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Walibi Rhône-Alpes | Timber | Gravity Group


Captain Basic
Well, it's actually Gravitykraft, but from my understanding, they're the same company.


Yeah, I don't know if it'll be a bigger coaster or a smaller kiddie one(which is what the park is mainly comprised of-smaller kiddie/family coasters). So yeah, any French CFers, hooray for you!

EDIT: The park is called Walibi Rhône-Alpes, in Les Avenières, France.
Re: French Gravity Group Woodie

That's legitimately the last park in the World I'd have bet on getting a coaster! Especially one of actual quality!

Yay more GGs in the World. Boo now I have to go to worst country in Europe.
Re: French Gravity Group Woodie

****, you beat me to it. :wink:

Here's the announcement made on Gravity Group's and Walibi's Twitter.


Re: French Gravity Group Woodie

What the hell? Where did that come from? All the new wood coming on this side of the pond is just amazing :D
Re: French Gravity Group Woodie


Glad though that Gravity Group is really picking up some major speed.

And yes, Gravitykraft is Gravity Groups sister company. They made the Timberliners technically! :3
Re: French Gravity Group Woodie

Did the owners of Walibi score on some lottery or something? After years of investing basically nothing into their parks, each of their parks will be getting a class coaster for next year + they are building a whole new park in Morocco. This is nothing but good news!
Re: French Gravity Group Woodie

Yesssss finally we're getting somewhere with the resistance against wooden coasters! UK, you're up!
Re: French Gravity Group Woodie

^ It's just worrying that of them all it'll most likely be Flamingoland who step up to the plate!

Unless Towers haven't scrapped their project following the Smiler of course!
Re: Walibi Rhône-Alpes getting a new Gravity Group woodie

Why the **** did I go here this year!

The park really needs this, so glad they're getting it.
Re: Walibi Rhône-Alpes getting a new Gravity Group woodie

nadroJ said:
^Ha, gutted.

I'm sure that the park will manage to run it really badly like the rest of their rides. Even a Gravity Group isn't enough to make want to go back here anytime soon.
Walibi Rhône-Alpes | Unknown | Gravity Group Woodie

We have vertical construction on this Gravity Group wooden coaster in the south of France. Looks fairly small but I've heard good things about GG's little woodies.





Re: Walibi Rhône-Alpes | Unknown | Gravity Group Woodie

I posted a topic on this a while back. On mobile, so can't link. Merge someone?

Sent from my VS840 4G using Tapatalk
Re: Walibi Rhône-Alpes | Unknown | Gravity Group

Merged, moved and stickied! (Damn, wish that would have alliterated!)

Re: Walibi Rhône-Alpes | Unknown | Gravity Group

Okay, so this was Gravity Groups big announcement at IAAPA. I think this is being called Saw 7? The train design looks on point though, and the layout looks pretty awesome for a junior wood.

I would post more but twitter fail on my phone.
Re: Walibi Rhône-Alpes | Unknown | Gravity Group


The best Timberliners yet <3
Re: Walibi Rhône-Alpes | Unknown | Gravity Group

Intricks said:
I think this is being called Saw 7?
Saw 7 is the name of the blade!

GuyWithAStick said:
Those are amazing. I really hope that the blade can actually spin.

It does indeed! It spins with the motion of the train so it feels like the riders are "terrorising the trees". Watch from about 3mins in...