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The Time and Date


CF Legend
Ok I am a bit bored watching the pc screen so thought I would post this, lock it if you wish.

at 12:34 and 56 seconds today the date and time will be.


12:34:56 7/8/9
That's actually mildly interesting.
^ Are you going to frame it and ask people where they were during that magical moment.

I tried to get a receipt from Sainsbury's with the time/date stamp on but the slow bitch in front of me meant it read 12:36:23 07/08/09 instead.
SnooSnoo said:
It's actually 8/7/09.

Just throwing that out there. :p

Was America excited last month then?
It's actually 8/7/09.
I've never understood why it gets done that way in the US, dates should go smallest to largest (Or if you are following the ISO standard, largest to smallest). The US sequence seems just random.
Meh, I remember when it was 3 seconds past 01:02 on the 04/05/06. It wasn't much exciting, but I stayed up for it :p
gavin said:
Another 2 minutes of my life wasted... Ho hum.

You seem to waste alot of your time on here, why do you bother :wink:

Don't hurt me! :lol:

And people have got to remember that Americans change alot of things, spelling, dates, size of food and suddenly pants are trousers :?
^ Haha that was a terrible day for me.. I remember clearly being scared that something was gonna happen, and I was outside planting trees in front of my school in like, 90 degree weather and stressing out that the world was about to end and that the last thing I'd be doing was shoveling mulch.

Bad times.
Just a reminder to all you date and time aficionados that tomorrow will be the 09/09/09 09:09:09. :p

I'm certainly going to celebrate by updating my Facebook status hourly for each time zone the occasion occurs in. :lol:

[I am kidding you know. :p]


