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You want to like it... But you can't

Darren B

Giga Poster
So here is the issue.... I love B&M coasters, It looks and sounds beautiful, Everyone i go to Thorpe Park with loves it, Ive tried it in pretty much every seat, I really want to love it....... But i just dont like Nemesis Inferno! Everytime i get off it it makes me feel dizzy and light headed.

Is it just me or does anybody else have this type of issue with a rollercoaster?
I only coaster I kinda have this issue with is Speed @ Oakwood. Everyone seems to love it, apart from me. I think its too intense and I always come off it with my heading feeling likes its about to explode.

Therefore <///3
Superman @ GreatAdventure! I just hate the ride. I used to like it and all of my friends like it but I just want to burn it and put up anything else!! I'd happily take (almost) anything else than it!!
jjjjustin said:
Superman @ GreatAdventure! I just hate the ride. I used to like it and all of my friends like it but I just want to burn it and put up anything else!! I'd happily take (almost) anything else than it!!

This actually - I openly despised the ride. I was a bit miffed because I was expecting something much better than air, but it turned out to be really unpleasant.

Speed at Oakwood = same as Martyn B.

Other than that, I'm generally pretty coaster hardy.
DarrenBloomfield said:
But i just dont like Nemesis Inferno! Everytime i get off it it makes me feel dizzy and light headed.
Same for me! I haven't tried to "love" it (sounds dirty :p) and I have only rode it two times, but it all it did was making me dizzy..
Kingda Ka, I wanted to get off of it and have that same feeling that I had the first time I rode Stealth. But it was just.......good. Very good, but not great =[
^I get that. I LOVED the first ride, but the second ride very soon after revealed it to be the one-trick pony that it actually is.

I really wanted to love Nitro, but was a bit disappointed. When I first started getting a bit geeky about coasters, and looking at pictures of coasters from parks I hadn't been to, Nitro really stood out for some reason, and it turned into a "must-ride" coaster for me. It is a good coaster, but my expectations of it were too high I guess.

It was a similar thing with Phantom's Revenge as well. Good, but not what I'd hoped for at all. Actually, I'd say the same for Kennywood as a whole. I wanted to love it, but couldn't actually stand the place.
Shivering Timbers.

Anyone who rode it that day knows why. It looks so imposing.. epic.. and it had decent airtime.. but from all the hype that came with the ride.. to be THAT underwhelmed surprised me severely.
gavin said:
^I get that. I LOVED the first ride, but the second ride very soon after revealed it to be the one-trick pony that it actually is.
I agree with this too. The launch is great and the view from the tower is rather epic, but it's a bit too rough and pointless really.

gavin said:
It was a similar thing with Phantom's Revenge as well. Good, but not what I'd hoped for at all. Actually, I'd say the same for Kennywood as a whole. I wanted to love it, but couldn't actually stand the place.
My problem with Phantom's Revenge was how short it was. The first drop and that massive dive under Thunderbolt are awesome, but the rest of the ride felt a little too soft and short. I kinda felt like it had a kick-ass start, then just fizzled out. It's a shame really.
^I get that. I LOVED the first ride, but the second ride very soon after revealed it to be the one-trick pony that it actually is.

But.... isn't Stealth the same? Dont know if its just me, but I think Stealth is great, and I love whoring the single rider queue.

However, I would imagine that the sheer speed of Ka would make it more... un-enjoyable than Stealth, maybe?
LiveForTheLaunch said:
Agree there. Also the biggest one for me is X2. Heard so much hype over it and was expecting a top 10 coaster and didn't get that at all. Good ride, but nothing great to me.
Martyn B said:
^I get that. I LOVED the first ride, but the second ride very soon after revealed it to be the one-trick pony that it actually is.

But.... isn't Stealth the same? Dont know if its just me, but I think Stealth is great, and I love whoring the single rider queue.

However, I would imagine that the sheer speed of Ka would make it more... un-enjoyable than Stealth, maybe?
They're both crappy really. I haven't ridden Stealth recently enough, but from what I remember it's fairly smooth. Kingda Ka isn't really that smooth. Honestly I think both are one trick ponies, but at least Kingda Ka's trick is more awesome than Stealth's.
^Now see, I ADORE Stealth. I think the launch packs a real punch every time, the airtime on the tophat is wonderful and floaty, and the speed descending the tophat is intense and I always hit the break run feeling a real rush. I could ride it again and again, I love the thing. But with Ka, the launch was too long so it didn't give that 'oomph!' that Stealth has, breaching the tophat there was no airtime at all and you sort of just crawl over it. The descent is probably the best bit but because it fails to deliver in all of it's elements I was just really let down by Ka.
EGF fits for me in this topic... Something you have herd is absolutely amazing and a ride that is all what you are looking for in a good ride, I mean you really have to love it, but when you get then chance of riding it yourself you get a massive let down, rubbish first drop, no real airtime and the train really crawls around the track....
omg, Ka is amazing.

I'd have to say EGF and Superman/Bizarro for me here. They should be AMAZING, and they're "good", but, Darien Lake's Superman is ACTUALLY better, and Goliath **** all over ALL of them from a massive, massive height. I want to be all annoying and say they're the best things ever, but, they're really, really not...

Also, Nemesis.
Also the biggest one for me is X2. Heard so much hype over it and was expecting a top 10 coaster and didn't get that at all. Good ride, but nothing great to me.

Have to disagree with this, I got off X2 thinking just wow. I thought it was brilliant.

On to the rides I think are relevant to this topic, the Ultimate has to be one. It just looks so epic and has so much hype, then I rode it, and I just didn't like it very much to be honest. Another one is Tatsu for me, I thought it was very good, but I just didn't think it was amazing. Also got it with Incredible Hulk, I had such high expectations, but, maybe from riding coasters all week, it just didn't wow me.
Alpengeist - Seeing as this ride is the thing of legend amongst many enthusiasts, I (perhaps foolishly) had great expectations. Unfortunately, I came off the ride thinking, 'was that it?’ There were too many dead spots for my liking. It lacked the intensity that I had heard so much about. It just went through the motions. I really wanted to love this ride, hence the extreme disappointment.

Expedition Ge Force (or as I like to call it, Expedition Trim Force) - Apparently it's 'die besten Achterbahn der Welt.'
I really wished it lived up to the hype that the coaster fraternity has been shovelling on it over the years. But for me it was one big 'ole fail. Started off well with a great first drop and a nice pop of air on the hill that follows. After that I fell asleep, although I did wake up for the 'trim heavy' finale. Shame, as I really hoped that I could agree that it indeed was the world’s greatest roller coaster. Ah well, at least it fares better than...

Millennium Force (less) - Another coaster that was apparently supposed to be awesome. I finally got around to riding it after years of anticipation, only to fall asleep after the first drop. :p Disappointing aint the word.

Phantom's Revenge - I'd seen this in videos and witnessed coaster enthusiasts drooling at the mouth when talking about it. But after I finally got to take a ride on the 'legendary' Phantom's Revenge, I was left pretty confused. Was this really the awesome ride that folk raved about? Great first drop and some nice bunny hop action. Not much else.

PMBO - I vaguely remember (it has been a few years now :lol:) the anticipation and excitement I felt before taking my maiden voyage on what looked like a behemoth of a ride, only to be left wondering what the hell went wrong after the awesome first drop! This ride is living proof that looks can sometimes be devastatingly deceiving!
Besides being dissapointed by Nemesis Inferno I've to add Expedition GeForce as well. An awesome first drop and an ok firtst hill, but after that the rides is utterly forceless and slow.. Probably the biggest let down ever!