvious. I found the double up into the brake run to be some of the most powerful airtime on the ride, and then the drop off of the other end is pretty damn forceful too, especially if the brakes didn't pinch.
Weirdly, the MCBR doesn't interrupt the 'flow' of the ride like I feared it would. Before riding I'd watch the POV and think 'Yeah it looks good but it's a shame about that brake run' but on the day it was absolutely fine. A timely moment of reflection before being flung headlong into the madness that is the second half.
Love stuff like this. You've pretty much nailed the first two that came into my head as well. From memory none of the other hypers have topped that Silver Star MCBR moment, which is one of the main reasons it has remained amongst the better ones for me. The Saw one is just plain ridiculous and I feel like it didn't always used to do that, it's got better with age.

Junker was the third one that popped into mind.

Followed by Dragon Khan's entry.

I'm sure there's more.
I would actually say that the exit from Dragon Khan's mcbr is even more spectacular: fast, snappy and loaded with positive G's. Dragon Khan is one of the few rides where the mcbr feels like an integral part of the experience and actually enhance the ride!
My favourite MCBR exit is/used to be Khan's. Around the 2010s DK MCBR didn't even touch the train so it flew by resulting in a very snappy transition, diving to the right with immense speed. It is amazing!

As for entry, I don't recall any coaster being note-worthy for having a memorable MCBR entry.
The mid course break AND lift at Olympia Looping. This has never been used to its full potential. In Planet Coaster I prefer these way over trim brakes.
Easy: Saw.

My least favourite however is Speed's, it's quite an ear-knobbly rattle up and to the left.

I can describe it in two ways: a) it's just finding a way to get up to it as quickly as possible, and b) it's like someone clicked autocomplete to get from the loop to the MCBR.
Can I vote for my least favourite? The one on Steel Vengeance that has that horrible unbanked turn.