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Traveling rides

Mysterious Sue

Strata Poster
What weird, really good or really bad mobile rides have you been on? Do they compare to thier expensive static peers?

One of the best rides I can remember going on (for the shear lunacy of it) was a ride at a fun fair years ago in Gillingham, Kent. If anyone knows what it is please please tell me beacuse I've never seen one since.

Imagine a coaster with just one oval verticle loop and a train runs coninuously round inside it. The oval is very tight so the cars all press up against each other and are enclosed with glass sides. The cars are a triangular shape so they fit into the oval and squish up against each other. As well as going upside-down, the whole thing - track and train - then rotates (imagine a spit over a fire). It was brilliant, if vomit-inducing.

Any ideas??? Or can anyone do any better?
Is this the ride you mean?

Edit: Wow, just watched over that video, and my god, you would never catch me on one of them, they look seriously painful!
OMG you found it, that's amazing!
:--D :--D :--D THANK YOU soooooo much!:--D :--D :--D
(I've been trying to find it for ages)

Even watching it makes me feel sick again - it really was crazy.
Wonder if I'll ever see one again - I'd definitely reccommend it (although not straight after lucnh!)
I'm sure it only had a lap bar as well and you were falling onto the window right against the face of person in the next car!

Where did you go on one Herbinator?
^I think he meant when he was riding it

But, to be the first person here to actually contribute towards the topic ( :--D ) I tend to steer clear of travelling rides. Not because I think they're unsafe or whatever, simply because they cost so much to go on and it does my head in paying for individual rides. Also the only time I see them is when there is something so much better to do (i.e. at a festival or whatever).
^ahh opps sorry

I know what you mean about the expense - always a downer.
But I think a certain amount of safety concerns adds to the fear! I draw the line if it's being held together with sellotape though!

Also, I really like old rides that bump you around a bit -(always a fan of things like the Wildmouse at Blackpool which I can wait to go on again next week!) and traveling rides often have, shall we say, 'character'.
I went on my first 2 travelling rides last night :)

I have a fairly weak stomach for things that flip you over, but spinny things I'm OK with. So anyway, last night I went on 2 rides, one called Twister, and one called Miami Trip.

Also went on the little kids coaster for the credit :D

Does that make me sad or what?

Anyway, liked both rides, even if Miami Trip was only enjoyable after I got off (only because I'd LITERALLY done Twister not five minutes before). I'd go on again, but I would go on them the other way round. I wanna try a waltzer next!