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The future of Euro Mir at Europa Park

Rob Coasters

Rob Poster
Euro Mir will close this year. It will completely destroyed and no retrack is planned. A new ride will replace it

Details without paywall: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DHK_GuKMzYM/?igsh=NjVpNGQ1bm9jcXBz

Second article released shortly after making this thread that details on how the original "closing this year" statement was a misunderstanding but the park still plans on building something there in the next few years:
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I'm struggling to open the article above, but does it say when it's actually closing this year? Or is it literally from the start of the season?

I'll be gutted either way as I'm heading up there in June and was quite intrigued to see how it was going to ride!
I'm struggling to open the article above, but does it say when it's actually closing this year? Or is it literally from the start of the season?

I've just read the article, seems like the ride will remain open for this year at least. Translated the article says that the Russian area will be 'redesigned in the coming years', without a very clear timepath. So I am not even sure if it is 100% certain that this will be the last year for Euro-Mir.
I wasn't a fan, so happier to see what they can do with the area that'll release. I thought it was rough and unexciting. The spiral lift, theming and mincing about at the top of the towers were the highlights. The 'coaster-y' bit was rubbish.
The ride was/is somewhat uncomfortable.
Seeing what they built the last couple of years I'm sure it'll be an upgrade.

With whats going on in the world I wonder if they ditch the whole Russian region and go for another region.
My last ride on it this past January was so horrendous I swore it off forever. Really won’t miss it if it goes.
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I thought I saw somewhere a couple weeks ago that Euro Mir had its trains refurbished.

I'd honestly be bummed to see it go. After the big four it's my favorite coaster in the park, and it looks great off-ride. I understand it's not the best, but I had a lot of fun on it, even the main coaster section had some good moments.

Though if it were to get scrapped, I trust Europa to improve with whatever they got planned.
A second article (without paywall this time) has been posted by the Badische Zeitung clarifying some stuff and giving a bit of a time path. I quote: "According to reports, a new roller coaster in the Russian themed area is not expected for at least four to five years."

I mean, they're not wrong about coaster technology improving massively since it opened.

It's one of a fair few rides at Europa that suffers from prototype syndrome, in that it was Mack's first spinner and you can tell. It's a rubbish ride, and they can do something much more interesting with the space.

There is also the discussion as to whether Russia is a suitable country for a theme park land in the current climate, but that's a different conversation.
There is also the discussion as to whether Russia is a suitable country for a theme park land in the current climate, but that's a different conversation.
This is true, but also this news came out the same week the ceasefire talks seemed to start so... just sayin' ;)
Please don’t change it from Russia ‘for political reasons’… especially not to Ukraine. My eyes would roll round and round, pop out of my head and get lost under the fridge. And I like seeing 😖

But it’s, a - shame
About, Euro-Mir
I will, miss - it (but only ‘cos)
The mu, sic - rocked 🎶 🛰️ 💃🕺
I believe in the past one of the Mack’s already said they did not intend to change the Russian theme, as they didn’t feel it was necessary to confront guests with politics like that when they’re just showing parts of the culture, history and architecture of a country. That ofcourse could’ve changed, but it seems the wording in the articles is still in line with what has been said before. Or at least not suggesting that it has changed.
Please don’t change it from Russia ‘for political reasons’… especially not to Ukraine. My eyes would roll round and round, pop out of my head and get lost under the fridge. And I like seeing 😖

But it’s, a - shame
About, Euro-Mir
I will, miss - it (but only ‘cos)
The mu, sic - rocked 🎶 🛰️ 💃🕺
I believe in the past one of the Mack’s already said they did not intend to change the Russian theme, as they didn’t feel it was necessary to confront guests with politics like that when they’re just showing parts of the culture, history and architecture of a country. That ofcourse could’ve changed, but it seems the wording in the articles is still in line with what has been said before. Or at least not suggesting that it has changed.
I do agree, but I also wonder from the other perspective. It's one of the older areas of the park (and second oldest coaster), and if they were going to re-imagine it (including replacing the coaster (and theming), which from memory is the main attraction and majority of the area), would it be more challenging to replace it all with a 'new' Russian area?

It feels like a bit of a lose-lose. Refresh/reimagine as Russia - backlash from anti-Russian sentiment. Retheme to another country - backlash for bringing politics into the park. Strikes me as a fine line to tread.
It feels like a bit of a lose-lose. Refresh/reimagine as Russia - backlash from anti-Russian sentiment. Retheme to another country - backlash for bringing politics into the park. Strikes me as a fine line to tread.
Roland Mack addressed it in October and said that they wouldn't be losing the Russian area, presumably on a cultural basis. The project doesn't seem to be immediate, I'd imagine their best bet is waiting a few years and hoping things cool down by then. Which funnily enough seems to be exactly what is happening; https://www.schwaebische.de/regiona...ahnen-kuendigt-neues-fahrgeschaeft-an-2953310