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Tulleys Farm Shocktoberfest


Mega Poster
Tulleys Farm is one of the most iconic if not the most iconic halloween event in the UK. They were one of the first to the scene back in 98' with Creepy Cottage. In the UK scare events just were not a thing back then, honestly scare attractions only really took off in the 2010's here in the UK.

The park has done some pretty innovative things in its past. Hellements was the debut of the hooded mazes, Itscurtains (now Twisted Clowns) arguably started the wide array of clown mazes with curtain mazes, Chop Shop took a cliche and then used in a way that is relentless, The Colony was a mile in length, The Volt used actual electric shocks, and Twisted offered an actor on a bungee chord, a spinning tunnel and 3D paint.

Tulleys now offers 9 different mazes in addition to the Circus Of Horrors. It is mammoth in size, easily the largest scream park in the UK and maybe even europe.
The park were even in talks pre covid to bump up to 10 mazes in the future, in 2019 they added Wastelands, which if you have gone through that maze you'll understand just how much detail and scale that attraction manages to have.

So do you guys believe scare attractions will reopen normally in a post covid world? I hope so.
Did Tulley Shocktoberfest write this? 🧐

In all seriousness, yes I think so. I see no reason why not! And I for one can't wait. Bring on Halloween please.
Haha its my local farm, been going ever year since 2012. Acted for a few years there too.
I'm sure my post conveyed my love of the place lol, and yeah it certainly is looking likely with vaccines. Though some other events in the Uk have already dropped their 2021 event, and events are dying out due to covid. Hopefully Tulleys does not have that fate.

only 3 months now so the hype is real.
There is a place near Bristol called Avon Valley Adventure & Wildlife Park that does a really good horror event and the last time I went they did the most extraordinary upcharge attraction called Kill Zone...

From memory, you got a paintball or similar gun and fended off a zombie horde... yes, real actors coming at you getting a taste of your gun.... or your bow and arrow. Take that, pow!

Never seen anything similar at the major parks.
Tulleys is almost certainly my favourite UK Halloween attraction - alas, it's 200 miles away and I can't justify the trip just for that, since Thorpe Fright Nights is just not worth the hassle.

I'm fairly confident we'll get proper Halloween this year after a slightly odd one in 2020 - and I'm already being bombarded with emails from places wanting me to advance book!!
I had a chance to have a chat with one of the managers of Tulleys a little while ago, and preparations for Shocktoberfest are in full swing really. They have options and plans depending on restrictions, etc. But I think at this point, the plan is very much for things to be as close to the usual set up as possible.

It will be interesting to see if they do introduce the 11th attraction they had planned at one point for last year. For those unaware, it was meant to be an extension to the Wastelands area, and be themed around an Infirmary (the in-story idea being that in the apocalyptic world, the crazed people had taken over the penitentiary, and then later took over the infirmary). Before they announced they weren't running Shocktoberfest, Tulleys did confirm they weren't going to open Wastelands Infirmary in 2020 because it could be seen as insensitive.
So will be interesting whether they go ahead, postpone it again, or have just scrapped it.

As for Tulleys more generally, I most confess I've never shared the universal love it gets.
I LOVE the street theatre and roaming actor teams they have; they are up there with the best I've experienced.
But the mazes? Meh. Most go on too long, have too many lulls and have too similar themes. Bigger doesn't always mean better.
I'd say a new maze is unlikely, i would not blame the park if they just kept 2019's lineup, though we might see a refurb/upgrades on prexisting mazes. I think The Wreckoning in particular needs some help set-wise.

As for Tulleys more generally, I most confess I've never shared the universal love it gets.
I LOVE the street theatre and roaming actor teams they have; they are up there with the best I've experienced.
But the mazes? Meh. Most go on too long, have too many lulls and have too similar themes. Bigger doesn't always mean better.
I see where you are coming from with the 'lulls'. Coven and Wreckoning is kind of guilty for that. I do believe it is getting better though, i found Wastelands felt more 'full' when i went through, especially in the cage, where actors seem to be everywhere. I think if they continue to build mazes as well crafted as Wastelands, the lineup will improve.
Agreed about the street, its their crown jewel, i do feel humour is Tulleys strong point. Not many scare attractions would have frankenstein and the mummy pushing around a pram.
I think this was the right move, The Wreckoning was a bit of a mish mash of set pieces from its predecessors (the finale from The Tunnel, and the sprawling wooden structures from The Colony) mixed in with some not so fleshed out new set pieces. This new maze will undoubtedly use that HUGE plot of land and certainly will be a lot of work to transform . I hope this rendition of the giant will be stronger, i do wonder if/how it will incorporate some of the old structures.

Very big an obvious reference to Thorpe there, who use the 'Island Like No Other' brand.

Tulleys always seem to jump on Thorpe in one way or another. Makes sense, given the reasonable proximity and similar target market. But there's a line between banter and humour and just coming across a bit petty and desperate which I think this is skirting around.

Full description: https://www.shocktoberfest.co.uk/haunts/the-island
My initial reaction is meh. It sounds entirely like the theme and story could easily blur into at least 3 or 4 other the mazes they have. Basically leaves me expecting more of the same, which isn't great for me...

But the mazes? Meh. Most go on too long, have too many lulls and have too similar themes. Bigger doesn't always mean better.
So this to me is interesting. If you any of you went through The Colony, this basically sounds like they are reverting back to The Colony without actually bringing it back. Really it generally is just a filler year, with a decent cast this maze could be good, The Colony was good.

I'd say the rest of the lineup at this point is pretty strong. Hayride and Wastelands are headliners, Vixi is under-rated, Coven had its best year so far, and the rest of the mazes are good support.

I'd generally expect a similar event to 2019, but with The Wreckoning being reverted back to The Colony in spirit. I think after 2019, i really am not complaining about a filler year, as we got a huge new toy with Wastelands. As it has been confirmed, the event had bigger and bolder plans, but after the pandemic they were sidelined.
2019 is the event's strongest year so far in my opinion (ive been going since 2012), so if 2021 is anything like it, it will be great.
So it seems like the Wreckoning, which was itself new in 2019 but still one of the weakest attractions imo, is being replaced:

Do we know if it's properly being replaced or they're just tarting it up like they do every few years? I think I've done this 'location' in three iterations: Wood Stock, The Colony and The Wreckoning. I think Wood Stock was probably the stronget if memory serves me right, but they all suffered from the same issue of being too long and slightly too open, with not quite enough cast to punctuate with scares. I've always found them well themed, The Wreckoning in particular I'll be sad to see the back of as I loved the big wooden ship structures, but I've always thought if they could cut that location in half and do two shorter, more intense mazes it would likely benefit.

Intrigued by this newness though!
Do we know if it's properly being replaced or they're just tarting it up like they do every few years? I think I've done this 'location' in three iterations: Wood Stock, The Colony and The Wreckoning. I think Wood Stock was probably the stronget if memory serves me right, but they all suffered from the same issue of being too long and slightly too open, with not quite enough cast to punctuate with scares. I've always found them well themed, The Wreckoning in particular I'll be sad to see the back of as I loved the big wooden ship structures, but I've always thought if they could cut that location in half and do two shorter, more intense mazes it would likely benefit.

Intrigued by this newness though!
Knowing Tulleys, it is very likely to be a 'tart up', completely reworking that space would take a LOT of money and time. I know with the previous renditions of the maze, they have always retained elements of its predecessor, or had sections that were practically untouched. I didn't do Woodshock, but The Tunnel (2014) had a few sections that were untouched when it transitioned to The Colony, and then The Wreckoning had a quite bit re-used from The Colony.

So i would certainly keep expectations modest. With the theme, i do actually see them keeping some of the ship strictures. Being themed to an island, it would not be out of place to have a ship or two right?
Knowing Tulleys, it is very likely to be a 'tart up', completely reworking that space would take a LOT of money and time. I know with the previous renditions of the maze, they have always retained elements of its predecessor, or had sections that were practically untouched. I didn't do Woodshock, but The Tunnel (2014) had a few sections that were untouched when it transitioned to The Colony, and then The Wreckoning had a quite bit re-used from The Colony.

So i would certainly keep expectations modest. With the theme, i do actually see them keeping some of the ship strictures. Being themed to an island, it would not be out of place to have a ship or two right?
Yh I get you, it's not unheard of for them to spend the cash though so I can hope haha!

And YES The Tunnel - I knew there was one I was missing. Four iterations then.
Tulleys is seeing an announcement tomorrow, with teasers for ANOTHER maze, which would mean 9 mazes, Hayride, and The Circus Of Horrors. I honestly find it crazy an already giant scream park like Tulleys is getting even bigger. I also do wonder if we will see revisions to other mazes this year as well, and if potentially this is going to be an event where you're probably gonna run out of time for a maze or two.
I am very much excited for what is to be revealed, i do doubt it'd be too detailed though of a reveal? Cos its so early on, tbf i am a little shocked we are hearing anything in the month of March.

Spooky season is only 7 months guys :))
So new maze is confirmed, but obviously details are sparse because its so early.
The main news we have seen, is the park will allow multiple run through mazes. This will be certainly prove interesting, i personally believe it is a good thing though. It gives a lot more flexiblity for people visiting- if you wanna skip out VIXI for example, you can just do your favourite maze twice. The only worry i have is some attractions being swamped with people- Hayride in particular always has a queue and i feel may get out of hand? Every other attraction though should be balanced and overall i think its a positive step.
That's great that they will allow multiple goes through the mazes now. After my first visit last Oct that was a key thing I wish they would improve.

On an irrelevant side-note: how had I never heard how great the Haunted Hayride was before? I was expecting a super short tractor ride with a few actors. It ended up being way longer than I was expecting and had so much going on. If it counts as a "theme park ride", it's right up there with the best the country.
So Tulleys yesterday announced ElecTrick Carnival- a new clown maze to replace Twisted Clowns. This looks very exciting with a teaser of the logo and theme with a promo video:

This name and teaser alludes heavily to having a shock Element like The Volt did in 2015, I have a feeling it may be back. It was pretty terrifying and innovative to be fair, and I do believe with a bigger budget and clown theme the gimmick could work a lot better.

The Volt was honestly a filler attraction in 2015, with the budget that year mostly going to the other attractions introduced. So the gimmick never got fully realised imo.

I wonder if we see the trommel tunnel and the good old bungee return. Overall though this seems interesting, and a very unique twist to a clown maze

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