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Torchwood: Children of Earth


CF Legend

So what did you think of the first episode. I though it was pretty good. A big improvement from the crappy second series.

Although that bit at the end with the bomb
In Jacks stomach
was a bit silly.
Can't wait to see tomorrows episode now. :)
Ben said:
John Barrowman should be shot. I don't watch it because he makes me want to die.

Totally agree.

I would also like to add I hate everything to do with the 'New' Doctor Who ie, there revived series, not the original.

Original ftw.

New Doctor Who nftw.
I decided to go to bed about 8:45 last night and despite being shattered, I couldn't sleep so I poured a large whisky and put the telly on. Torchwood was the "least worst thing" on (where you watch telly for the sake of it) so I ended up watching it.

Once you get past the grating Welsh accents and sickly Barrowman's poncing about, it's a watchable show.

Easy to pick up, mindless entertainment. It passed and hour, made me feel sleepy but engrossed me enough to watch tonights second episode.
What's wrong with Barrowman?

Have i missed some sort of "anti-barrowman" crusade in the british press which has left people not liking him?
I thought it was ok.

The kids they used were a bit useless at standing still though.. i saw a couple smile and stuff when they were supposed to be frozen. In this age of CG - that was a bit turdy.

And I made the mistake of not turning it off before the "what happens in the next episode" bit. Why shows do this is BEYOND me. That said, it could be worse - i remember when "the a-team" used to show you clips of what was about to happen BEFORE the show.

Oh and congrats to Ollie for only giving away a little bit of the plot outside the spoiler tag.
^Lol I aim to please. :p

Tonights episode was pretty good. I didn't know Jack could come back from that state. I thought if he was decapitated he'd die forever. Although then that would ruin the whole 'Face of Boe' future.
I love the way how it's all serious but they still keep that Torchwood charm by adding in slightly funny bits.

I wish they showed more of Jacks corpse coming back together rather than using it as an excuse to show full frontal nudity of him. :p
Tomorrows episode should be good.
I find the Barrowman rather hot. The storyline is rather long winded but has the twist to keep you interested if you can stomach it. Ive watched Torchwood since series one it was good then better now its along haul and hopefully it has a decent ending.

Ive always found him hot not sure why but i guess it cant be explaned.

I could have watched more of naked jack but yes more of the the corpse to would have been nice.
Im gonna avoid this thread for fear of ollie until i've seen all the episodes..

I'll comment when it's finished.
Ollie said:
I wish they showed more of Jacks corpse coming back together rather than using it as an excuse to show full frontal nudity of him. :p

Wait... what... Full...? Should I have been watching this show...?
Clammy if you see a post by me! starting with Tonights episode... then it's your choice if you read on all not. You should know by now what I'm like.
And I don't want to be held back in a discussion about it. What's the point of having a topic when you cant discuss anything that's happened in it? :p
Tonight's episode was pretty eventful. Liked the bit with the beans and liked the way it ended. Will be watching tomorrows episode for sure. :)
I have found it very gripping and I do like how the BBC have turned it into an 'event' by having an episode a night.

Tonights episode was good and everything is slowly piecing together now, I just want to know more about what happened in the 60s, hopefully tomorrow's episode will provide more answers.
Very Resident Evil with that virus thing reminisent of the "T Virus".

It is getting interesting and im not sure if a "new" Torchwood team will be as good as the "old" team.

Did Ianto have to die ?