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What Do You Look For In A Woodie??


Roller Poster
I want to know what you guys look for in a woodie, is it the turns, or the airtime, or something completely different. What makes a wooden coaster a joy for you?

Personally, Im in it for the airtime, i just love being thrown out of your seat all the time, thats why i cant wait to ride boulder dash :)
Definatly airtime for me as I haven't been on any woodies except the Blackpool ones and they don't really have good corners on them.
^ Spite, you've ruined it now!

I was going to say that I like them hard, maybe a with an upward curve, and I love a good rough ride.

There, I did it.
Airtime, not too rough.

I'm an easy guy. :wink:
Needs speed, length, airtime, intense moments, yet smooth and rerideable. It can't be too short in ride time, has to be at least a few minutes.

This topic is worded so poorly, but so epic.
I think my favorites fall into two major types:

1. Those with an incredible amount of airtime (Grand National, Balder, and to some extent Big Dipper)
2. Those with intensity and uninterrupted force (Troy, and so I've been told Megafobia)

Any woodie should be really long and leave you battered and bruised
(blimey, there's not way of not writing innuendo!)
Airtime and speed, Ravine FlyerII will still remain the best Woodie Expierience I have had followed by Megaphobia. Not ridden many.
It's easy to describe, but hard to find...

I like to get just enough ejector to get me right out of my seat, then the coaster kind of fall away under me. So all the way after the ejection, you have true floater air time right to the bottom of the drop. It's got to be just right though and it has to be sustained.

I think only two rides have managed it, Megafobia (second drop) and lots of bits of Boulder Dash. I got it on one ride on Balder too, but only once out of maybe 20-30 runs?

If the ejector is too hard, you bounce of the restraint and either come back down or are forced out onto the restraint and are "dragged" down. Too soft and you get nice floater airtime, but it's not the same :lol:

Both of the above are also very welcome too, with El Toro having the best of the first (extreme ejector).
I love the "Old" feeling of woodies, I've still yet to ride a modern GCI or Intamin Woody, so only have CCI's and the other old coasters to go by. I love airtime on woodies though, it's just a shame I've never ridden one with an actual decent amount lol!
The chances that you'll need a doctor at the end of the ride. I like the super bumpy and rough ones (I'm not trying and it still sounds wrong). So Mean Streak and Wildcat (Hershey) are two of my favorites.

I'll take speed, too. El Toro is a nice ride. Airtime, meh, that's what hypercoasters are for, but I'll take it if you give it to me.
Ben said:
For it to be as close to Boulder Dash as possible.


??? :wink:
^Ewwww, no :p Not in terms of location, silly. In fact, I'd like it to be as far AWAY as that horrid Wildcat thing as possible <//3

So weird they literally have the best Woodie and one of the worst ever next to each other <//3
I love the out of control feeling some woodies have like for example Stampida :--D Airtime is nice as well so coaster like Colossos are also win!