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The Worst B&M Inverted Coaster


Hyper Poster
Arguably the mosty successful roller coaster type of all time. We all rave about the great coasters this company makes, and have heard the same names pop up again and again with enthusiasts and fanboys alike repeatedly saying how awesome their favourite B&M Inverted coasters are.

But, I ask you ladies and gentlemen, what is the worst one?

The B&M Invert which, in your opinion, just doesn't live up to the others. The one which lacks something special. The one that is just plain and utter crap.

HERE is a list of all of the B&M Inverts our planet holds to assist you with your decision.
Silver Bullet, by a country mile, is easily the worst B&M invert.

Absolutely no force, no speed, the worst first drop of any inverted coaster, and no excitement.
I enjoy all four B&M Inverts I've been on.

1. Raptor
2. Batman The Ride
3. Flight Deck
4. Silver Bullet

I used to have Flight Deck ranked behind Silver Bullet, but Silver Bullet has really bored me recently. It's still a decent ride, and the overbanked turn is a lot of fun, but I think it probably could be the worst out there.
Simple answer. Raptor. But its not a bad ride, its just the designer obviously abused canabis while drawing up the second half. The transitions are so shoddy and pumpy. I mean brake run didn't mean actually break my head with that rock hard restraint. B&M headbanging is not fun. Atleased Nemesis only does rediculous headbanging in a few seats.

On the other hand, the first drop, loop and 0G are amazing.
Raptor and Great Bear...

Raptor is just pretty meh, especially in comparison to what else CP offers...

Great Bear is probably the Daemonen of the Invert world, what with the random helix at the top... Just meh once more...

Flight Deck is short as hell...

I think Silver Bullet is under-rated...

I'm waiting for someone to say Nemesis for a joke :lol:
Nemesis Inferno said:
I'm waiting for someone to say Nemesis for a joke :lol:

As opposed to Ben saying it seriously you mean :roll:

I liked Great Bear, I thought it was fun, but it had a lot of little dead spots, and that long meander back to the station at the end, like they just couldn't be arsed.

Inferno is at the bottom of my list, so that's the worst I've been on, however, I still think it's a good ride. I think my list is:
Talon/Great Bear (both about the same)
People will rip my head off for this but for me its Fire. It just does nothing to make me want to re ride it. Hope I have the right one tbh lol its the one on the right of the station. IoA was dead when we went and all coasters were walk on, we had one go on DD on either side they are just not good coasters no matter what people say to me.

Silver Bullet was bland but I did enjoy the helix at the end and some of the strange corners. Guess we just rode it on a good day then as it was not forceless like people say.

Montu is not that great either the 2nd half is just killed by the MCBR.

Batman to me is just there, I did not enjoy it and I did not hate it. It was just a coaster to ride that was fast forceful but to short. But I have been told the one at MM does not run as well as some of the others.

I dont like the start of Inferno I just dont see the point. But again I like the helix near the end as it has G.

Tbh I dont think any of them are bad even a bad B&M is better than a lot of coasters.

Good topic by the way.
I've only been on 4 and enjoyed all of them, so calling one the "worst" doesn't really work for me. If I was going to rank them though:

1. Pyrenees
2. Nemesis
3. Phaethon
4. Nemesis Inferno

I still really enjoyed Inferno though, it's just a bit bland compared to the other 3.
marc said:
People will rip my head off for this but for me its Fire. It just does nothing to make me want to re ride it. Hope I have the right one tbh lol its the one on the right of the station. IoA was dead when we went and all coasters were walk on, we had one go on DD on either side they are just not good coasters no matter what people say to me.

The one on the right of the station is Ice ;)

(and is a little rubbish)
I've liked all the Inverts I've been on, but they would go like this:

1. Montu
2. Talon
3. DD (Ice)
4. DD (Fire)

So, Fire.
Mine rolls:

Batman (SFGAm)
Batman (SFMM)
Batman (SFoG)
Batman (SFGAdv)
Great Bear
Batman (SFStl)

Ice is just so meh.. the inversions are so weak. And yes, I count each Batman as different.. because how ever small, I could feel the differences.. even if it was small headbanging, weak forces, ect ect.

Of course, that can all vary on any given day, but that is how I rode them on my particular ride. <3

Great Bear, btw, is probably my favorite invert until the last corkscrew.. then it blows a huge diarrhea load on what it could have been. Most inverts do die at the end (minus Talon and the Battys) but to die THAT hardcore, with the weak ORP? Damn.. such high hopes.
Best to Worst:

Batman La Fuga (Parque Warner Madrid)
Nemesis Inferno
Black Mamba

Nemesis win. The other 3, not so much. Batman was just a bit boring, same with Inferno. Black Mamba is shockingly bad. The ride starts well, the theming is outstanding, but the end of the ride itself is boredom. Endless corners do not work when you can't see anything but seats infront of you.
Well from what I've been from best to worst:

1. Nemesis
2. Batman: La Fuga
3. Nemesis Inferno
4/5. Batman: The Ride (SFGam/SFGadv)
I've been on six B&M Inverts and the best by a country mile is Alpengeist. That thing is seriously ****ing awesome.

I'll probably get flamed for this, but Inferno would be my second favorite. It's not the biggest but it's fun and has a decent amount of force.

The Dragons would be next, they're pretty average to be honest. Nice concept let down by poor layouts. I prefered Ice to Fire to be honest as well.

Silver Bullet and Nemesis (I'll probably get flamed for that too) are at the bottom of my list. Silver Bullet is a bit dull to be honest, but very comfortable, like a flying sofa.

Nemesis is just the most overrated coaster in existance. It's rough, the pacing it's raved about is poor, weak inversions (except the zero-g) and an utter disappointment. (Plus I've ridden it in the back, second back and front etc before I get the "you didn't sit in the best seat" comment.)
^That is probably the most accurate post ever made by anyone ever.

Sir, it gets...

I've only been on 3!!!! (how depressing)

and I'd rank them.

1. Nemesis
2. Batman: The Ride (SFGAm)
3. Nemesis Inferno

But I LOVE Nemesis Inferno, I think it's a great ride.

as for
It's rough, the pacing it's raved about is poor, weak inversions (except the zero-g) and an utter disappointment. (Plus I've ridden it in the back, second back and front etc before I get the "you didn't sit in the best seat" comment.)

WTF! Yeah I may not have been on many B&M Inverts but I know a good coaster. Even I have fallen into the trap of "oh everyone loves it way too much" but as much as I think it's highly rated, whenever I ride it I come off thinking "yes it DEFINATELY deserves it". I don't get how anyone can't see the brilliance in it's design!

Unless you're trying to be different and cool.

Seriously I've rolled my eyed whenever I've seen Ben's anti-Nemesis comments. And I can see that people may get bored by it's consistent high praise, but it definitely deserves credit.