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Which is better Saw or Fluch von Novgorod?

Which is better Saw or Fluch von Novgorod?

  • Saw

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fluch von Novgorod

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Like them same

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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This is for people on the Euro Live again who can now say, or for anyone that has done them both.

Which do you prefer, Saw which is fully themed or Fluch von Novgorod which has none of its proper theming yet?

It's already a great ride without most of the theming done, and I can't wait to see when it's all done. Along with the amazing queue entry and exit, it's a great experience.
Could not agree more Tom, its more than just a coaster.

Custom sound track and story they have made such an effort and it is worth going back to the park for. I will when it is completed thats for sure.
Fluch was amazing!

Even though it only had 30% of the theme it was still great and much better than SAW. It also has a really cool exit which includes a dark maze and slide :)

Also, I prefer the indoor lift hill and drop on Fluch to the one on Saw
I LOVED Novgorod! Bonus maze at the end ftw!

The ride was amazing, the only bit that let me down was the outside portion, but at the end of the day it was a lot more forceful.

All I can say is, once again, Saw is rubbish.
Fluch wins easily. Although the indoor section at the start is much better on Saw (at the moment) than Fluch (not counting the launch).
Fluch kicks Saws arse on everything else though. The launch is one of the best launches I've ever been on and the themeing is incredible. The enclosed lifthill and second half in the pitch black is really exhilarating.
The great thing is that Fluch starts from the moment you enter the queue till you enter the shop. While queueing you have an awesome soundtrack as you stand in the corridors of the castle. There are cool things such as a guillotine you can put your hand under to get it cut off and a talking statue head. The station is really well themed although it's pretty tiny. Once you get of the ride you've only done about half of it. You then get to go down a super cool slide underground into the mines where you have to work your way through a maze of dingy caves and tunnels. They even had a live actor in there to spice things up. This was still incredibly well themed and had an awesome soundtrack which made me buy the awesome CD from the shop.

Saw's still good but it can be better. All they need to do is enclose Saw's lifthill as well as it's amazing doing it in the dark and there's so many effects you can do.
Lol ^ (Crush?), Fluch looks so much better, and after riding Saw, it's pretty much mediorce to be honest, great for UK like I said, but Fluch is world class now considering it is the only launched eurofighter!
novgorod, but for me it's not quite as clear cut as everyone else says - as I did quite like saw.. in the back right seat it's even smoother
AmandaPanda said:
Fluch looks so much better, and after riding Saw, it's pretty much mediorce to be honest, great for UK like I said, but Fluch is world class now considering it is the only launched eurofighter!

Why did you vote for Saw then?

I haven't ridden Saw, so I won't vote. Novgorod? Hmmmmm. I liked it. I didn't love it. The outdoor section was crap. It was better later in the day, yes, but I still thought that section wasn't any good at all. The launch out of the tunnel was fantastic though, and I really liked the dark section. The "big" drop was excellent.

To be honest, I thought more people would be complaining about those brakes at the end. In the front row, they were painful, but somehow really funny I thought. I have very little Eurofighter experience, but I don't think it's a coaster that's going to age very well.

I want to see it again when it's finished though. I hope there's more to be done with the queue line and station. Sorry, but at the moment it's looking a bit cheap. I'm guessing there's still a ceiling to put over the whole thing? The exit was great, so hopefully the entrance and station will get a similar treatment. Judging from the finished parts, and other stuff at the park, the theming is going to be fantastic.
Yes it is not like its my favorite coaster or anything, does not even make my top 10.

The 1st ride in the moring I thought it was rubbish but later on I thought it was good, the best Eurofighter I have been on.

Once it is completed I think it will be a lot better in that scence but I do wish it could go a bit faster to give better air time and be a bit more forcefull.

I so knew you would say that Ben :) After what you are about to go on I would not even try and make you jelous.