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Well, I never knew that!


Strata Poster
Just a topic idea to post random surprising facts about theme parks.

I'll start, Oakwood is the same company as Blue Planet Aquarium in Cheshire Oaks! That would explain why they sell Megafobia chocolate in the Blue Planet shop though.
The Plopsaland-parks in Belgium, Germany and Holland are all based on Belgian TV-shows for kids. Gert Verhulst is the big boss from Studio 100, the group behind the Plopsa-parks. Maybe you don't know, but he actually was the main character in a TV-show which started it all: Samson & Gert. He played the part of Gert in the Samson & Gert TV-show, movie and annual Christmasshows, which are still running every year in december.

So, the big boss behind Plopsaland De Panne, Holiday Park and such can also be seen on TV like this:


Fun fact about this video...the song was released somewhere in the early 90's. The song is about Samson en Gert wondering what they would do if they had 10.000.000 Belgian francs. They sing they would have a party and spent all their money. They say they would buy liters of lemonade and kilos of chocolate. Almost every kid in Belgium grew up with Samson and Gert and 7 years ago, a Belgian student sent a letter to Studio 100. He stated that at this time, Gert will probably have 10.000.000 and he reminded him that he sung in the song he would throw a party with lemonade and chocolate. What happened; Studio 100 big boss Gert organized a party in Plopsa Indoor in Hasselt with a massive amount of chocolate and lemonade.
Actually, here's one I discovered recently. The 'Space Boat', which operated at Alton Towers in 1983, is the same ride to operate in Dreamland Margate, Pleasure Island, Loudoun Castle and now Lightwater Valley as Black Pearl.
The Big Apple coaster at Great Yarmouth Pleasure Beach used to reside at Alton Towers. It used to have a 'Property of Alton Towers' sign on the op booth.

So that maybe one less cred for those attending the live there later in the year!
I was astounded when I heard the fact about Florida's Tower of Terror. For those who don't know (fairly widespread now), they made the hotel a Moroccan theme because it could be seen from within Epcot, behind the Moroccan themed area.

^Lol, I have my own photo of that =]

Could we make it a rule in this topic that you have to have some kind of source/proof when you post your fact? Otherwise we're going to get a load of old bunkum posted.
Shame no one bothered with the Dolphin Swan hotel which can be seen from Epcot and its themed to nothing!
It always really bothered me that the Dolphin hotel has a massive fish statue. It's not a dolphin, it's a fish!!!!
Proof for mine can be found in the list of other things owned by the same company at the bottom of Blue Planets website. It's quite a list actually, though mainly aquariums.
Colossus was originally planned for Chessington, which was intended to be the 'Thrills park', but they couldn't get the planning permission and now we have thorpe as the place of many thrills and chavs and such.
The Colossus at Chessington thing is really interesting, where could it have possibly gone? I know it's because we're so used to how the parks are now but I honestly can't imagine it suiting anywhere there.

Thorpe may be full of chavs because of it, but I really am glad they decided to take the thrill-seeker route.

I guess my input would be that Chessie were considering a splash battle...but naturally it fell through. (My source was that I saw the plans first-person in the HR building and had some high-up people tell me about it just because I gooned over an aerial photo of Nemesis in one of the rooms).
Is there any proof of the Colossus at Chessington thing...?

And, on the Morocco thing, it's right that it was more inspired by those hotels, but, in turn, those hotels are quite "Morocco-inspired" (I say that meaning that whole part of the World, really and the stone work/furnishings etc) so you can see where the whole link comes from.

Not loads else to add, really.
The classic Woodie at Gt Yarmouth Pleasure Beach is actually a relocated wooden coaster! It opened in either France or Germany (can't remember, and can't be arsed to search) in 1928, before opening at Yarmouth in 1932.