Do the demos work in a much more subtle way though Ian?
Do they give the people in charge a better feeling of the irritation/anger of the nation? Does it then help to soften policy in the future? While I doubt it ever makes any serious policy change, it may well stop some in the future from being followed through so vigorously. Will, for instance, any government be so willing to quickly dismiss low pay rises for firemen in the future? Did those strikes not really help at the time, but show there is a force there that needs to be treated more gently?
Likewise, the student demonstrations here... It's similar to demonstrations that happened when I was becoming/just starting my student life. Again, anti-Conservative (students seem to forget that labour did just as much, if not more damage to students afterwards) but it affects the way ex-students like me view the Conservative government. Fortunately, I don't just look at things in a narrow tunnel, but for many people, I'll bet that the change to labour and what kept them in and so supported, was primarily down to now graduates being anti-conservative.
How much negative opinion is brought out by these? I just don't know. Will more students now feel less alone and be more firm in their anti-Conservative opinions than prior to the "riots"?
Actually, I think it's probably forgotten by most to be honest :lol:
I also agree about the loans thing. I think that uni, even when I started (actually, I was probably on the first wave of the "uni is a right" front - brought about by the conservatives funnily enough as they merged the universities and polytechnics) was full of people there simply because they didn't have any other plan. Most didn't have a career planned out for them, or any idea of what they wanted from the future. They were simply there because they got decent grades at college and it was expected of them to go on. It didn't cost and the student world was their oyster. Why not go and get a degree in History and Geography because "I want to do something in media"?
This doesn't mean I think some degrees are worth less than others. Simply that if people actually were forced to think about it, and know that they would incur debts, they may think a little harder, rather than being rushed along into it without a clue.
Food for thought and discussion