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Which Deadly Sin Are You Most Guilty Of???

Your Deadliest Sin

  • Lust

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Gluttony

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Greed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sloth

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wrath

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Envy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pride

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Strata Poster
Like the title says, which of the seven deadly sins is one that you are most guilty of?

Lust - a craving for sexual intercourse, which can sometimes assume a violent or self-indulgent character
Gluttony - an over-indulgence and over-consumption of food, drink, or intoxicants to the point of waste
Greed - a very excessive or rapacious desire and pursuit of wealth, status, and power
Sloth - a wasting due to lack of use, concerning a person being physically and emotionally inactive or lazy
Wrath - an excessive anger
Envy - an emotion that "occurs when a person lacks another's (perceived) superior quality, achievement, or possession and either desires it or wishes that the other lacked it
Pride - a higher then normal opinion of ones self

Will be interesting to see what CF is most guilty of :p
I'm guilty of like, all of them.

Lust - Yeah, we'll just say I'm really guilty of it...
Gluttony - I'm not that bad when it comes to food anymore though I do sometimes binge, drinking and other intoxicants are consumed quite excessively.
Greed is one I'm not actually that bad about. Though I'm cred-greedy.
Sloth - Yeah, I've not lifted a finger all summer... Taking the bins out is my idea of a day's work ATM.
Wrath - If I hate you, you will know it. Though I don't *HATE* many people. Two in fact. Anger in general? Yeah, I can get furrrioouusss. And then vindictive and I hold vendettas.
Envy - This I'm not guilty of pretty much because...
Pride - ... I'm basically perfect.

Sloth is probably my worst tbh, but, I'm on the road to Hell in soooooo many ways.
Lust - Yah I'd say so, though I don't necessarily become violent because of it.

Gluttony - Not so much.. I can definitely stuff myself but I've maintained a pretty decent body weight and don't overdo drinking, etc. So can't be that much of a pig :p .

Greed - No I'm not greedy at all.

Sloth - There have been times when I've definitely been guilty of this. Comes and goes though.

Wrath - I'm a very happy person, generally.

Envy - Yahh maybe at times. Usually has to do with looks if I'm feeling down about myself :p

Pride - Nope

So I'd say lust, and then sloth/envy to an extent.
Lust - Fairly guilty, but I'm a teenage male so it's pretty normal :p
Gluttony - Voted for this. I think I eat way too much.
Greed - I'm not overly greedy.
Sloth - Yes, I'm susceptible to a bit of work avoidance. The annoying thing is that when I have no work I get bored. Though when I really want something (A levels for instance) I'll work hard for it.
Wrath - I can't remember the last time I got really angry. I'm definitely a very calm tolerant person.
Envy - I don't really do envy very much either.
Pride - I always try to look at myself realistically rather than through rose tinted glasses.

Yep, so most of all is probably sloth and gluttony.
I would call myslef lazy, but I never have anything to actually do! :p

I'ld say I'm definitely not gluttonous, lustful or greedy.
I guess I can get a bit envious at times, but I try to override this with a sense of pride, which usually makes me look bad I think? :?
Lust - Guilty m'lud

Gluttony - Not with food, no. Other stuff to the point of not being able to function? Yeah.

Greed - Not really. I could have earned/saved a crapload of cash when I was working in Korea by teaching privately, but I valued and enjoyed my free time way more than any money I could've made.

Sloth - Basically, anything that needs to be done, gets done, and it's done on time. I'll put it off until the last minute every time though. Basically, no

Wrath - I'm generally quite easy going, but I can turn quite quickly and if I'm pissed off, people will know about it.

Envy - Sometimes, but not to any great degree. I'm a bit jealous of friends who are still living/working abroad since I've got back to this dump, but ultimately I'm doing it to better myself and they're stuck doing the same thing I was 7 years ago.

Pride - Yeah, basically. People, in general, are **** ing stupid.
I meant to vote for Wrath but Instead voted for Sloth. I mean I'm so ****ing lazy dont get me wrong. But I pride myself to think im the angriest CFer, as I posted in the vent thread I'll get mad for people to show up at work at my register, I'll get made at the weird smallest things, almost to the point of it being stupid. I've broken 2 game controllers, 3 pairs of headphones, a phone, and a bunch of other **** due to my excessive anger. Not to mention the long list of people I hate with a passion, there are certain people I hate and believe should just drop dead, if they did then I'd be a happier person and probably laugh for a bit. I'm just a terrible person like that.
With the Internet/Computers - Wrath. They **** me off big time. Its almost like road rage with a keyboard.

Gluttony is a potential option for real life. I litrally eat crap all day. Drink Tea all day. Yeah.
Pride easily. Obviously I'm guilty of all of the above.. more so Sloth as of late.. but I've always been a proud person, in every single way.
I'm not guilty of lust or pride because I don't see any reason to be guilty of either of those things.

Lust is natural and pride of your achievements and standing should be enjoyed. Both can be something you have which cause no harm to you or others.

I'm certainly not slothful. I am lazy and will often avoid doing things. However, if something needs doing, it will always be done. I always put things that need doing ahead of things that are "personally gratifying". Likewise, even if I'm avoiding doing one thing, I'm busy doing something else :)

Gluttony is probably mine though, but it's rare anything goes to waste ;) I'm not gluttonous all of the time though, but when I AM, then it's 100% go for it kind of thing.

I have mild envy I guess of people doing cool stuff, but I made my choices to be where I am, and I'm happy enough. I think everyone is envious to a degree, but it doesn't mean they would want to "change their lives".

Wrath? Has anyone seen me lose my temper? I do and it's not pleasant, but I have tight control on my anger. Even in a rage, I am still 100% in control but allow the anger to fuel me. I probably really lose it once every ten years or so.

Greed? I think everyone is greedy to a degree, but I'm a grown up and believe in share and share alike. If I've enough to go around, it does... It's just usually I don't :lol:
I guess I must be guilty of all of them at times. I mean, most people are to some extent.

I think the one I'm most guilty of would be Lust or Gluttony. Then again I can think of reasonable arguments for all of them!
Lust - Guilty, but what can I say, I'm a 19 year old woman and I like sex and to feel sexy, I don't really see a problem with enjoying my sexuality.

Gluttony - Not really, I rarely gorge on anything, I eat things I enjoy but never stuff my face until I feel ill or just eat for the sake of eating.

Greed - Not really, I earn more than enough cash at the moment to buy whatever I want so I'm quite content.

Sloth - I don't like to be lazy, but yesterday I got out of bed at about 2pm. So I guess I'm guilty of this one yes.

Wrath - I don't like getting angry and try my best to avoid confrontation (mainly out of laziness come to think of it) but I can be terrifyingly angry when I get pushed over the edge.

Envy - The only thing I envy is people who get more Student Loan than me, mainly because I feel we all deserve the same regardless of what our parents earn because I believe that should have nothing to do with it.

Pride - Yes, I'm extremely vain, any reflective surface I can't help looking in. I am also proud of my achievements, but I don't see why that is a bad thing really, I like to look after myself and I like doing well in life.
I ordered all seven of them! :D

Lust > Sloth > Envy > Wrath > Gluttony > Greed > Pride for me.

Lust - I'd say this one is really really obvious for anyone to figure out.
Sloth - Lazy as ****.
Envy - Almost entirely due to relationships or people that are making something of their life.
Wrath - Towards people who I really shouldn't have wrath towards eg good friends; due to a few things they did that really hurt me whether they meant to or not. Ties in a bit with envy.
Gluttony - I often eat until I make myself sick, then eat some more. And amazingly I'm still almost underweight.
Greed - I'm not actually that greedy. I'd like just enough to be able to live comfortably and do things I want to do.
Pride - The day I have pride in myself will be the day hell freezes over.