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TH13TEEN queue


Roller Poster
I love TH13TEEN but there is one problem that is growing every time I ride it.Graffiti.It's Irritating and it really takes your mind off the ride seeing CAL WOS ERE 2K9 or NOT WORTH IT.It just makes me feel like the Shockwave queue at Drayton.C'mon Alton do something please!!!
Please write your thoughts on this issue...
This is a world-wide park issue... Not just Towers (and Thirteen)...

There's not much the parks can do, especially when open, to remove/replace queue fencing to make it look clean and nice...

Bottom line is here, deal with it, it's life...
no matter how bad it is it will never get worse than my schools bathrooms.
they actually had to shut one down because of it.
nemesisamazing said:


Seeing that would improve my day ten times over

And the fact that they'd have rejoined the queue to add it
You haven't seen queue line graffitti until you've been in a queue line in Korea. It really is disgusting.

The queue line for Pharaoh's Fury at Lotte World is absolutely amazing: over a kiliometre of stunningly-themed awesomeness. However, you don't actually queue in it. You have to queue outside the queue line and then just walk through it, essentially to prevent the graffitti that has taken over every other line in the park.

I made one of the peasants cry at Everland by taking a picture of her mid "I heart so-and-so" in the T-Express line and telling her I was going to post it on the internet to show everyone how much she hates Korea by vandalising it.
I dont understand why most graffiti cant have artistic merits to it though. Where I go to school in the CVA (Center for Visual Arts) I love the bathroom graffiti because with it being an art building it's actually good.

As for park graffiti, I remember Nitros queue being pretty bad once you were in between the lift motor and the station, it was mostly written on the corrugated fence and was mostly phone numbers, It might still be there and I haven't noticed, but It looks like they god rid of it some how.
gavin said:
I made one of the peasants cry at Everland by taking a picture of her mid "I heart so-and-so" in the T-Express line and telling her I was going to post it on the internet to show everyone how much she hates Korea by vandalising it.

<3 Love you Gavin haha.

Colossus has some pretty awful graffiti, just as you get to the station someone has etched 'waxpie' on the stone just as you go in, whatever that means.
^Baco was alright from what I saw. Just the ramps leading up to the platform on Stampida was completely covered in graffiti.
I just had to point out to Ollie just how bad some of the graffiti was at Port Aventura. Alton Towers has nothing on it. But hey, I suppose I'd rather see graffiti rather than chewing gum stuck everywhere, Tutuki Splash's tunnel section has such a horrible minty odour!
The 13 queue is my least favourite part of the ride experience, for a company that harped on so much about how important an 'immersive' queue was in the 1990s - it's nearly as bad as Rita's.

Wrapping a branch around a van does not constitute themeing.
I agree with Gavin, nothing is as bad as in Korea, the walls are more or less black of inc...
As a side note, can we rate and discuss it on the CF site now? It's been six months already!