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Top 3 Amusement/Theme Parks


Matt SR
Staff member
Social Media Team
Because it hasn't been asked for a while... :roll:

What are your top three Amusement or Theme Parks?
That I've been to?

Cedar Point
Six Flags Great Adventure
Islands of Adventure/The one next to it.

All were fantastic- three of the best days of my life I had at those parks and haven't visited anywhere even close to be honest..... Brilliant rides, enormous variety and great atmosphere.
The Dustin poll. :wink:
I was wondering who was going to post this. :p

1, Universal in Orlando
2. Six Flags Magic Mountain
3. Europa Park (aka Mack Rides Park)
^ You caught me! :lol:

1. Cedar Point
2. Islands of Adventure
3. Dollywood
For the aesthetics/music and overall quality of rides (rather than signature coasters):

1. Phantasialand
2. Efteling
3. Chessington
Actually really difficult as often a park's appeal is more than just the coasters or theming. Sometimes they just really work for me. There are parks like Liseberg where I could spend all day there happy as Larry and not riding anything. I find Chessington with the family fantastic, but with adults pretty awful (maybe I need new grown up friends? :p ). So it's really tough to actually pick them. Alton Towers I love too, but it's simply because when you go so much, you notice little things that please you, and learn to ignore the elephant in the room (Alton has a herd of them).

Two parks really stand out for me though.

1. Busch Gardens Willamsberg. Gorgeous park setting and some fantastic rides. The rides aren't the best in the world, but they're all at the very least "good" and go up to excellent. It's just so lush and there's such immersion and so much to do. Brilliant park.

2. Hershey Park. I loved the place. Some great rolling landscapes and masses of "fun" rides. Absolutely adored going there and would head back again in an instant.

No idea really what to put in third place? Great Adventure for the mass of top quality rides? Lake Compounce simply for Boulder Dash? Oakwood because I'm a closet Wales fan? Alton because I'm obvious? Seriously no idea, so I'll leave option 3 open.
1. Islands of Adventure. I love the place, I can spend so long in there just wandering around without actually riding anything. I think it's miles above the others.

2. Universal Studios Orlando. Similar to above really. It has some really good rides (RoTM for example). But I just find its the whole package and how its delivered.

3. Alton Towers. Like Furie said, you keep noticing little things when you go. It does have some good rides, I just think its a nice atmostphere.

Although, to be fair, I've not actually been to that many parks...
1. Universal IoA and USF. I've grouped them together because you can easily do them as 'one' park, they're close enough and fit in one day out. The level of theming is astounding and a few of my top 20 coasters reside here. It remains my number one because I have so many memories of this place and always have a great time when I go there, regardless of weather, crowds or company.

One thing I will say though is that I feel the ride line-up isn't as breathtaking as I used to think it was. However I do think this is down to me visiting more parks and riding a broader range of things.

2. Phantasialand. Never in my life have I been in a park so CRAMMED with people and yet still had such a magical day out. The theming is perfection, every single ride leaves you breathless for one reason or another and the parks just seems to swallow you up into it's atmosphere, which is quite impressive when you see from outside how close 'civilisation' actually is ;] I've only been once but it's one of the only parks I've ever come out of and have gone I NEED to go back there. It's original, it's mindblowing and it's magical. Amazing place.

3. Alton Towers. Alton Towers is beautiful. From the moment I step in the parks and hear the music, see the Towers and feel the breeze blowing at me from across the lake I can't help but feel excited just to be within the gates of this enchanted place. Again, a few of my top 20 reside here but the 'filler' attractions all hit the nail on the head too. The theming is fab, especially Nemesis despite it being over 15 years old! I do worry for the place though, with recent developments like the stupid advertising on Oblivion and plans for a Shrek themed area almost going through I'm afraid we'll see Alton go the way of Thorpe in the coming years and end up just another park filled with advertising and famous brands used as themes. I truly hope not, but this is how it seems to be going =[

Honourable mentions go to: Busch Gardens Tampa, Walt Disney World (as a resort), and Efteling
I'll go with Busch Gardens Williamsbug as the best park I've ever been to. The scenery, theming, landscaping and atmosphere are all utterly amazing, and add in some top quality rides (the 3 B&Ms) along with various way-above-average secondary rides (BBW, Loch Ness, the water rides) and you've got one of the best theme parks in the world.

I'm not sure what comes in my number 2 spot, but for the sake of this poll I'll go with Phantasialand. The theming is absolutely stunning (although it did feel rather claustophobic in places) and the hotels are the best theme park-hotels I've ever seen. The park had 3 stand-out rides for me in Mysterious Castle, Black Mamba and Winja's Force and I found the general atmosphere to be very good.

For my third pick, although strictly probably nowhere near one of the "top" parks in the world, my favourite park is Knoebel's. I was with some of the best company I've ever been with in a park that day, Phoenix is incredible, I loved the general feel to the park and the atmosphere was excellent. :)
The 3 P's!

Phantasialand, Parc Asterix, PortAventura.

Flying Giraffe, Zeussssssssssss and Khan!!!!! <3
Alright I'm bored, so I'll elaborate...

Chessington is my home park so I'm a bit bias. Not only does it have a great selection of rides (including Vampire which I have a soft spot for) it has fantastic theming in Transylvania, a great soundtrack, perfect areas for a picnic and cute animals (fenic foxes, meerkats, otters...sometimes I just go for the zoo). It's a zoo, a park and a theme park all rolled into one. The kids love it, the adults love it, it has something for everyone.
In one word: Cute

Efteling is stunning. It's less of a theme park and more of a magical fairytale land complete with magical forest, fairies and a dashing of Brother's Grimm horror. It's Disney without the sugar rush. I've nicknamed it eerieling because of the amount of weird stuff going on. The first thing that hits you are the levels of detail - each cash machine has its own facade and its own music. And then there's the ride music! THE BEST THEME PARK MUSIC EVER, all performed by a full orchestra! For me, music on a ride can be everything,and Efteling never fails to amaze. Flying Dutchmen, Vogel Rok and Joris en de Draak are particular highlights. Efteling has no stand out rides as such, but I could walk around that place for hours and feel quite content
In one word: Beautiful

Phantasialand is a complete shock to the senses. It's the most immersive park I've ever been to. Theming doesn't just stimulate your imagination - as you walk in the gate you are literally transported into another world. And the rides back it up. Black Mamba is a stonking B&M, Colroado Adventure is the best mine train I've been on, the rapids have immense drops, Winjas is insane (the theme is Gaudi combined with steampunk, with some bird worship thrown in for good measure) and Mystery Castle is without a doubt the best drop tower in the world (maybe even the best flat ride if I wasn't so loyal to Hex)
In one work: Fantastical

One quick shout out to Alton. You used to beat Chessington hands down with quirky world first rides, a beautiful old house, Nemesis, a cracking theme tune, and a magical entrance though Alton Village. But the last few times I've gone, you just felt a bit out of touch. Maybe it's just me...
So far?

3.Drayton (mainly for Maelstrom)

Chessington is close behind Drayton, but obviously I'm a bit sick of the damn place since starting to work there, and I just find the rides far too tame and dull. It still has good nostalgia value to it though.

Wow, that was a predictable answer.
1. Blackpool - best value, best ride portfolio
2. Alton Towers - best environment, escapism, setting etc
3. Lightwater Valley - two of the most unique rides in the country, best customer care/engagement
3. Thorpe Park - not trying to please everyone at the same time with lots of childrens rides
Bit of a tough decision, there a few parks I have really enjoyed that offer different things, but I'll try to order them.

1. Busch Gardens Tampa
2. Six Flags Magic Mountain
3. Europa Park

BGT is just amazing. It has a beautiful setting and just awesome coasters, and it probably helped that last time I went SheiKra, Kumba and Montu were all walk on. It is just an excellent park and I'd love to get back to ride Cheetah Hunt.

I'm pretty sure SFMM would be my number one had I been able to have a second day there and ride all the coasters, as I only managed to go on one day, which was boiling and quite packed. However, the sheer amount of rides obviously puts it up there, and I'd love to get back to ride everything. Plus, X2 <3

Europa Park blew me away, as I visited it before I was an enthusiast really. The theming and sheer amount of variation of rides is amazing and I'd love to go back to ride Blue Fire.

Close also was Islands of Adventure as the theming and rides are amazing. Plus now it has Wizarding World of Harry Potter, I'm sure the park would go even further up in my estimation, were I to experience it. Also, Alton Towers, could be a bit of fanboyism but after so many visits I can still never get enough, such a fantastic park.
My list is going to be strange as the rides are not that great but the atmosphere is.

1. Magic Kingdom Orlando, takes me away from the real world once I walk through the gates.
2. California Adventure, I really liked the park no matter what people say.

IoA would have been on that list but it is so run down and old now that I am actually in no rush to go back, shame as it was my number 1 a few years back.
1 - PortAventura: I love this park, the atmosphere is incredible and more vivid at night! It's got a lovely magical feel about it, nearly on par with Disney's parks in my opinion, and the ride selection is great! Dragon Khan alone is worth the visit. The park does have it's flaws, like graffiti everywhere and a mediocre flat ride selection, but that doesn't matter, PortAventura is a growing park and it's only going to get better! Personally I'd think a Flying coaster would fit the park perfectly, more so than the rumoured Dive Machine/Hyper coaster.

2 - Alton Towers: Alton has to be Britains gem in terms of Theme Parks. It has an authentic British feel, lots of green, lots of ducks and most evidentally lots of grim theming. I mean seriously... We have: Forbidden Valley, Gloomy Wood, X-Sector, The Towers and the Dark Forest, in which pretty much all of the iconic rides are located. The thing that completely makes Alton Towers (not much in recent additions) is the creative use of it's restricted tree height, still baffles me when I read: 'Height: 65' Drop: 180''. Shame the Towers have been going downhill since AIR (in my opinion), need something hard-hitting soon!

3 - Disneyland Paris: What really makes a great park isn't to do with ride selection, sure you can have the most intense rollercoasters in the world placed on a car park, you'll have great rides, but thats it! Disneyland parks are the pinnacle of theming. And they look outstanding, at times they look like you're on another planet, but the incredible effort put into these parks to look the way they are is a feat on it's own! What stands out the most for me in this Disneyland, is the rollercoasters, I think they're brilliant, in comparison to the Magic Kingdom in Florida specifically, you can really tell the advancement here.
Not been to many parks, but heres my favourites:

1. Alton Towers - Great atmosphere, and great rides.

2. Parc Asterix - Good atmosphere, zeus is AWESOME, might go up to No.1 after the new B&M.

3. Thorpe park - Awesome rides, not so good atmosphere.

Of course thats for the moment, in 5 minutes I will change my mind. :)