Giga Poster
Answer any of the following questions you want:
Theme park apparel: fun way to preserve a nice memory/show your coaster enthusiasm, or naff/tacky fashion choice?
When you visit a park, do you buy a shirt or article of clothing? Always? Never? Sometimes? If sometimes, what decides for you whether you'll get something from this place?
Do you collect park shirts?
Do you buy shirts with ride names on them or park names? What kind of shirts do you look for or avoid?
Do you wear shirts from one park while visiting another? While visiting a park, will you wear the shirt of a rival park or chain?
Theme park apparel: fun way to preserve a nice memory/show your coaster enthusiasm, or naff/tacky fashion choice?
When you visit a park, do you buy a shirt or article of clothing? Always? Never? Sometimes? If sometimes, what decides for you whether you'll get something from this place?
Do you collect park shirts?
Do you buy shirts with ride names on them or park names? What kind of shirts do you look for or avoid?
Do you wear shirts from one park while visiting another? While visiting a park, will you wear the shirt of a rival park or chain?