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Thorpe 18/4


Strata Poster
can't really be arsed... so if anyones got a better suggestion for a topic title, lmk and I'll edit it.

My ride count:
N:I x2 (re-ride)
Det x2 (re-ride)
Rumba Rapids
Stealth x4 (2x front. 3x single rider)
Saw (with a priority pass)
Rocky Express
Carousel x1 1/2 (thanks to some chavs getting kicked off halfway through!)
Flying Fish
CC Railway
Rocky Express
Banana boat
Flying Fish

I know the others will post later which'll be a lot more entertaining, so I'll keep it brief. I had a really great day today. The weather was great (well, the sun came out about an hour after we arrived). Our strategy for the day worked perfectly, meaning we well and truely made the most of early morning short queues and re-rides - basically, the only people to turn right out of the dome in the morning were us and some staff. Everyone else headed down to Saw, leaving the rest of the park EMPTY for quite a while.

Right, going to bed now. Will let the others fill in the detail (and piccies)
Just a quick one from me until tomorrow.

Awesome day, it wasn't as busy as I first thought it would be. Max queue (apart from Saw) was Stealth at 90 minutes.

Saw was roughly 2 and a half hours. Which for a Saturday in Easter was really good. From what I saw, it didn't experience any downtime either.

Nor did many of the rides for that matter. Slammer had some trouble, but was up again. Rush was having swing trouble, so only 1 was open at any one time. Stealth opened a little late.

Ride Count:
Inferno x3 (re-ride)
Det x2 (re-ride)
Rumba Rapids
Stealth x2 (1 front row and 1 SRQ)
Saw x2 (both using priority)
Loggers Leap
Rocky Express x2
Flying Fish x2

Awesome day :)
Had a cracking day, sorry for loosing you like half way through the day aswell :lol:

Ride count:
Stealth x 5 (1 x Front)
Inferno x 3
Det x 3
SAW x 2
Rocky Express x 2
Slammer x 1
Colossucks x 1
Loggers Leap x 1
Rumba Rapids x 1
Flying Fish x 1
X:/WTF x 1
Quantum x 1

And I think that's it.

Echoed what everyone above has said. Had an ABSOLUTE blast. Definitely one of my best visits to Thorpe or any park yet.

It started as a 7am start when I was awoken by alarm clock - the ride. Arrived at Earley station at 8 where I was to meet with Rach on the ' 0-8 17 SouthWest Train Service to London Waterloo.' (I recited the announcements whilst I was waiting because I'm cool and all.) When SouthWest Train Service - the ride pulled in, me and Ian did something gooney an went into one of the front compartments and searched for Rach. She wasn't there. Crap. At Winnersh Triangle we ended up leaving the train and going to one of the rear compartments where we found Rach. Hurrah! During the train journey we passed lots of interesting sights such as 'Martins Heron' and the 'Rabbit Hutch War Memorial.'

We got to Staines just before 9 and entered through ticket barrier - the ride and headed to chav bus - the ride. Chav Bus - the ride was boasting a HUGE queue so we decided to skip it and use taxi - the ride. Although it wasn't until we got in did we realise the taxi driver was actually male and not an incredibly butch female.

We managed to beat the Chav Bus to Thorpe and entered the queue for Anal Pass - the ride where a nice lady was busy scanning our passes. Unexpectantly ciallkennet and Martyn turned up and said hi. Then Nic arrived and said hi. This then resulted in an interesting conversation on how the BBC Weather are liars. When the nice lady stamped us with various combinations of the word 'Fright Night' the gates soon opened and we made our way across entrance bridge - the ride.

Whilst everyone headed to Saw - the ride, we went over to Penis - the ride. (Stealth) Unfortunately it was suffering from erectile dysfunction. (Technical delays) Plan B was to go to Volcano - the ride. (Inferno) We took up Rows 6 and 7. Then we re-rode. Then Nic and Sara arrived and we re-rode once more. Then we got off whilst Nic and Sara re-rode. So after 15 minutes we had already exceeded our ride count for Cutting Edge.

Drop - the ride (Det) was next on the itinery. It had no queue. So we rode. Then re-rode. Then left. It was looking to be a great day so far. Then someone mentioned that Rubber Ring - the ride (Rapids) had had a refurbish with water things. So we rode that. We were going to go in one purple boat but it was covered in **** and was minging. Didn't stop Ciall, Martyn and friend staying in it though. As promised we got wet. We also got a really sexy ORP which consisted of Vadge wearing a plastic bag. (In the ORP topic)

Penis - the ride had begun testing so we headed over there to be told it might not be open for a few hours. (Lies) We then spoke to Ewan who said it would be any minute. (Yay) Obviously Ewan was right so we as a group took up the first 4 front rows of the day which we enjoyed. Penis - the ride has been plastered with stickers saying 'What's hard, fast and up in seconds', 'Hold Your Pants' and other sexual innuendos.

Me and Rach headed over to Guest Services - the ride where Rach picked up her exit pass and I got my gender changed after a confusion on the letter they sent. We went back and got another go on Penis - the ride in the loner queue.

Swing - the ride (Rush) had started testing although it looked poorly. So we headed over to Saw - the ride which had a tempting 2 hour and 45 minute queue. Good thing we kept our Priority Passes! So we got our rides on that (my review is in the Saw topic) and me and Rach brought ORPs. (In the ORP topic)

We then split from Ciall, Martyn and friend and headed over to Asian K... I mean Burger King - the ride but rode Spinny choo choo - the ride (Rocky Express) and Log - the ride. (Logger's) This was when I realised I had done something goony and not charged my batteries for my camera. :( (Although Rach has LOTS of photos anyway!)

After lunch - the ride. We went on Fish - the ride (Flying Fish if that wasn't obvious) where Vadge did something goony and kidnapped a child by using the loner queue. She was subsequently shamed. Ow my elbow hurts - the ride followed on from this. We then went to meet the rest of the group by Swing - the ride but they weren't there. Swing - the ride had broke so there was no doing that yet. :(

I think next we went on Spinning choo choo - the ride and regular choo choo - the ride. ((Also known as legroom - the ride and bear hunt - the ride) by the way, there are WAY more bears than the sign says!) LIEEESSSS!) This was fun. Afterwards we proceeded to horseys - the ride where we got an extra long cycle as some chavs were kicked off it. (lol)

Not knowing what to do we ended up wandering round the park and ended back at Swing - the ride. It was on one swing with the queue half full. I was the only one who wanted to queue for it as it was long so everyone else went to mediocre swing - the ride. (Vortex, which they gave up on anyway.) I asked the attendant to see if he would let me on single (as there were seats available) he said no. So I had to queue like everyone else which was totally unfair! :p (Words of a Fastrack user.) Especially as there were PLENTY of empties going round.


The queue took around 40 minutes but it was worth it! Had a great cycle on it. Conveniently, Nic, Sara and Rach had left wall - the ride just as I was done. We realised that we had lost Ian so I used this oppurtunity to use my pass for Saw and for Rach to use hers. We ended up queueing about 10 minutes (only 155 less than the main queue.) and the ride was just as good as it was earlier. (With Nic catching us and Fir Tree - the ride on camera.)

Then we did wander round aimlessly - the ride and moan at long queues - the ride. Rach wanted to do Unoriginal Layout to get world record - the ride. (Colossus) 75 minute queue was a no-go so I agreed I would sin and get failtrack. It was unfortunately (or fortunately so my conscious is clear from being a hypocrite after complaining about it in a topic) it was sold out.

Banana - the ride followed on with Nic, Sara and Ian willing to queue 15 minutes for it. I brought another cherry coke. This was followed by arcade - the ride. There, I thrashed Vadge at Round 2 of dance mat - the ride with pure skill only. :wink: Rach won a Hello Kitty from the claw machines which prompted the staff there to apply more grease to the claw. Nic was less successfull in acquiring another pointless toy.

Afterwards, we had nothing to do and had done everything we wanted so we made our way to exit - the ride, (Stopping off to pick up ORP) where we said farewell to Sara and where Nic gave me, Rach and Ian a lift to Staines station, once again avoiding chav bus - the ride and actually getting to the station on time. (Thanks a billion Nic! :D)

A short wait followed. SouthWest Train Service - the ride pulled in which was PACKED with rugby people from Twickenham. Bugger! Luckily there was a seat available so I offered it to Rach (I am such a gentleman) and we made the journey home.

After saying goodbye to Rach, we waited for about 5 minutes for Ian's mum to pick us up from Earley where this Asian kid was screwing at me. (AJ's term) So I screwed at him back.

I got back to home - the ride about 6.

All in all a REALLY successful day was had. I had a great time and thanks to everyone that was there for making it awesome. Sorry we lost you guys too Martyn, if we hadn't gone to Fish - the ride we might have made it though! :(

Ride Count:

Volcano - the ride x3
Drop - the ride x2
Rubber Ring - the ride
Penis - the ride x2 (1 front)
Saw - the ride x2
Log - the ride
Choo Choo / legroom / bear hunt - the ride
Spinny choo choo - the ride x2
Fish - the ride x2
Carousel - the ride

Total : 18 (But seriously, who gives a **** when you've had an awesome day!)


Burger King - the ride
Wee - the ride (MANY TIMES, the ladies especially got a high count for this. :p)
Wander round - the ride.

I congratulate everyone who has managed to read this (it took forever to write) but today really was an excellent day! :D :D

BTW: [insert word] - the ride was a recurring joke for the day.
Rush said:
There, I thrashed Vadge at Round 2 of dance mat - the ride with pure skill only. :wink:
Yes, but only if you class tricking me into putting my dificulty up whilst leaving yours on 'Novice', as 'skill'...

You also neglected to mention (ie, name and shame) the phonecall we got whilst on Drive to the station: The ride. It was Sara - "I'VE LOST MY CAR!!!!". She eventually found the devil-mobile, but it was pretty funny. Can't wait to see Rach's pics :)
Sounds like you had a great day!

One quibble though... having gone on Rain Shelter - The Ride (CCR) several times on Thursday, there is most certainly only 8 bears in the normal part of the ride (plus 1 beaver in the station which brought many chuckles :lol: ) Chief Ranger (who also happens to be a bear) is after the sign that says 8, so I suppose there is 9 but he doesn't really count :roll: .

Fantastic stuff! And well done to Vadge for stealing a small child for Fish - The Ride, she could have looked like a parent to everyone else, where as you lot would have looked like sad enthusiasts :wink:
My turn for an epic trip report, this time with some photos.

My alarm clock rang at an ungodly hour of 4:50am and I reluctantly got out of my bed! Half an hour later, I was ready and on my way to New Street station in a taxi to catch the 6:04 train to Reading!
I got there and had 25 minutes to wait for the train to come, so rather than freezing my arse off on the platform, stood upstairs.
New Street was actually quite busy for 5:40 in the morning. Mainly with people carrying Global Gathering Bags!

My train came and off I went to Reading. The 1 hour 40 train journey soon passed as I watched The Inbetweeners episode when they went to Thorpe Park!
Got to Reading and had a further 25 minute wait for the next train. Train comes and off I go to Staines.

'We are now approaching Earley' says the train. Tom and Airtime Cadet are supposed to be getting on there. But, there was no sign of them. I worried. 'We are now approaching Winnersh Triangle' I see Tom and Ian (AC) running onto the right train!
Now together, the 40 minute train went quickly!

Got to Staines (URGH) and the charv express had an epically long queue, with one bus already full! So we went and got a taxi to the park and beat the charv express there! Working out that the driver was actually a bloke, we left the taxi and jumped into the queue to get in. Ciall and Martyn then appear so we said hi and hung around with them for a few hours. Nic also then appeared and we all got our hands stamped and anal passes scanned and off we went in.

First stop was Stealth, it wasn't open yet, so we went to Inferno. Nic waited for Sara and the rest of us joined the walk on queue and took over the back two rows. Nice bit of Inferno to start the day. Got back to the station and there was still no one there, so we changed seats and were on again. This was repeated another once, it could've been twice if we really wanted to! We waited for Nic and Sara to have another go and off we went to Det.

Det was fun, but there wasn't enough room for everyone on the first go. Ciall, Martyn and friend went on, leaving me, Nic and Tom to wait for the next go.


Went on Det twice without even having to leave my seat! Yay for major airtime in the morning. :D
We noticed the brapids had no queue while on Det, so we went over there for some early morning soaking.
Ciall, Martyn + friend had one boat, while the rest of us went in another with a communal poncho and with bag on head for Nic. We got nicely wet, so headed off to Stealth as we saw it testing!

Got to Stealth to be told it wouldn't be opening for another few hours. Which was LIES. So we went and asked Ewan who said, if it makes it over the next couple of laps, it'll open. So we made haste back to the entrance and sure enough, 3 laps later it opened and we had to walk around the entire queue line to get to the station. :(



The lot of us went for front row which was amazing! Actually, Stealth was running really well yesterday. Everyone apart from Me and Tom went on through SRQ and few more times, while me and Tom headed for Guest Services: The Ride, so I could claim my pass for Saw and so Tom could have a sex change. Racheal from opening day dealt with us, but didn't remember us.
One personalized ticket for me later (it had my name on and they even phoned the Saw team up to tell them to let me on)! we headed back to Stealth and got on again through SRQ before heading over to Queue eater: The Ride.



Six of us headed up the fast track/disabled entrance while Ciall and Martyn headed for the SRQ. Cheers to Ciall and Martyn for understanding the situation. :)
We were on in about 10 minutes and we asked for the second car, front row. The girl on the dispatch agreed and smiled and let us on!

(Saw review will be in Saw topic in due course)

One amazing ride on Saw, we went to buy photos and syringe pens from the shop! We were glad we didn't have to queue, as the queue was to the Police car. It never really got any longer than that, nor much shorter.


We called lunch then, even though it was only half 11!
We said to Ciall, Martyn and friend that if you want to meet up again, Rush at half 12.

The other 5 of us headed for Rocky Express cause it was queue less and then myself, Tom and Ian rode Loggers as it had become rather warm and the queue was rather short!
Nic stole my camera while we went on and took our own ORP.




We then went for lunch at Burger King and headed for Fish. Nic stole a child as she didn't want to walk around the queue line, so she got on another train, while the other 4 went on another!

We headed to Rush, which had just e-stopped and couldn't find Ciall, Martyn and friend. And with Rush dead as a door knob, we headed to see what Colossus' queue was like. It was long, so didn't bother. Slammer had also just died, so we went on the cho cho train.











We made our way around the park to find something that didn't have a huge queue! The carousel! We encountered the first group of chavs for the day. They kept switching what thing they were sitting on, so the op told them to get off resulting in another ride for us!

We walked around again and got to Rush. It had opened on one swing, so Rush joined that. Nic and Sara headed for Boretex and I was a bag lady!




We head lost Ian, so we seized the oppurtunity to go and quickly ride Saw with Tom's opening day fast track and my special one. We rode front row again and we spotted Nic with my camera again, so we got more another ORP, this time free!





We called Ian and then went to try and find Chris on Loggers. He was in the ops cabin and we tried to grab his attention from outside, but he thought we were usual guests that try and annoy him, so he threw his jacket at the window!

We left and went on Rocky again as there was nothing else really worth riding. Me and Tom decided on trying to buy a Colossus fast track, but they had sold out, so headed to the Banana Boat to refind the others!
While waiting to see if they had any fast track left, we saw one of the chavs from the carousel incident being escorted off park. :D

We spotted the others in the Banana queue and went to be ice cream and coke from the Inferno shop and then tried to work out how much each of us paid! It didn't really work!

We went to the arcade where Nic and Tom went on the dance mat, Ian wandered around and myself and Sara occupied ourselves with the grab machines. Sara almost won a pony and I actually won a Hello Kitty toy! Yay for Sara telling me to try once more and that once more actually worked! :D

I spotted a balloon in the sky!

We went on Fish again as again there was nothing else worth riding, and then made our way to the exit. Nic brought the bag on head rapids ORP from the photo collection point and I went to take some pictures from outside.



We left the park and headed back to Staines with Nic! Thanks for the lift, it was really appreciated. On the way to the station, Nic got a call from Sara to say she had lost her car in the car park! Oh how we LOLed at this, she soon found it though and we continued our journey to the station.

Nic dropped us off and we navigated the other platform with having to go the opposite side of the station! The train appeared and we squashed on to an already full train from the Rugby at Twickenham. Someone was sick on the train and a lot of people tried to squash into the vestibule where we were stood! The faces of people in the carriage where the person was sick when everyone got off at Reading was amusing.

I made my way to the platform for my train back to Brum to find it 10 mins late. So it came at 6:20.
It hit some problems on the track just outside Brum International, so we sat for another 10 minutes and it finally moved again. Got back to Brum 15 minutes late (as it made up 5 minutes by doing 120mph from Brum International to New Street).

I got home no earlier than if I would've left the park an hour later!

Thanks to everyone that came along yesterday, it was truly an awesome day! :D
Probably 5eh best day I have had at Thorpe ever :D I'm not going to do a massive TR, but just sum up what we did.

Met Rach, Rush, Vadge + co at anal pass queue. Whored NI, Det and then did Rumba. Got Stealth front row first train of the day :)D), then whored single rider. Off to Saw, single rider. Went off for lunch, one stop at KFC:The Ride and did Loggers and Rocky Express. Waited for rest of group at Rush, but did not see them. Saw somebody from school.

Saw that Saw was down, so off to Guest Services: The Ride and I spoke on behalf of me, Martyn and Daniel saying we were at the front and were pissed off it broke down. 3 exit passes were given to us, so we used them on Colossus as it had a 2hr+ queue.

Can't remember order after that, but I do remember that at 5:30 we went to Saw to see an hour half queue which turned out to be 2 and a half hours. It broke down 3 or 4 times in the queue (Saw was the only ride that broke down the whole day with the exception of Rush (I think))Saw Chris in the queue and messed around with him, entertained people around me by reading a whole chapter of To Kill a Mockingbird aloud :lol: Teased Chris and tried to get his stick, went on Saw doing an ORP which Martyn will post later, left the park at 8pm.

So overall a very good day with an impressive Ride Count :D

Ride Count:

Stealth x5 (1x Front Row)
NI x3
Det x3
Slammer x1
Rumba x1
Loggers x1
Tidal Wave x1
Rocky Express x1
X:/ WTF x1
Flying Fish x1
Quantum x1
Wee: The Ride x3
Guest Services: The Ride x1

I think that was it :D The only bad thing is that I have really bad sunburn on my face and neck :(