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Type of phone


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The title explains it, what type of phone do you have?


I own the LG Chocolate Touch.
Samsung Delve.


Its a phone that fits my needs. I dont need crazy features, as long as it texts, calls, and can kinda get on the internet, I'm good. Great phone which I love.
Samsung C300


It calls, it texts, it has a calender and it has a simple calculator. Never needed anything more.

Worst phone ever. Dam windows OS.

Next phone will be the Sony ericsson x10 Running on Android 1.6 (Might be 2.1 when released)
^ I know you've always been a SE fan but haven't you found the problems with their recent phones frustrating? Its totally put me off them.

Anyway, I've had loads of bad luck with phones and I'm paying through my nose for them so I'm not that bothered any more!

Last year I had a


Which broke so I took out a contract with a


which I lost so I replaced with a


which went faulty (known problem with earpiece) so I downgraded to a


which also went faulty, so sent back and used a


for a while but it was frustrating so I eventually joined the clan and got a


which I foolishly lost so replaced with a


Which I still use! I use the term 'use' loosely as I hate it so I avoid using it as much as possible as I know it'll annoy me and I'll want to get a new phone...
Seeing as Pierre has a phone history of 7 phones in the last year, I'll show you mine :p





As you can see, Nokia = Yay; Sony = Boo! :p
I still use the same phone as I did the last time this topic came up a few years ago, the Sharp GX15. :)


G800. First Generation. I.e the one where half the features don't work at all. I can't send/recieve pictures, internet and all those funky things because it doesn't work. When it should :roll: :(

I haven't even got onto its random stuff. It chooses when to ring the ringer. So sometimes it ignores calls. Sometimes it randomly vibrates for no reason :S

No wonder it didn't last 6 months on the shelves...
I have me a Samsung Double Flip.. I LOVE it. I lost it on Goliath at La Ronde back in the summer, and ended up getting a Blackberry Storm to replace it, which I HATED, so then I gave the Blackberry to my dad and got another Doubleflip :)
I've got n86, it's cool it's got 8mp camera, wi-fi, 3g and all that stuff, but I can't work out why some of the mp3s are playing and others don't :eek:
Pierre: Tbh the whole Sony Ericsson faulty thing is pissing me off but I will always be a SE fanboy end of. I've had to send the X1 back two times in 16months which is kinda crap, but I guess it's my fault for getting a 18month contract. Next contract will be 12months end of.