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Walibi Belgium removes Vertigo!!!

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Hyper Poster
Some would say it is a sad moment in themepark-history, others would cheer out very loud:


The French website Parkothek had an interview with Caroline Crucifix, Public Relations Manager of Walibi Belgium.

The ride would be closed till the end of September, untill test-results were known. One week ago, it was announced that Vertigo would stay closed for the rest of the season.

Walibi said they would only keep Vertigo if it could deliver quality, a good capacity and it would be opened daily. Tests said that the problems can't be solved anytime soon. Walibi has made a decision and they asked Doppelmayr to remove the ride from the park.

The removal off the ride should have begun.

Because of the loss of Vertigo, their will be no new ride in Walibi Belgium for next year, but the park is already looking for a ride to replace Vertigo!

Source: Central Park and Parkothek!
Aawww... at least, it was a good concept and the tallest Suspended coaster in the world, not to mention one of the tallest coasters in Europe (6th tallest, surpassing even EGF and Jubilee Odyssey).

My best bet on a replacement will be a small inverting coaster, as Tornado has faced the chopping block. Eurofighter maybe?

I've been speaking to Caroline Crucifix recently and she didn't mention it to me!

When I meet her at the end of the month I'll grab more details.
Glad I got to ride it last year, after several attempts due to rain closing it. I understood why though while riding..............It was dry until the very end, then the rain came and so did the pain!

Great ride. Shame :(
KristofWB said:
Caroline Crucifix, Public Relations Manager of Walibi Belgium.

She probably had the best name ever! :lol:

Shame really, looks like it's going down in history and one of them major flops due to various reasonings...

Oh well...
Ben said:
I'm guessing this can go down in history as one giant fail then?

Yep. One huge, ****ed up embarrasment I'd say. I'm guessing that's the last we'll be hearing from Doppelmayr then... boo hoo.
I assume Doppelmayr wil have to give a refund to Walibi Belgium for all the trouble the park has got to get the ride. I mean, it was built 2 years ago and it hasn't stayed open for longer than few month... sure that has given the park bad publicity.

Either way, I say 'Walibi, go for a safe bet and plonk a good Beemer!'. Sure it will be more reliable and GPs will love it...
I think it was inevitable that it would be removed after all the trouble with down time since it opened in 2007.

I just hope Walibi get compensated in some form, as this would have surely cost them time and money. Also constantly changing the advertising must have been costly too.

I'm just annoyed that I never bothered riding it last year.
They tried to build a unique ride and they failed.

I work in engineering and sometimes the manufacturers spec doesn't work out so you have to implement your own. And even then it doesn't work exactly how you wanted it to.

Vertigo is a joint failure on both Walibi and Doppelmayr's behalf.

Its a shame when any ride is knocked down. This has been a ongoing dark spot for WB.

Let's hope that when it's gone WB will build something as adventuruous yet more reliable.
This is a shame. I really hoped they'd sort it out, and that I'd get to ride it one day. It was a really interesting concept, and - whilst perhaps not the most thrilling ride in the world - was unique, and they deserve credit for that.

Anyone else wanna put money on them getting a eurofighter instead? ;)
Jesus Christ, this has just been nothing but disaster hasn't it?

They're saying they didn't want it if it couldn't deliver 'a good capacity', just one look at that thing and you know it's gona be dodgey! I presume they mean a consistant flow of cars around the track.

It's a shame, it looks fun, but I don't think we'll be seeing any Doppelmayr coasters anymore!

Where exactly did the issues lie exactly? Does anyone know?

As you can see, the removal of the ride has begun.

This week, the park has confirmed that Vertigo will be removed. However, it seems that aswell Doppelmayr as Walibi Belgium have found an agreement that keeps both parties satisfied.

Mrs. Crucifix also said that the park is really looking for a new ride. Right now, there are rumors that Walibi Belgium will start building a new ride after Vertigo is just removed. The rumor on a Dutch forum says the park has made a nice deal with a Chinese park...
A clone of Schenzou coaster?
Spinning Batman? (note: "Spinning" is appearently a mistranslation)
Golden Horse Spinner?

Why can't they just purchase a P'n'P and live happily ever after...

As it disappeared at the bottom of the previous page, I'll repeat the question:
What went wrong, exactly? What part of the coaster led to all the problems?
^ I think he was being sarcastic.

Seriously though, a deal with a Chinese park? Or was that supposed to be manufacturer? A deal with a park could only mean a relocation surely?

Anyway, it's just a rumour, so probably shouldn't be taken too seriously right now.
The big removal of Vertigo started in the beginning of this month. Huge cranes were spotted around the ride. As for the moment now, most of the huge towers and track have been removed.

A video:

Always sad to see a ride taken down, the reality was that it simply was not reliable. As one of the lucky few who rode it, I will remember it for a long time. As Karen says, it was an amazing experience.
I'm just annoyed that I never got chance to ride it. As selfish as it sounds, if i'd ridden it I wouldn't care about it being removed.

It was executed poorly, but it'd have been nice to have a go.

Apart from that little detail, good riddence!
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