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Roller Poster
Well theres probaly a thread on this but I always have the latest news and renders on this project.

Now VTP200 is simular to the stratosphere tower in vegas. It is planned to be built in Birminghgam and is going into planning in a few months time. To get approval.

The tower will be 200m high, and will host many rides from a giant see saw ride, to the highest drop tower in the UK. As well as this there will be chances to bungee jump and climb to the top. And if the high adrenalin activities are not for you then there will be plently of cafes and restraunts on top. Here is the latest renders!



If this gets approval I will keep everyone up to date with construction.

Take a look at the website, has a good video and other future proposals in other british cities! http://www.vtpglobal.com/
There was another thread on this, started about a year ago I think.

Nice to see there has been absolutely zero progress whatsoever since then.
jaybuoy said:
If this gets approval I will keep everyone up to date with construction.

To be fair, the status of this tower has been 'Needing to get planning permission' since September 2007 when it was first announced.

Construction was apparently due to start in 2008. No sign of anything around the area it is supposed to be in.

According to the website, this is supposed to be open by January 2011. 2 years to get a 200m building built with ground works as well.

I'm skeptical about it tbh, it would be nice to have it actually built as it would benefit the city loads and give a few more hundred jobs.

Gavin said:
There was another thread on this, started about a year ago I think.

That was me, as soon as it was announced. 2007.

I've had a look through my old old photobucket account and found the news articles.




Actually this was announced in 2006, there has been so many design changes its un real, however this one now seems to be the final design and as well as this the council seem very interested in this as well as this the developer is still keen to get this built.

The site has seen progress its been fenced off and digging work has took place to excavate the site as the area is undergoing major redevelopment and in other sites they have found many interesting artifacts.

And sorry but in this country for something to get planning approval it takes a lot longer than other countries, the bull ring took almost eight years to get full approval.

And if this gets approval this year it will easily be open by 2011-2012 as majority of the tower is a concrete core. Wont take that long!

Beleive me when there are re-designs thats a very good sign!
Probably with the state of the economy and construction sector at the moment, I can see this taking even longer to build than what was planned a year ago.

Nice idea though, as Birmingham does need a big attraction.
Dang that 95m 'free falling lift' into the base of the building just sounds... wow... I sooo want that to be built. Don't mind if the rest of the building falls to bits - it's just a drop tower on top of a building, and a load of extreme sports that you can find by going into mountains etc... IMO the building is a bit of an eyesore, especially in the news articles, less so in the newer pics.

But 'free falling lift'... wow...
iv skyjumped off the macau tower in Macua.... its around 780ft and the highest skyjump in the world. Seriously scary having to jump off the edge. Gives a real adrenaline rush though...
LOL, Unles its a different type of 'drop' and it said elevator, so I dont get this...

Im sure the full article ages back mentioned intamin building the flight trainer thing and the drop toiwer and also the gyro?
^I don't think the article mentioned Intamin. That was us. We saw "flight trainer" and assumed Intamin since that used to be one of their flat rides. A crap one at that.
All the rides are Intamin as they are an "Official Partner"

The drop ride is basically themed to a lift

4 people on bottom sititng down
and 4 people above them standing up.
^Well done for actually managing to find this topic!

Saying that, it's obviously not hard to drag up old topics judging by the way most of the NOOBS post.

Anyway, meh. Let's face it; it was never going to happen.