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Yomiuriland | Twist Coaster Robin | Sansei Yusoki Co.


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Yomouri Land in Japan has just come out with an interesting new ride for 2014. It's a custom version of the El Loco rides that have popped up everywhere recently.





Certainly not the greatest layout I've ever seen and looks a bit weird (probably the extra earthquake proof supporting) but its really nice to see S&S branch out a bit from the standard model.

Source: http://vhcoasters.com/
Re: Yomouri Land announces custom S&S El Loco

Why would you buy a Costum El Loco??? The old model is far more compact and has as much to offer to thrill guests.

I'm not a big fan of El Loco's, but they are a great addition for smaller parks.
Re: Yomouri Land announces custom S&S El Loco

I really don't get this, the ride is so ugly, takes up more space than needed, the only way I see this layout looking good is if the ride is extremely well themed.
Re: Yomiuri Land announces custom S&S El Loco

ignace said:
Why would you buy a Costum El Loco??? The old model is far more compact and has as much to offer to thrill guests.

I'm not a big fan of El Loco's, but they are a great addition for smaller parks.

I don't understand why you would get a standard El Loco? I wouldn't call it a small park, underfunded perhaps but its got some big rides. If god forbid I ever owned a theme park theres no way I would ever buy a standard model coaster If I had the option.

It is an odd layout but Hopefully it will provide some good interaction in a way you don't get with the standard model. The park is located in a good hilly area with a lake and large valleys so if they do this properly it could look nice enough even with the extra supports.
Re: Yomiuri Land announces custom S&S El Loco

I never said Yomiuri was a small park, I just think another model is a waste of money, at least on this type of coaster: It is basically the same thing, but not as compact as the other El Loco's. So it seems te me it is a waste of Space and of money.
Re: Yomiuri Land announces custom S&S El Loco

I think we'll have to agree to disagree :p I don't consider it a waste at all. its still not a large ride and it still takes up a small space especially in a park with as much space as this. And for their money they are getting something unique.

The only reason I think this is an odd choice is that Fuji-Q isnt very far and they already have a beyond vertical drop coaster.
Re: Yomiuri Land announces custom S&S El Loco

I've edited the topic title to give the correct name of the park. That vhcoasters site has it wrong.

Anyway, some statistics from the park's website:

Height = 19 meters
Length = 313 meters
Speed = 62km/hr

While I think it's great that they're finally getting a new coaster - the last one was in 2005 and even that was just a kiddy coaster - I'm not exactly thrilled that it's an El Loco.

I'm assuming that it will go on the site where White Canyon used to be. I hope I'm wrong as that would just be a horrible misuse of a large space that could be used for something better in the future.
Re: Yomiuri Land announces custom S&S El Loco

whoops fixed that spelling mistake on the source. My mistake.

It seems Japan has had a distinct lack of coasters recently. They have so many decent sized parks which just don't seem to have any investment. It seems a lot of parks build coasters when they first open and don't get any more for a very long time. Parks like Mitsui Greenland for example haven't seen a big coaster since the 1990s. There are exceptions like Nagashima Spaland and Tobu Zoo but even those haven't see big new rides in a while. (Fuji Q is the obvious exception to all of that)
At the same time many parks seem to be losing their coasters all together (Ikoma Skyland) or shutting up shop completely.

Is this just a cultural thing I wonder or is it an economy based thing?
Re: Yomiuri Land announces custom S&S El Loco

^I was just thinking the exact same thing after having a bit of a RCDB session and thinking about possible trips. Japan has really stagnated over the last 10 years or so.

There are lots of coasters closing down and nothing replacing them. It's insane to me that Tokyo Dome City, for example, only has one coaster left now.

I think that the country just became saturated in the 70s - 90s, and, with a few exceptions, not that many of the coasters they built are actually all that good. Take Nasu Highlands; nine coasters and apart from the drop on Big Boom, they're all basically crap.

The Disney Parks, Universal and Fuji Q all seem to very busy pretty much all the time. Nagashima Spaland pulls in some high gate figures as well, but the other parks never seem to get many people through the gates. I was able to do Tobu Zoo and Yomiuriland on the same day, including multiple rerides on Bandit and Kawasemi as everything was walk-on, and this was on a Saturday with amazing weather. It was the same with Nasu Highlands. It was the height of summer, sunny, and a Saturday, but the place was dead.
Re: Yomiuri Land announces custom S&S El Loco

It does seem a bit odd.

I would expect there to be more big thriving parks though. There are a lot of decent sized cities that should be able to support a good sized park or two.

For example Nagoya, Sapporo, Fukuoka, Kawasaki, Sendai & Hiroshima all have populations over 1 million (Nagoya is well over 2 million) and between them they have one park that's added anything of note recently (Space World)

Yet Sendai does have 2 parks each with 3 coasters it's just the last one was added in 1990 which just seems insane. It seems the investment just isn't there. The parks are probably not making much money in their current state and therefore without the investment to push them forwards they are slowly closing rides one by one. .

One thing i did notice was Fuji Q advertised a lot in Tokyo. I saw very little if any adverts for any of the other major parks sans Disney.
Re: Yomiuri Land announces custom S&S El Loco

It is absolutely a cultural thing. The Japanese are always following one trend or another, and amusement parks haven't been cool for a while. Since the typical target demo doesn't care about going to a park, the gate suffers, and consequently the capital investment budgets.

Couple that with the legal fallout of the Fujin-Rajin accident, and you have parks dying left and right because they can't afford all the inspections.

Japan was massively overbuilt, amusement park-wise, and this is the resulting self-correction.
Re: Yomiuri Land announces custom S&S El Loco

It doesn't seem to have been mentioned so far, but by the top rendering it looks like this one could have on-board audio. I couldn't find a photo of the trains for this one, but here's one of the new El Loco train with on-board audio that's on display at IAAPA.

Re: Yomiuri Land announces custom S&S El Loco

That looks like it will be much more comfortable than the old El Loco trains!
Re: Yomiuri Land announces custom S&S El Loco

I cruelly love the trains so much. They're really stunning actually.

Sent from my iPhone 5s using Tapatalk.
Re: Yomiuri Land announces custom S&S El Loco

Yomiuriland haven't built a half-decent coaster since Bandit, so it's nice to see they're getting something that'll be good and removing the awful rides.
Re: Yomiuri Land announces custom S&S El Loco

"twist coaster robin"?! Haha, I <3 Japan!

I think we might be about to see a bunch of new coasters appear in Japan. There's been a couple of smaller additions over the last year or so, and it just feels like the stagnation may be coming to an end.
Re: Yomiuri Land | Twist Coaster Robin | S&S El Loco

Lol, what is going on with all the supports? Bizarre attraction.

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Re: Yomiuri Land | Twist Coaster Robin | S&S El Loco


Just found this one too. I assume Its earthquake proofing?
Re: Yomiuri Land | Twist Coaster Robin | S&S El Loco

Incredible. Incredible, that even when purchasing a brand new high quality ride from a well known company, they still manage to make it look all classic Japanese coaster like.

I'm not sure why, but I love it <3