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The Land of Stereotypes (Busch Gardens Europe) - PTR


Giga Poster
Long post ahead; read at your own peril. :lol: Lazy members, I have put ride names in bold so if you want to scan to see reviews, look for them there.

So, on my epic trip across the pond, my parents agreed to take me to a theme park (of my choice.) I was going to decide between Busch or Six Flags Great Adventure. I finally chose Busch, on the basis that my parents weren't too keen on recent parks we'd been too (Brean, Knott's, Flamingoland) so I went for one which they'd enjoy more. Also, I think it looked the nicer park anyway.

Saturday 1st August

After a 4 and a half hour drive from Washington to Williamsburg thanks to the I-95. (which rivals the M25 in being everyone's favourite road) We had decided to leave Busch until Monday as we thought it would be quieter than Sunday, but, we still had to get the tickets there in order to visit Colonial Williamsburg. (With a 7 day bounce pass.)

It only took 15 minutes to get there from our hotel and we were directed to the Italy parking lot. We caught one of the trams which took you to the park, which were better than Disney as you didn't have to listen to Speedy Gonzales translate the audio.

Pulling up to entrance, it is clear why it is consistantly voted 'Most Beautiful Park.' It was stunning and I was a bit miffed that I wasn't to get a good look inside until Monday. Anyway we got our tickets... took the tram back and went to our hotel.

Exciting stuff.

Monday 3rd August

This was the big day, I managed to get the family out of bed resonably early and I was excited about the day. This time the Tom-Tom took us along the freeway, which was perhaps the highlight of all the journeys. We arrived at the ticket gates just after 10. Seeing Apollo's Chariot run its course increased my excitement; until I saw a little yellow card by the ticket booth which said:

'Griffon will be closed today for maintenance. We are sorry for any inconvenience called.'


I was very disappointed in that I thought I had got away from a certain park which couldn't keep a major ride open. I must have brought the curse with me... just like furie and Benin had.

Telling myself it would open later, we took the tram back up to the park and I took a picture of Apollo's Chariot.


My sisters wanted to go on 'the purple thing' so we headed past the England section (not enough staff members drinking tea) and through Italy (not enough staff members eating pizza) and queued a massive 5 minutes for Apollo's Chariot.

My first impression was that it was a fun ride, it really was a lot of fun. The hills give some great floater air and the helix gave a great feeling of speed. My favourite part of the ride is probably the drop out of the MCBR which catches you out by surprise, got some ejector on that as well as the last drop. The pacing sort of dies a bit on the banked turns but what I really liked was how much freedom you had with the clamshells.

It was great but not brilliant, I can only really compare it to The Big One, and it is MUCH better than that thing. In this photo, I'm the one with the purple shirt, my two sisters are next to me and my mum is on the end.


Escape From Pompeii was our next stop and we queued another 5 minutes for it. It was pretty decent but I felt that the inside was a bit dark in some areas and I didn't always notice the
falling pillars.
The drop is very refreshing in the hot virginia heat and the splash doesn't get you too wet. The whole experience was very enjoyable.


It was off to ride another coaster now and since the Loch Ness Monster was closeby, to Scotland we went, through England and somehow missing Wales towards the sound of bagpipes. I noticed the staff in this area were wearing tartan skirts / trousers (I don't think Busch quite understand that it's acceptable for Scottish men to wear skirts as well.) Anyway, the ride:

I wasn't too impressed with it. I thought it was far too bumpy, and Arrow being the absolute nuggets they were designed trains which you could only move one hand freely. There were many transitions which you shouldn't get on a coaster but I enjoyed the loops and the first drop. I also got a completely original photo of it.


The Germany area had now opened and as we went through it, I couldn't help thinking how Busch would have made it if it was built in the 1930's. :p

Anyway, Curse of DarKastle was next and it was our longest queue so far at around half an hour. I think Busch really need some fans in the queueline which is just after the garden, it was sweltering there, especially as it was 35 degrees that day. The worth was totally worth it though!

I'm not one to judge easily on first impressions, but for this type of ride, you have to as it's a big surprise on the first go. Anyway, the 3D effects were fantastic, the actual motions were also brilliant and I really loved the plotline. (even though it wasn't clear from the pre-show story, turn up the volume Busch!) The ride keeps a consistant pace and I actually loved the corny puns used.
"I'm getting a-head of myself.
I did wonder whether the Prince was inspired by Hitler and whether the ride would work around him. :p

Now for a completely original photo of our next ride.


We queued about 20 minutes for The Big Bad Wolf and my mum and sister ended up on a train before the rest of us. Anyway, out the little drop in the station, round the bend and we hit the first lift hill and stop. We stay stopped. Bugger. To everyone on the trains' amusement, the operator then announces over the PA 'we are currently experiencing technical problems...' No **** sherlock.

Anyway after about half an hour of sitting there and the operator feeling the need to remind us that we were stuck. The engineers walk up the evacuation stairs and check everyone's restraint is locked. Give the thumbs up and we're on our way. Yay!

I really enjoyed the BBW, it really is fast-paced and I did not expect the cars to swing as much as they did. Some points I felt the cars were going to fly off. The final drop over the water is one of the best drops I have done, it really is insanely fun and I really think it will be missed. (I did not know it was closing for good at this point.) You can tell it's passing it's time though, it's bumpy but it's so awesome in other aspects that unlike the LNM, it doesn't detract from the ride experience.

When we returned to the station, everyone applauded us and we were given free water, which was fantastic due to the heat. Good customer service Busch. Yeah, so me with my water and the awesome entrance sign. :D


Lunch time followed at the restaurant in Italy, I had spag bol which was okay. We then headed for Roman Rapids, appreciating the theming along the way. (the park really is stunning apart from the area around Apollo's Chariot which is very Dinoland USA-esque.)

The queue was almost full but we stuck it out anyway to give time for the food to go down. In total, it was about 45 minutes. This was probably a big mistake. The first part was fine, it did what proper rapids should and get you reasonably wet. Then come the waterfalls. You head towards them and you think, it's okay, we'll dodge them. Quite incorrect I was, in America... you go through them. Oh and there are 4 of them. As the boat didn't spin when I got there... I got all 4 dumped on me.

I have to say, I do feel that they're there to get you so wet you use the $5 family dryers. Unlike Popeye, it gets you wet all at once, whereas Popeye gets you wetter AS you go along. I was not impressed. How about some before and after photos.





I wanted to do Alpengeist but I let my sisters go on a horrible spinny ride first. We then took the train to the New France area. (Why does every park need to have one of these Wild West areas?!)


The queue for Alpengeist was just past the final switchbacks. I convinced my sisters to go front row which ended up as a 30 minute wait, not helped by the fact it was stacking. I was expecting lots, but I had not been impressed with previous B&M Inverts such as Nemesis and Dueling Dragons and was worried that Alpengeist wouldn't deliver...


... but it was FANTASTIC! I absolutely loved it! As soon as we were heading down the first drop I knew I was going to enjoy it. The drop seemed to go on forever. The bottom was forceful as is the imelmann and the loop especially. Now, I've heard that the cobra roll is known to be snappy but ****ing hell it caught me out, absolutely insane and I've never felt so much force coming out of a cobra as well. The drop off the MCBR was also rather snappy. The zero-g was fun and the corkscrew was too very intense. The interactions with the ski ramp are excellent and work very well, I'd say better than the ones on Nemesis.


Alpengeist exceeded my expectations and shot straight to my number 1, overthrowing Xcelerator which maintained that spot for almost 3 years. I definitely needed a sit-down and it gave me a jelly-legged feeling I hadn't had before. (But not as much to make me walk like I'm a spacker.)

Oh and they had one of those 'poke your head' in things which I wanted to get a photo in.


We went over to Griffon, still shut. By this time it was around half 4 and it was definitely looking like it wouldn't open. :( We decided to try Le Scoot which wasn't really anything special apart from the fact that there were ride ops sitting in various locations around the ride, very perculiar. Oh, and my mum lost her hat on it! :lol:

I wanted to have a look at some animals so we started heading through the France area towards the enclosures when we saw...


I wanted to punch the air with delight, but obviously didn't as I'd look daft. It was about 6pm now too and they could have been testing for the next day. Anyway, we headed over towards the entrance (which is quite difficult to find.) and I was ecstatic that the ride had just opened and it was almost a walk on. Me and my sister (the other didn't fancy a ride) ran straight into the queue which was just outside the station. We queued for back row and ended up on the third train of the day.

Anyway, my thoughts on Griffon. I ended up in the big boy seat (back middle) and we were off to 'enjoy the height and speed of the mythical Griffon.' It was certainly worth the long day wait, there was a slight 'oh ****' moment at the holding break but it's all a huge amount of fun. I personally thought, the main drop was not as forceful or intense as Oblivion's but the rest of the ride made up for it. The imelmanns were forceful, second drop had some amazing ejector as did the bunny hops at the end. The splashdown was nice but is better to look at really off-ride.


It was a fantastic ride and one which had a huge re-ride factor. I would have ridden it again straight away if people had not flocked to it like a cake in a fat camp. My dad got a picture of me as well, not clear to see but you can see my trainers. On the back row, 5th from the left with my hands up.


By now, it was getting late and time to call it a day. So we took the Skyride to Germany and we were going to take it back to England but there was a huge queue on the German side, so we ended up walking further but I got some okayish shots.



The ridiculously intense thing...



Coaster track and nice racks. :wink:


So yeah we left eventually and ended up eating at Chilis.... though I wanted to eat at Hooters. :(

So that ends just Day 1. Continue reading if you wish. :p

Wednesday 5th August

I'll keep this day more brief as it was mainly re-rides, but we originally were going to head down to Virginia Beach, but my dad couldn't be bothered to drive that far so we went to Busch again!

Day started off on Loch Ness Monster which was much better than it was on Monday, a lot less bumpy but still nothing brilliant. We got stuck on it again! (The second lift hill) Luckily, it was only there for a couple of minutes! So I ended up stuck on BOTH Arrows! :p This was followed by Escape From Pompeii which we got a bit more damp on. Apollo's Chariot shortly followed which was a walk-on! (The day was much quieter but was packed with what looked like Church groups.)

Got on the back row and wow! It is so much better! Insane ejector on the first drop and final hills with some excellent floater in between. Helix is much more intense and it was such a good ride. So we re-rode twice and I even got my dad on (who wouldn't go on it on Monday) and he enjoyed it too.

We moved over to DarKastle but met some turtles on the way.

Mummy turtle.

Baby turtle.

The queue for DarKastle ended up as 45 minutes as it broke down, but I managed to understand the story better this time. As I said earlier, it's always best the first time. Afterwards my sister felt ill so we sat down for about a half hour

I then took a back seat ride on Alpengeist which was a 10 minute wait and ****ing hell, I thought the front was intense. The back felt 10 times more so. The cobra roll was the most insane experience I have ever had on a coaster as well as the turns which followed.



Lunch was eaten at the same place as Monday before I realised I hadn't ridden the kiddy "credit". So I queued about 10 minutes for Grover's Alpine Express and went for the back seat to try and get as much airtime out of it as possible. For a kiddy, it's not awful, but it's a tad bumpy and is really short.


I wanted to try Griffon again so this time we passed through Ireland, probably the most stereotyped land in the park and we checked out Corkscrew Hill which I was a bit anxious about. Turned out to be the biggest surprise in the park. It's actually really good, lots of action, fun and not too intense for the kids. I thought the plot for it was excellent as well, though it ended a bit quickly and we had a stupid "church group" who thought it was funny to yell "Bom Chikka Wow Wow" when the screen turned black. I fail to understand their sense of humour.

We noticed the Irish dancing show was on and we saw that which was really really good. (The photos came out really bad though.) We went through the animal enclosures where they were demonstrating this Eurasian Owl called Sophia, who sqwarked at me and gave me evils.


She also liked to flap around.


There were also some eagles, who couldn't fly as they had all been in freak accidents. *coughshotcough*


We finally got to Griffon and were greeted by a 10 minute queue. I rode with my sister (the one which didn't get on it Monday) who wanted to go in the centre row. Not as good as the back. Then my other sister joined and we went for the front and I luckily got the front outside seats which I wanted.

It was very strange hanging there with nothing beneath you, but it was an amazing experience! Not as forceful as the back but better than it for the pure adrenaline and the best view of the train. Epic. I got snapped again, I'm on the far left with my arms up. (As they should be.)


On the splash as well.


Cheap ORPs. <3

Anyway, afterwards I got another back seat ride on Alpengeist and two more on Griffon. (front and back) Then it was time to leave Busch for the last time. :( (For now :wink:)

I sat by the clock.

Then we went back to the hotel in time for free nibbles. =D


Overall, I thought Busch was a FANTASTIC park. Extremely beautiful, a nice, pleasant atmosphere, with some really top quality rides. I would have probably ridden more if I wasn't with the family, and taken more pictures of the actual park, not rides. Luckily, my parents' faith in theme parks have been restored so I should expect to go to some different ones more often. :--D

My new Top 10 is now:

1. Alpengeist
2. Xcelerator
3. Griffon
4. Oblivion
5. California Screamin'
6. Hulk
7. Space Mountain - CA
8. Wild Mouse
9. Apollo's Chariot
10. Dragon's Fury

Big Bad Wolf is 15th.
Loch Ness Monster is 27th.

Thank you for reading, it's taken me a long time to write. Hope you enjoyed it and if you ever find yourself in Virginia, be sure to check Busch out. :wink:
And where would you put Rush in that count? Just for comparison?

Sounds like you had a really good time, I'm quite jelous, but also shocked you chose Busch over SFGA! Kingda Ka! El Toro!

But as long as you enjoyed yourself.. =)
Wicked PTR Rush!

Some nice photos of the rides too, I be very jealous, but at the same time I'm glad you had a good time :p

P.S. Love how you have Dragon's Fury in your top 10
That was quite an interesting read,some nice photos too.

I'm always insanely jealous of people who get to ride Alpengeist. :lol:

Glad you had a good time.
Rob said:
And where would you put Rush in that count? Just for comparison?

Rush would be between Oblivion and California Screamin'. So number 4.5. :p

Sounds like you had a really good time, I'm quite jelous, but also shocked you chose Busch over SFGA! Kingda Ka! El Toro!

Busch looked so much nicer and it meant not having to spend another night in New York. :wink:

peep said:
P.S. Love how you have Dragon's Fury in your top 10

Haha yeah, I just think it's so awesome and fun it had to go in there.

Thanks for the comments everyone. :)
Ahh I loved Busch, one of my favorite parks. I can't wait to go back again next summer.

Also glad to see you got on Griffon and Alpie. The rest is forgettable. :p
MAN it seems like so many people are doing Busch lately, and it looks like such a fantastic park! I feel left out, haha, but I'm glad you had a good time and that you were able to get on Griffon in the end. And it's awesome that Alpy made your #1 spot!

But I do think SFGADV would have been better if you're looking for coasters, but if you're into the whole package I think you probably made the right choice.
Man I used to LOVE Busch. Great park, and great rides. Glad you had a good time. I understand about SFGA, but, as LFTL said, if you want the whole package, go to a Busch park. :wink:
Great PTR!

That is one of the parks that is very high on my wishlist. I just want to go even more now. Alpengeist looked amazing. Also, glad to hear you like Apollo's chariot, alot of people give it a bashing.
Excellent report - took me right back :)

It's odd that both you and Benin had almost exactly the same feelings we did. We all seem to have really enjoyed the park and loved Griffon and Alpy (with AC not doing too badly and BBW being "great fun").

You missed out not eating a the German food hall - that was brilliant.

I did write in my reports that rapids got you utterly drenched - should have read them better :p It was also completely nasty too. Just "here, have a bucket of water all over you a few times" wet.

Busch really opened my eyes as to how a park can be. Spotless, immaculately themed and all the rides are good (if not brilliant in some cases). We really enjoyed Corkscrew Hill as well - such a gem hidden away in Ireland.

I was discussing Gadv with Minor_Furie over the weekend. There are a few brilliant rides there and some good backup rides. It's a bit of a Thorpe though - it's a re-ride park. The brilliant rides are there for you go on again and again. I'm not dissing the park, it's twenty times (200 maybe :p?) the park Thorpe is, it's just a very similar day will be laid out for you - ride, after ride, after ride... There's not relaxing and just enjoying the park. So, for taking your family to, you made absolutely the right decision with Busch as it's just such a great place to spend time in.

Gadv next time ;)
As I mentioned earlier, I thought with the family in mind and thought they'd MUCH prefer Busch. SFGAdv was a bit tricky to get to from New York as we were staying in Times Square and my dad specifically said he wasn't driving in it. I'll without doubt be checking it out next time I am in the area, and hopefully will get down to Busch again. :wink:

SnooSnoo said:
Also glad to see you got on Griffon and Alpie. The rest is forgettable. :p

In comparison. :wink:

Ormerod said:
I hope to hear more from you!

Unfortunately, I can only see myself making one more trip to Thorpe this year and thats it. :( I'll try and get a trip to Alton in the near future though.

furie said:
You missed out not eating a the German food hall - that was brilliant.

I did want to go there but my family weren't too keen on what they had to offer so we went to a place which everyone liked.

It's odd that both you and Benin had almost exactly the same feelings we did. We all seem to have really enjoyed the park and loved Griffon and Alpy (with AC not doing too badly and BBW being "great fun").

It must be our good British tastes. :p

I did write in my reports that rapids got you utterly drenched - should have read them better :p It was also completely nasty too. Just "here, have a bucket of water all over you a few times" wet.

Haha, I did remember reading that but completely forgot about the waterfalls! :p My groin was swimming for the rest of the day. :lol:

One thing I forgot to mention was that ironically, I only found out that the Big Bad Wolf was closing after the tram driver mentioned it on the way back on the Wednesday. Wish I could have got one more ride on it; it was truly spectacular. :(

Thanks for reading and commenting everyone. :D
Great PTR! But allot of trip reports I've read this summer about BGE, Griffon seems to be closed for the day but it always seems to open later on...

BGE was the right choice as Kingda Ka seems to be down for most of the summer so that would of been a disapointment if you went to Gadv. Oh and Alpie looks AMAZING!
Great trip report of a park I must visit.

I remember Furie saying he got wet on the rapids, what happened to you will 100% happen to me.