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Turn right at the 430ft drop tower - Day Four: SeaWorld and more!


Miss CoasterForce 2016
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Social Media Team
Ah, America. Land of guns, flags and patriotic slogans on tshirts in IMPACT FONT. How I've missed you and your massive coasters.

It's not usually the kind of place you pop over to last minute. But I was feeling very deflated when my bands big upcoming european tour in Feb / March got cancelled. What will cheer me up, I pondered, during this bleak off season? Perhaps...riding Velocicoaster? Needless to say, @Slamming Coastercore didn't need much convincing.

Fast forward two weeks and after frantic booking of PCR tests we were there. Orlanding in Orlando. You could see that monstrous new drop tower on I-Drive from the plane. In fact, the 430ft tall Orlando Freefall became a handy beacon to find our way back after every park. There is something incredibly novel about having a huge drop tower just standing there right on the street by your hotel. I wish all directions home included the phrase "turn right at the drop tower!"

We made a beeline for Islands of Adventure with a one track mind. One track and a double spine to be precise. And it was on this glorious day that I performed my biggest coaster opinion u-turn of my life.

First thoughts of Velocicoaster: Noooo! Gutted. It's overhyped. It rides like a Mack, suprisingly gentle. It's also a bit rattley. It's got nothing on Taron. (Note, these thoughts were based on a 9am ride in row 3) I quickly messaged @nadroJ expressing my disappointment.

We met up with @Scottingtonville and I woefully launched into my criticism of the ride. Scott shook his head and laughed: "ride it in the back."

Second thoughts on Velocicoaster: (lunchtime, back row) WOAH! Am I going to die from the mad ejector on this top hat?!! How on earth is this the same coaster I rode earlier?! It's so intense! Lets go again. Immediately.

[Happy post-Velocicoaster faces]

Third thoughts on Velocicoaster: Oooh I'm noticing way more theming as well as a dynamic range of strong forces! This ride could actually be something very special...I wonder what a night ride will be like.

Also, this queue just doesn't get boring! I could watch those trains launch and be chased by raptors all day. (Fun fact: those window / screens for that effect cost $40,000 each! A worthy investment.)

Fourth thoughts on Velocicoaster (night ride) : OH MY GOD THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST ROLLERCOASTERS ON THE PLANET! Launching into pure darkness, raptors lighting up, smoke, rockwork, the blue lights of the train reflecting in the water as you hurtle through the final inversion. I sheepishly messaged @nadroJ again to retract every word of my early criticism!

We ended up riding it 9 times on this trip. By ride number 9 I had no thoughts: just a pure Velocicoaster grin plastered all over my face. What a ride. Just goes to show you really can't judge a coaster on one ride.

Hagrids, by contrast, was an immediate hit. This ride is a masterpiece. It perfectly blends narrative, animatronics, vehicle design, seven launches, one drop track and one spike into a purely immersive experience. I was expecting this coaster to be good, but not THAT good. Wow! Everyone on the train was smiling and applauding like mad as we pulled back into the station.

Agreeing that a night ride on Hagrids was a must, we joined the long queue again when darkness fell and managed to watch the entire Hogwarts fireworks show from the Hagrids queue. This offered a perfect view with no obstructions / crowds, and we didn't miss out on a Hagrids night ride!

Rounding up on the Potter-side of things, we were both excited to get back on Forbidden Journey. I mean, this ride blew my socks off in 2016. But alas, out-of-sync audio, jarring screen-to-set transitions and sickly maneuvers ensured that my socks remained firmly on this time. This is no longer one of the best dark rides in the world, in my opinion. It's not even the best dark ride in the park. That title belongs to...

Spiderman. Nestled unassumingly next to the pretzel shop in one of my favourite themed lands of all time; Spiderman gives me that 'Universal feeling' the most. You know the feeling I mean? It's not saccarine childlike Disney-wonder. It's not the gothic romance of Efteling. It's not the impressed wide eyed goon at Phantasialand. The Universal feeling feels like watching your first horror film. Playing your first 18 rated game. Universal feels like when you first get into WWE. It represents that early adolescent stage where you're branching deeper into your own realm of pop culture with the money you earn from your paper round and discovering stuff... like comic books.

I lost count of the amount of times I turned to Alex and exclaimed: "I love this area!" when walking through Marvel Superhero Island. I adore this iteration of Marvel. It really does feel like stepping into a comic book: loud, bright, full of motion and a rockin' guitar soundtrack. It makes me feel 14 years old again.

Spiderman remains thoroughly exciting and fun, even when some villains in your car decide to get their phones out for the whole ride.

Toon Lagoon feels significantly less relevant as a themed-area, but shout out to Bilge Rat Barges and Ripsaw Falls for being both the greatest and the wettest water rides in existance. Somebody call Oakwood cos we got absolutely drenched!

[It doesn't show up on all black clothes but I was soaked!]

Also, I could stand on the Ripsaw Falls bridge watching boats drop down the eggy-waterfalls for hours, it's such a visual feast.

Speaking of visual feasts, the queue and station for Kong reminded me so much of the crypts in Skyrim. The towering skeletons could be Draugr. I wish this ride continued on from it's brilliant queue with a traditional dark ride and sets, as opposed to veering off down simulator alley.

You walk through the impressive queue and it feels a bit like a tease. You stare at the flames and the skulls and think: this is the kind of dark, immersive ride they could have built. But no. 3 x screens + 1 x Kong = the Skull Island ride. (Replace Kong with cars and you have the recipe for Fast and Furious! Replace Kong with Jimmy Fallon and you have the recipe for Race Through New York! Congratulations you have cracked the Universal Studios Screen-based formula)

In my bid to conquer drop towers, I finally braved Dr. Dooms Fear Fall. It was nice and floaty with excellent views. Plus, have I mentioned how much I love that Marvel area?!
Well, aside from Hulk. Hulk was far from incredible, bashing my brain around all over the place. When I shared to my GP friends that I was at Universal, the common question was "oooh did you ride Hulk? I love that ride!" I didn't have the heart to tell them this iconic coaster structure, whilst visually stunning, is actually the worst coaster in the park. Also, of course I've ridden it Neil, I've ridden nearly 700 coasters.

[It does look amazing at night though]

Islands of Adventure is an outstanding park with an excellent line up of rides, with Velocicoaster elevating the park into the current peak of modern coaster technology and design. We ended up visiting IOA 4 times on this 8 day trip. It's one of those parks you just can't get enough of. And Velocicoaster is one of those coasters you just can't get enough of. Welcome to the Top 10 oh raptory one.

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Yeah, you definitely need several rides on VelociCoaster to take it all in. For such a long ride, it's pretty overwhelming after your first ride, making it hard to appreciate everything it has to offer. Once you get a few rides in, you start to recognize some of the more subtle elements. And of course, night rides in the back row are incredible.

Funny how you visited the park four times, but not surprising at all. Now that the park has Hagrid's and VelociCoaster, it's such a huge step up from an already elite park!
Great report @Serena! This has reminded me how much I desperately need to revisit IOA at some stage... it's already my favourite park, and that was from back in 2016, when I felt that the coaster selection was one of the park's weaker links (while I liked Hulk, don't get me wrong, I didn't absolutely love it either, and I found both Dragon Challenges profoundly average. To be honest, though, that's picking at flaws, and I think that speaks more volumes about the strength of IOA's lineup more than anything else)! I feel like now they've seemingly improved the coaster lineup with Hagrid's and VelociCoaster, both of which look right up my street, I reckon IOA would be even more appealing to me now!

Out of interest, what parks did you visit on this trip?
Great report Serena!

I'm hoping to have my first Orlando trip soon enough so it's nice to have another trip report to read from there; especially with the new additions.
Your initial thoughts (and eventual turnaround) on VelociCoaster are somewhat similar to my first impressions of Taron. How do you compare them both now after several rides?
Spiderman. Nestled unassumingly next to the pretzel shop in one of my favourite themed lands of all time; Spiderman gives me that 'Universal feeling' the most. You know the feeling I mean? It's not saccarine childlike Disney-wonder. It's not the gothic romance of Efteling. It's not the impressed wide eyed goon at Phantasialand. The Universal feeling feels like watching your first horror film. Playing your first 18 rated game. Universal feels like when you first get into WWE. It represents that early adolescent stage where you're branching deeper into your own realm of pop culture with the money you earn from your paper round and discovering stuff... like comic books.


Looking forward to hearing more.
Out of interest, what parks did you visit on this trip?

Thanks Matt! I can totally see why IOA is your favourite park, even before they added the two fantastic Intamins. It's so much fun. And definitely back in my Top 5 parks now! We visited: Busch Gardens, Universal Studios, Funspot Kissimmee, SeaWorld, Icon Park, Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios. But not in that order, so the report will still have some surprises ;)

Great report Serena!

I'm hoping to have my first Orlando trip soon enough so it's nice to have another trip report to read from there; especially with the new additions.
Your initial thoughts (and eventual turnaround) on VelociCoaster are somewhat similar to my first impressions of Taron. How do you compare them both now after several rides?

Thanks very much @Sandman, is it bad I'm already jealous of you going out there soon? Haha! Hope Iron Gwazi is open when you go!

You know what, I had a similar experience on Taron as well. I first rode it on the CF Live in it's opening year and wasn't blown away by that morning ride. It wasn't until the ERT at night that Taron really showed how awesome it can be. I definitely think it's the case with these Intamin double launchers - they need time to warm up. (Apart from Maverick. That thing is always insane!)
Aw man, this report has really got me wrestling, mentally I mean. Was on the verge of booking a trip in March for IG... but then I looked at the attendance figures and crowd calendars and March looks stupidly busy. As does April. So that's out. May is generally quiter, but unfortunately I'm not. Too much on in May. Had pretty much settled on September, but now you've gone and got me thinking that I should just screw Iron Gwazi and mince over there in February to get some Velocicoaster and Hagrid action.
Arggghh.... dilemma!

Great report by the way. Wouldn't expect anything less from you. 👍
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You know what, I had a similar experience on Taron as well. I first rode it on the CF Live in it's opening year and wasn't blown away by that morning ride. It wasn't until the ERT at night that Taron really showed how awesome it can be. I definitely think it's the case with these Intamin double launchers - they need time to warm up. (Apart from Maverick. That thing is always insane!)

Intamin multi launchers are vampires of the coaster world. They really come alive at night.
Day Two: Busch Gardens Tampa

Oh the torture! You know exactly what I'm talking about. The torture of seeing Iron Gwazi standing in all it's purple track glory and not being able to ride it.

We were psyching ourselves up for this ultimate RMC tease, and yet nothing can prepare you mentally for it 😭 It looks so good!

"Why didn't you just wait and go later to make sure Iron Gwazi was open? you rightfully ask. Without wanting to bore you too much, going in January meant using less holiday days and significantly cheaper flights. It was a trip all about pursuing an instantaneous fix to cure the January blues. Plus, I rationed that Florida is a place you will keep coming back to, so we will just ride it next time.

Prior to this day, I had visited Busch Gardens twice and never had a good day there. First time: food poisoning. Only managed one ride on Cheetah Hunt then couldn't do anything else. Second visit: park extremely busy and rides constantly down. I queued 2 hours for Kumba, got given an exit pass when it ceased operation, headed to SheiKra, which then also broke down. (Ended up using the exit pass on Cheetah Hunt that day, which is apparently the only coaster I'm allowed to ride at Busch Gardens)

So: attempt three. Would today be the day I finally have a good day at Busch Gardens?

Well. Montu was closed because someone decided loads of B+Ms in the States must be painted hideous colour schemes immediately. The supports are now bright yellow. Think Big Bird yellow. It's doesn't fit the theme of the ride at all.

We headed straight for SheiKra, after the obligatory locker faff (which was not as bad as Universal locker faff, it was a mere: all the lockers at SheiKra have broken and won't open situation. On the Locker Faff scale I give it 🔒🔒🔒/ 5)

Finally I was getting the SheiKra cred! There is something very novel about visiting a major park like BGT for the 3rd time and still having big B+M creds to ride. SheiKra was fun. It's not the height of coaster brilliance anymore and felt a bit sluggish in places, but that view and first drop still hit hard. Like many rides at BGT, it's a solid 8/10.

The park was really quiet, so we walked on Stanley Falls log flume and then strolled up to Tigris. I love how a triple launch, 150ft tall coaster with inversions and vertical drops is often considered "filler." It makes me feel a bit sorry for Premier SkyRocket 2's. They're trying their best. They're fast and fun. Why do they never feel like enough? The pounding station music which plays when the train launches back and forth through is a great dramatic touch and made the ride a real spectacle for those waiting in the station. A solid 8/10 ride.

We watched the fab Cheetah Run display, where a cheetah chased a toy at 60mph. Fun fact: the acceleration of the cheetah was actually faster than its Intamin namesake sitting opposite. Which of course, we rode next.


Cheetah Hunt is like a really good demo of a promising new band. It doesn't showcase what the Intamin Blitz coasters are now capable of, but it's a damn good starting point. A solid 8/10 ride.

I am very fond of the animal exhibits of Busch Gardens, they're so spacious and offer great views of the animals. We spent a nice bit of time watching the Hippo Talk and admiring the zebra on the Serengeti Express. This park is really great zoo-wise.

Falcon's Fury followed, but what's way more interesting than that is the pretzel I had in the Pantopia area. It was the single best food item I ate on the entire trip. I mean, just look at it:


Seriously, if you go to Busch Gardens, make sure you buy this pretzel - specifically from the Pantopia area. There are other pretzel places in the park but they do not come close to this mouthwatering deliciousness.

Busch Gardens had a Mardis Gras event on. Cue: garish green and purple colour schemes, plastic beads, jazz music and tasty street food. It was an interesting addition but it didn't feel like an all-encompassing theme park event, just a few extra food stalls and people in costumes.


After watching the ice show, time was ticking in the insanely fast way that it only does when you're at a theme park. We braved the Cobra's Curse queue (this was the only coaster in the park with a significant queue) and it was one of those lines that just. never. moves.
So we got to enjoy the blue screen of the failing projector and animations that didn't line up properly in the pre-show room many a time. Lucky us! Cobra's Curse is nothing special.

Oh gosh, we need to head over to Kumba, I exclaimed as darkness was falling over the park. We arrived at the entrance. Ride down.

Noooo! Not again! 😦

We waited by the entrance and luckily Kumba reopened soon. Wow. A front row night ride on Kumba is certainly the way to ride this thing. It was great, especially that beautiful Zero G roll! A solid 8/10 ride ;)


After trying all the food and drink from the Mardis Gras stalls due to Busch Gardens kindly giving us a free sampler card, we grabbed a night ride on SheiKra where we ended up sat next to a guy wearing a Behemoth shirt (the band, not the ride) Going up a 200ft lift hill in the dark whilst discussing Polish Black Metal was certainly a fun one for me. SheiKra is even more fun at night, but it's still a solid...(everyone say it, all together!)... 8/10 ride!

Our last ride of the day ended up being front row on the final train of the day on Cheetah Hunt.


This was definitely the coaster highlight of our day. Cheetah Hunt is fantastic at night! As we hobbled back to the car on our Theme Park Feet that had been standing and walking all day, I concluded that I have finally had a good day at Busch Gardens.

The coasters in this park are solid and offer good traditional thrill coaster experiences, but all the ride types feel very familar.

Without Iron Gwazi open - the park felt like it was lacking that modern "WOW!" knock-your-socks-off ride. I have no doubt Iron Gwazi will provide this. Just looking at that beast, it's easy to assume it'll be a 10 / 10 ride experience for BGT. Already I can't wait to get back out there to ride it!
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ahhh you are calmly riding the 400ft drop towers now, the terror is gone. :(


EDIT : ok, so just the 300+ ft ones are OK now :)
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I totally get why you went... but man, the torment of seeing Iron Gwazi stood there, completed but not open, would have been too much for me. Just thinking about it makes me itch!
Respect to you both. 👏👏👏
I totally get why you went... but man, the torment of seeing Iron Gwazi stood there, completed but not open, would have been too much for me. Just thinking about it makes me itch!
Respect to you both. 👏👏👏
I can assure you, as painful as it was Velocicoaster definitely made up for it!
I totally get why you went... but man, the torment of seeing Iron Gwazi stood there, completed but not open, would have been too much for me. Just thinking about it makes me itch!
Respect to you both. 👏👏👏
I went to Walibi Holland a few weeks before Untamed was open… The area was open and the ride was testing, it was absolute torture…

Luckily it was extremely easy to get back to a few weeks later when it did open…
I went to Walibi Holland a few weeks before Untamed was open… The area was open and the ride was testing, it was absolute torture…

Luckily it was extremely easy to get back to a few weeks later when it did open…

Yeah but 'popping back to Tampa a couple of weeks later to nab the cred' isn't quite as easy! 😝

Edit* actually when you think about it, I suppose it is. The principle's the same innit? Just a longer flight. Mince over there on Sat morning, spend the afternoon at Busch, fly back Sunday. Boom!
Yeah but 'popping back to Tampa a couple of weeks later to nab the cred' isn't quite as easy! 😝

Edit* actually when you think about it, I suppose it is. The principle's the same innit? Just a longer flight. Mince over there on Sat morning, spend the afternoon at Busch, fly back Sunday. Boom!
Yeh I think 12-14 hour travelling each direction is too much for one day, even for me who will happily drive to Germany for a day trip…

Just come in Sept… Specifically some time around the 12th… There’s other coasters opening this year at some point too remember. ;)
Just come in Sept… Specifically some time around the 12th… There’s other coasters opening this year at some point too remember. ;)

It's a done deal, bro!

*Sorry Serena and Alex, we seem to have hijacked your trip report and turned it into our own little planning topic.
Please continue with your review. 😁