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Thorpe Park School Days


Strata Poster
Does anyone know when these start? I want to go to Thorpe after my finals (finish on friday :D), nice weather an all, but I don't wanna leave it too late incase the park gets flooded with school kids..

Got any ideas when they start?
Based on the 3 trips already done by my brother's secondary school, supposedly doing "science" then I'd say they'd already started.
People with exams begin finishing next friday, so you would probably want to go sometime next week. The actual school term doesn't finish for another six weeks.
These 'school trips' are surprising, I went to TP with my mates from Uni in April, and there were two large groups of kids tearing through Pizza Hut and being a nuisance. We couldn't tell wether they were from a school or some sort of club or something, but it was a random wednesday (i.e a school day) - not in any half term or holidays, so whenever you seem to go they are there!

From my school days we would visit either Camelot or AT at the start of July, so you may be OK as it's only early June.

You could always give TP a call as they will of course know of all the schools planning a visit and when!
Kids these days, when I was at school we'd get dragged to museums for our yearly outings, and have to do a boring quiz whilst there!
July is usually when they all start, June you get a few but not many...

So yeah, just in time for me to come back off holiday and back to work :lol:
caffeine_demon said:
Kids these days, when I was at school we'd get dragged to museums for our yearly outings, and have to do a boring quiz whilst there!

Same here! Although I enjoyed the museums because Mum would come along and I'd get spoilt.
At our school we always have to fill out "educational" sheets. But one year we had the science co-ordinator and we were at the zoo, and hes like "this is my 12th time here, i'll just give you the answers and we can look around" That was pretty awesome.
At our school we always have to fill out "educational" sheets. But one year we had the science co-ordinator and we were at the zoo, and hes like "this is my 12th time here, i'll just give you the answers and we can look around" That was pretty awesome.
I was at thorpe yesterday, half term is over and most coaster queues were half an hour all day. Saw was at an hour to an hour and a half until about 5.