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Thorpe Fright Nights 2012


CF Legend
So according to Screamscape Fright Nights are running through to November 4th this year, meaning the Blow **It Up firework thing isn't happening this year.

Also, apparently there's a new 'attraction' for this year. Didn't say maze so maybe it's a scare zone or something?
It runs to the 4th because thats when the half term is this year (Mon 29th - Fri 2nd)

Neptune's Beach is now closed for the rest of the season (from yesterday) so they can start getting ready for fright nights. Not that anyone cares/will notice.

Tiny bit of info available at the bottom of here: http://thorpepark.com/plan-your-visit/events.aspx
Yay Fright Night <3 Hopefully it's a maze but with a twist like that new one for 2011 has...
^ You do realise you're posting in a Fright Nights topic, right? ;)

Yeah, if they're going to do a Scare Zone, let's hope they don't do it like tha crock of **** they tried two years ago, what a massive failure.
You do realise you weren't at Ghosterforce last year where I bailed on a horror maze and now I don't like them.

So **** off.

Edit: I just realised I've stated many times I don't like horror mazes in many threads like this afterwards. Knowledge of me bailing is irrelevant now.

Yeah, **** horror mazes.
I'm sure I read somewhere that it is a maze. Can't remember where though lol. Would make sense though as the Hellgate building has sat empty for a couple of years now.

Also Thorpe Have updated their website for the event. Seems to have a new tag line "Getting in is easy...It's getting back out you should worry about..."
Yeah, Kim, why come into a thread you have no interest in to say so? It's Sammy and rude to those who do care.

...The whole extending fright nights thing is dumb. Exactly my thought, Nic, its just because of where half term falls. They are just passing it off as "look, we've cut opening hours but you have more time to play!" And people buy it?

In the States, Halloween stuff starts next week. Short straw over here indeed.

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Joey said:
Yeah, Kim, why come into a thread you have no interest in to say so? It's Sammy and rude to those who do care.

Because I might be interested in the other parts of Fright Nights and just wished to express my distain for horror mazes untill we have an official word on what this new thing is?
kimahri said:
You do realise you weren't at Ghosterforce last year where I bailed on a horror maze and now I don't like them.

So **** off.
you do realise I don't care and that I was joking because I know you don't like them based off of countless other threads n which you've said the same thing…

Yeah, I totally agree Joey. I've found that with my attractions (well, the company I work for), it's more popular adding extra dates BEFORE Halloween as opposed to after. Soon as its reached the 1st November, people's mentality and excitement drastically shift towards Bonfire Night. But, saying this, they're only going 4 days beyond Halloween itself, it's still going to get people drawn to the event. Spooky World (A Screm Park in Warrington) opened until like 20th November the year before last, it was a MASSIVE fault by them to do this, sources from the attraction actually state that beyond the 6th November, they started to lose money staying open as opposed to earning anything from them venture. When we went, it was stupidly dead (pardon the pun).
I contacted Thorpe a while ago with a huge post saying what I like about the event and how I feel they could improve it.
One of the ideas I put forward was doing what Universal do and make the last few days of Fright Nights an extra ticket event. That way people are buying a ticket to actually be scared which would give Thorpe a lot more freedom of what they could do around the park in terms of roaming actors/scare zone. At the moment they can't do anything unless there's a way for the guests who don't want to do it to avoid them.

They replied saying they loved the idea and would bring it up in their next meeting although I doubt they actually will lol. Mainly due to the cost of hiring more actors and having to theme more of the park. Would be cool if they could turn the event into the UK's answer to HHN though.

Probably won't get to visit again this year which is annoying as I want to do Experiment 10. But will be doing Scarefest instead so at least I'm doing something.
Ollie said:
I contacted Thorpe a while ago with a huge post saying what I like about the event and how I feel they could improve it.
One of the ideas I put forward was doing what Universal do and make the last few days of Fright Nights an extra ticket event. That way people are buying a ticket to actually be scared which would give Thorpe a lot more freedom of what they could do around the park in terms of roaming actors/scare zone. At the moment they can't do anything unless there's a way for the guests who don't want to do it to avoid them.
While that's good in theory, in reality, it's pointless, when they can charge an extra ticket all the way throu and get the exact same outcome, plus, they just need to put signs and T&C's out about what they're actually going to experience. If people don't want to be scared and don't want certain things t happen, don't go during that time. Thorpe HAS got the infrastructure to become the UK's answer to HHN, but, they haven't got ANYWHERE near the budget to do what the Universal do, no park in the UK does, or if they do, are willing to spend it on a small event.
Ollie said:
They replied saying they loved the idea and would bring it up in their next meeting


I wonder how many 600 foot roller coasters with 50 loops they've "loved" and brought up "in their next meeting".

I'm still to try any of the mazes at Thorpe. If I go this year, which I might do as there's a good chance I'm not going anywhere over half term this year, then I may finally get around to doing them. Dunno.
Lofty said:
Yeah, if they're going to do a Scare Zone, let's hope they don't do it like tha crock of **** they tried two years ago, what a massive failure.

I nearly died of laughter half way round that when out of the smoke and mist loomed.....a life size hippo ranger! Hahahaha
And then Zodiac's dismantled sign...
Yeah, it really was poo.

Still, Experiment 10 made up for it last year - they'd really put some thought behind that
I tried one at Thorpe and thought it was pants and everyone said it was the best one!

Thorpe need to get themselves to BGA and see how to do a maze.

Tbh though mazes don't scare me, but the scare zones at BGA did really badly to the extent I ran away from one of them.
^Yes, leaving me for dust in the middle of it, in a packed out park.

The Busch Gardens ones were immense.

I have found Thorpes to be really meh and very samey, even when they try to give them different stories it is essentially just people jumping out on you. The effect very quickly wears off...

I will be heading up the group of non-mazers at GhosterForce this year no doubt...
See, that's a shame, you need variation in your scare techniques. From Jump/Startle Scares through to Psychological & Gore Scares, without it, it becomes tedious.
They do vary. Although they do have a lot of startle scares, some mazes (especially Se7en) has stuff like gore and more psychological scares. Experiment 10 gave a totally different experience as well as they split the group up so you're alone and have different paths.

The thing I love best about scare attractions in the UK is their variety in acting. In most the American haunts the actors are in fixed spots and it's almost all jump scares or shaking cans at people. :p
But where we win on acting they win on the incredible sets they build.
None of Thorpe's mazes are a patch on Terror of the Towers.

Thorpe don't have the potential to be the UK's answer to HHN, Alton do. They just need to get their paid for mazes to the standard of their free one.

Blates spiting it again this year.
But Alton don't really, the park is far too big to have a cohesive theme running through it, especially when it comes to their budget. Thorpe just could be utilised a lot more than it is so the event feels larger, that's what's annoying about Scarefest, it doesn't feel like an event, it feels like several scare attractions thrown in, they've tried to make it more cohesive by adding the Scarezone, but it's still not filling it as an "event".