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Would you travel for Brittish coasters...?

Would you be interested in coming to the UK to visit our parks and ride our coasters?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


CF Legend
A question for those who don't live in the UK, mostly...

I was thinking about what the majority of non-Brits think of Brittish parks and coasters. In all honestly, i don't see why they would sound even remoatly interesting to any American.


If you don't live in the UK and could come to the UK and visit our parks, would you?

What would really make you want to come if you are interested in visiting for our parks/coasters?

If you wouldn't be too interested, why...?

And if you live in the UK already, do you think that if you didn't would you want to visit Britian for it's parks/coasters, taking in mind what is said on this forum about them?
If I lived outside the UK I wouldn't visit the UK solely to visit parks/ride coasters but I would make a point in going to a park if I were in the country for a holiday.

Basically I wouldn't come to the UK just to ride our coasters, whereas as I'm sure as many people do I would go to America for instance solely to go to the parks.
I visited AT recently, actually in May. I have been talking a lot about AT coasters lately so this is what I generally think about AT rides. There were many reasons to visit Alton Towers. Not only because of legendary Nemesis but also Oblivion (the only experience of this kind in Europe), same about Air as well as Rita which is a brand new thing. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I live in Poland. I didn't mention that before, did I?
I dunno, might. Id have to save-up a hell of a lot of money since the UK is expensive. So that and the fact thatn the parks are so small would keep me away from a UK park trip any time soon. But yeah, I might do it. A lot of the rides look pretty good, might be worth a trip over there once. But right now theres still a lot more I got to travel to here in the US. Some of its really close too, so Im not about to go over seas.
I wouldnt. I live on the west coast, so there are closer places for me to go to before I go all the way to the UK. I could go to Chicago and SFGAm, then drive over to CP, and ride coasters that are just as good, if not better, than the ones in the UK.
I think the only UK coaster really worth trawling half way across the world for is Nemesis. All the others you can get better versions of elsewhere.

Maybe Megafobia as well, but I haven't actually been on it, so I don't know.
Yes i think they would. Basically because of rides like Oblivion(worlds first vertical drop) Nemesis (Legend) Collosus ( 10 looper). These are what put Britain on the coaster map of the world!!
^Statistically, if they were travelling for anything, it would be megafobia. I HATE it when people compare the UK to the US, the only fair comparison would be europe, and if I was american I'd do all of europe, not one little country..
No, for Oblivion ride Sheikra for Collosus something like Dragon Kahn or Medusa, Nemesis Inferno go ride Batman the ride.

The only truly unique British coaster is Nemesis, and to a lesser extent possibly Air. (Non intense flyer)
I don't think there's anything in the UK, really, that would make American people want to come here! There seems to be a better version of everything we have in the UK, sadly. I always think Americans would get a great shock if they came to Chessington World of Adventures. For rides that pull queues in excess of an hour at times, there seems to be not a lot to do.

Compare one of the biggest parks in England with one of the biggest parks in America... and the parks in America still seem to have smaller queues. I always hear people saying "everything was walk-on except for TTD..." etc. That's not the case in England, everything pulls a more or less even queue, so you just gotta lump it or leave it.
for Oblivion ride Sheikra for Collosus something like Dragon Kahn or Medusa, Nemesis Inferno go ride Batman the ride.

The only truly unique British coaster is Nemesis,
And, who'd travel half way aroudn the world for one coaster...?

Besides, most Americans seem to have little care for themeing, so it's debatable if Nemesis would be so original in the eyes of somone who overlooks theming.
FOR GODS SAKE! HELLO! MEGAFOBIA! Yes, thats right, the fifth best wooden in the world and all you lot are yabbering on about is nemesis... (9th best steel if I'm not mistaken..)
Oh shut up c&r...

Hoenstly, another question for the Americans - what would you rather have plonked in your local park, Nemesis or Megaphobia?

I've never been on Megaphobia c&r, but if it was that f*ckin' amazing the whole board would be shouting and screaming about it.

You're intitled to your opinion, but don't start pushing it on everyone else.
I prefer Megafobia to Nemesis, but neither of them scream WORLD CLASS! to me. I haven't been on any American coasters, but I'd be really saddened if Megafobia was better than most wooden coasters, and if Nemesis was better than most steel coasters. Don't get me wrong, they're great coasters, but I wouldn't expect Americans to come all the way over here just to ride them, and I'd expect American coasters to offer something better!
c&r said:
Yes, thats right, the fifth best wooden in the world

Where are the other 4? Just wondering.

As for the poll, I don't think I would only because none of the coasters are insanely amazing. I would travel to Holiday Park for EGF though.
yes megaphobia rocks... but why even bother with it when there's its biger, faster and longer brother in france :/ (thunder of zuse in park asterix) but yes nemisi is by far one of the best coasters for theaming and it deserves higher than 5th place all round because it's different whenever you ride it, it's very sencitive to weather conditions and because it's so tight the G forces exerted on your body differ greatly to where you sit.

lets face it... if you put nemisi in america it would not even get 10th best ride.. because what makes it great is its setting, the middle of a god damn forest in the middle of seemingly nowhere sund into the bedrock with actual unsculpted rock waterfalls of purple liquid in a place that frequently rains... its such a forboding enviroment and the winds there can send a chill up your spine! can anyone think of a better place to put nemisis?
..c&r seems to think i am not intitled to an opinion of Megaphobia because i havn't ridden it. And is attacking me over msn, he's now blocked....

But let me make this clear....

I havn't ridden DD, but i think it looks cool... and i havn't ridden KK, but hell.. that looks damn cool too! And guess what?! There are tones and tones of coasters i havn't ridden, but i have an opinion of...!!!!


can anyone think of a better place to put nemisis?
Ooooo... and the Jackal scores again.

I would be suprised if Nemesis is as amazing as some of it's American cousins in terms of a ride experiance, but Nemesis is a beauty queen, and half of her beauty is her setting, even if you take her theming away, Alton Towers manages to make any coaster special in appearance....

And no American park would theme a coaster that well anyway. So Jackal's right. If Nemesis was American, it wouldn't even get on the leader board.
Raptor, Alpengeist and Montu are all better than Nemesis.

And Mean Streak is better than Megafobia.
^That's odd, most people don't like Mean Streak, though I love the look of it.

If I was American I too would only travel for Nemesis. Despite the fact I really don't like it that much to the point everyone else does, it is a unique inverter, unlike most others in the world. I wouldn't want to travel all the way over here for Megaphopia though, I'd just stay in USA and ride Raven, or go ride Colossus, Zeus or Balder.

To be honest, if I was American I'd go to Germany instead, which has some kick arse looking coasters.