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Would You Rather...


CF Legend
Basically make two options and the person below has to say which one they'd rather do and then make up their own.
An example would be. Would you rather punch Justin Bieber or the Jonas Brothers?

So I'll start with this question.

Would you rather....
Have the power of travelling into the future to see what will happen so you won't make mistakes
Have the power to travel back in time to undo any mistakes?
Go back in time, without question. I've done so many stupid things I'm not proud of...

Anyway, for the next person...
Would you rather be a superhero
Would you rather be a super villain?

(It's something that me and my friends have discussed a lot. Super villain ftw)
I'd love to be a super villain but don't forget they always lose in the films. Plus the heroes seem to have better powers so I'm going to have to go with that.

Would you rather...
Never stop burping
Always have the hiccups
Always Have Hiccups.

Would you rather
Swim with sharks

Swim with electric eels
Sharks. I'D **** THEM SHARKS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would you rather...

Be a man


Be a puma

Oh be a puma for sure. Not that I'm not strong and nimble already.... :wink: :p

Would you rather have your throat slit with an eraser


would you rather have your heart eaten out of you?
How do you slit a throat with an eraser? I'l go for that because it sounds impossible.

Would you rather:

Die of heat exhaustion in the desert


Freeze to death in the arctic?
Goon, Because you'd do more than sitting there spinning around the world.

Would You Rather have a British pie or an Italian Pasta dish?
2 wheels.

Would you rather
lick up someone else's vomit,
let someone pee in your mouth and swallow it?
Well, I'm not steven, Therefore I don't have a pee fetish. And vomit makes me feel vomity as well...

Fux dis **** I'm outie
I don't know either one of them but I randomly selected Cameron.

Would you:
- Stand on roller coaster tracks and attempt to jump over a roller coaster train while its in motion in front of you.
- Stand on top of a moving roller coaster raising your hands and saying "WOO HOO!!!"
I like living.

But i'd look less of a twat doing the first. So the first.


Eat a small piece of glass [not tiny]


Count the number of tiles in a public toilet with your tongue?
Ohh, ****... Oh shiiit. Ok... I just wanna throw up at the thought of the toilet thing, so I'm going with chewing glass.

Would you:

Be trapped in a box with one hundred Wolf Spiders.

Or eat Cow ****.
I don't mind spiders so I'd do that if I knew I wouldn't get badly hurt or die.

Would you rather
lick up someone else's vomit,
let someone pee in your mouth and swallow it?
Oh, lorrrd. Seriously? I'll take the... Pee -_-

Would you:

Lick the inside of someones butt crack.

Or eat slimey live maggots with cheese?