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The complete lowdown on Wild Asia.

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Mega Poster
I was having a look on the Chessington website and I know what is happening to Wild Asia.

Everything is being revamped so that it is "jungle-themed". There will also be a new ride called the KOBRA.

For a picture of the new ride, click here:http://www.chessington.com/explore/wild-asia/wild-asia.aspx and scroll down to KOBRA NEW! there should be a small picture (try zooming in on it) and that is a picture of the new flat ride.

(Sorry if there is already a topic like this, I was checking through but however was unable to find one.)
Yeah there's already a topic on this. We've also known about the new rides and re-theme for a few months now.
Next time try using the search option on the forum as that can pick up topics that already exist or just look down the first page of each section of the forum to check.
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