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Spiderman Vs Transformers

Which is Better?

  • Spiderman

    Votes: 11 84.6%
  • Transformers

    Votes: 2 15.4%

  • Total voters


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I've done a quick look and couldn't find this topic. I wouldn't be surprised if I've missed it though since it's such an obvious one.

Maybe it's because until recently not many people would've done Transformers, but since it opened in Florida fairly recently, more of you basic bitches might have done both by now.

They're both obviously excellent rides, but for me Spiderman takes it, despite being older.

I think the balance of real sets and screens is much better than Transformers, which is very screen heavy with minimal physical sets. The "falling" effect on Spiderman is amazing, and it just feels a lot less repetitive in general.

It could be that I've ridden Spiderman less - only once in Osaka and twice in Florida - as opposed to basically whoring the Transformers rides due to single rider, so I could be slightly more jaded with Transformers.
I also prefer Spidy, but I think there's more to it than a lack of physical scenery, though that is a HUGE part of it. With Spiderman's scenic framing, you get more of a sense of being a part of the action than the more screen-heavy Transformers. It's a little bit of a pet peeve of mine that Universal rely so heavily on screens - the point is bringing movies to life, not keeping them confined to screens! Twister was one of my favs at Uni Orlando because it was so tangible and real in a park where you do nothing but put 3D glasses on all day.

OK so my main problem with Transformers - which is still a very, very, very good ride let's not glaze over - is that it's a grey mess.

Spidy works so well in part because it is toony - characters are vibrant and easy to differentiate and follow, not the case with Transformers. I've not seen the Transformers movies, but I bet they're much the same, and this reliance on realism is a real problem when it forgets simple art theory. The overcomplicated forms and sea of slightly scuffed metal makes Transformers hard to watch, especially when you are moving through a space.

Transformers wows me technically - once I found out about the lift mechanism, I spent my next ride watching how the ride works, and no sane person couldn't be impressed. The scene where you get shot at and spin, following the beam round, is really, really cool. I also love the idea of Evac.

Another thing about Spidy that sets it apart is the understanding of rides as a medium. Spiderman doesn't try to force feed you a story and is better for it. It understands that this is about spectacle, not narrative. It is a series of stuff happening, that loosely ties together, but with the understanding that rides are inherently different from film and don't need attempt to cram cohesive narratives into such a short time. That really seems to be something the industry has lost sight of - you don't have time in a ride to tell a proper expansive story, introducing all the characters etc, so **** stop it. Just make it fun.

A lot of people criticised Forbidden Journey for being a series of stuff without true narrative, but again, that's not what all rides should be about. Harry Potter really utilises the brand and people's knowledge of it to give the audience everything they wanted to see. To tell a new story, or one not so universally recognised, is not a good idea.

Transformers just is not as popular and iconic as Spiderman, either. No matter which way you cut it, even if it was critically a better ride, Spiderman would take it on that basis alone.
I think your point about Spidey not trying to force a story on to the riders also goes for Transformers. Let's look at their "stories"...
Spidey= newspaper sends you out to take photos of Spiderman in action. You encounter villains and Spiderman tries to keep you safe.
Transformers= military Base and city where you are is being attacked by villains and a good transformer is trying to keep you safe.

Not so different are they? I wouldn't say you'd need prior knowledge of either IP either as both name the characters as they appear on screen.

I also felt that both had the same amount of physical theming and don't understand the comments of Transformers lacking in that department.

For reference I've ridden Spiderman a lot and Transformers like 5 times.

I think they're quite on par with each other but I think the 3D works better on Transformers and is more cohesively worked into the physical theming. For example I kept being blown away by the car park sequence, it just all blended together seamlessly.

To think Transformers actually uses a lift without anyone realising is just incredible too. A brilliant piece of design and engineering.

I enjoy both a lot, however transformers does edge it just that little bit for me.

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peep said:
I think your point about Spidey not trying to force a story on to the riders also goes for Transformers. Let's look at their "stories"...
Spidey= newspaper sends you out to take photos of Spiderman in action. You encounter villains and Spiderman tries to keep you safe.
Transformers= military Base and city where you are is being attacked by villains and a good transformer is trying to keep you safe.

Not so different are they? I wouldn't say you'd need prior knowledge of either IP either as both name the characters as they appear on screen..

When you put it that way, I guess not... But I had no idea what the plot of Transformers was - such as why we were there etc. but got the distinct feeling from the script that there was a narrative I'm not following, if that makes sense? Maybe that's just me. I don't know why, though, but Spidy's plot seems a lot more intuitive to me, and not force fed and failed? In the battles on Transformers, I can't tell apart the characters. I can't figure out what's going on, and even though I like Evac and his sexy voice as an idea, It doesn't feel right him getting involved the way he does. It breaks immersion when he reaches out for the glowy dildo thing.

As for physical scenery, Spidy deffo has more! Surely?! Maybe again its the artistic direction of Transformers has it fading into the background? That's a point worth noting I guess. But I felt even Darkastle had more scenery than Transformers...
Spiderman! I have always felt that Spiderman is more immersive and uses the technology better. Also as already mentioned the fall scene on Spiderman is incredible!
Transformers by far. I thought the effects and just everything in general was done better. To me, Spiderman was just like a less good version of Transformers, but still a good ride. I found the quality of the screens on Spidey a bit more grainy as well, come to think of it.

I've only been on Spiderman once and had no desire to reride, whereas I've been on Transformers many times and wanted to keep going around and riding it again.
I had NO idea this wasn't this clean cut - makes me wonder if those of us who prefer Spidy only feel that way because we rode it first?

Saying that, I rode Darkastle first, thought that was good and then rode Spiderman and was like woah. Went back on Darkastle and was like um this is poo.
I've only ridden both once, so my opinion could easily change when I ride them again, but currently Transformers wins by a nose.
While I appreciated the falling effect on Spidey, It made me feel extremely nauseous. The rest of the ride was spectacular.
Transformers felt more personal, like I was really in the story, and the spinning wasn't overly sicky.

Ultimately it came down to how I felt when I left as they were both brilliant, and I didn't feel great after Spidey.
Spiderman. Transformers just felt like a lesser version of Spiderman while remaining a good ride. Spiderman just felt more like an experience and just had a larger impact on me. It also helped that I was able to get 22 rides in a day using Spidey's amazing single rider line.
Spiderman for me, don't get me wrong, Transformers is really really good, but Spiderman is just...better. It has more fire (from what I remember), and just the story and the movement of the car feels better, it's close but Spiderman wins it for me.
I have literally been wrestling with this for the last two weeks, but I have decided I prefer Transformers.

Spiderman is AMAZING but there's a couple of moments where I feel the pace drops ever so slightly, not all the villains are particularly memorable and the set pieces as a whole are on a smaller scale than Transformers (really all that happens is a pipe gets punched at you, you get a bit of a shock and the Goblin throws a bomb at you - on Transformers you get thrown through buildings, eaten by a big thing, and it all just feels bigger).

On Transformers it just doesn't stop, and the story, while simple, feels part of something bigger because of the context given by the films - something Spiderman misses out on a bit I think.

Although the queue on Spiderman is better.
Spiderman, hands down for me. I much prefer the physical sets and the more 'narrative led' experience of the characters and each of them bringing in an interactive element (fire, water, air etc.) without it being thrown in for no reason.

Transformers is good, but it feels a bit like, *Throw you here to look at a screen, then I'll throw you here to look at another screen, but wait, I'm gonna throw you over here to look at another screen showing the same **** fighting as the last one, oh, here's a bit of fire*.
In a nut shell, Spiderman is just a much more enjoyable experience. Transformers felt too full on and 'in your face' as such. It made me feel a bit dicky too.

With Spiderman, it's the scene where you're lifted to the top of the buildings that does it for me. When I first went on it, jeez that screwed me up for a sec! And I never got that feeling with Transformers.
I got to ride them both last September. I did Spiderman first and was blown away by how real it felt especially flying through the streets. I then did Transformers which was also amazing but not quite as good as Spiderman which is surprising at how old spiderman is and it still looks great.

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