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Sleepy Thorpe - 20/03/2014


CF Legend
As I do every year, this Thursday I headed to the lovely London suburb of Staines for the opening day of Thorpe Park, the nation's thrill capital, now with added 'resort'.

We arrived a bit late as I always do and headed straight to Stealth. I would have done this either way, but Swarm was down so we pretty much had no other option. It boasted a 15 minutes wait but because Thorpe are a bit awful and insist on one train operations we probably waited more like 30. It wasn't too bad, but annoying to know that should they add on another train it would be a walk on is very annoying. They've added a shop thing as you exit Stealth and have extended the hot-dog diner thing into what is looking to become a fully fledged sit down affair. Good, the lack of indoor seating at Thorpe has always irritated me.

From here I pretty much always do Thorpe in the same order, so next up was the Rumba Rapids, now with new for 2014 wetness! They were a LOT choppier than usual and Conor got a little bit splooshed. Annoying as always to see the park couldn't give two **** about sprucing the queue up a bit; bits of the wooden fencing were crumbling/falling down and last year's litter was still floating about. Lovely.

Inferno was next, which we hung around outside seeing as the scrolling text said 'waiting time CLOSED minutes' (which made me giggle because I'm childish like that). A train WAS eventually farted out of the misty tunnel, which again indicated loathesome one train ops. Mergh. Quick bog break before joining another unnecessary queue for the B&M. Once again irritating to see that a quick once over with a broom and a touch of TLC to the queue hadn't occurred during the off season. During the queue we witnessed theming:LIVE!, new for 2014! A man was painting the buildings of Calypso Quay a disgusting green colour to spruce the area up read for Angry Bird invasion in March. Whatever. Oh, and the Mexican food place now has extended indoor seating. Yay for indoor seating, new for 2014!

Inferno was doing what it does best and being mediocre, so we didn't re-ride. We were hungry so went to the BBQ place thingy. I've never eaten in there before and for theme park food it's really not half bad. Touch expensive but I'd rather than than putrid deep fried chicken, so it sufficed.

We continued on towards Loggers for some wet action, but decided that based on the level of wetness of the poor sods coming off of the thing that that would be too much wetness. Slammer is still dead. I was going to take a humorous photo with one of the water mannequins but I couldn't be ****.

Conor loves Saw so we sashayed into the queue. The police car is back. Yay. The queue was outside of the building, ewwwww but we joined anyway and had a little chat with Chris (Infernus) before boarding the thing. As always, inside drop=good then it's all downhill from there. Usually I can hack it but it was being particularly brutal today and I was very sleepy so it just annoyed me. I came off it grumpy and decided we needed something a bit gentler so we headed to Storm Surge.

On the way we passes Colossus which had a 30 minute queue of no and Rush which was walk on. So we did that. It did the thing that Rush does and it was good.

We queued about 5 minutes for Storm Surge in which time we lolled at a stupid guest who couldn't grasp the concept that water rides might get you wet. Because she didn't want to get wet. But wanted to ride the water ride. Stupid girl. I half had a go at her then had a ride of awkwardness when Conor and I were shoved in a dinghy with her and her other half. Storm Surge, as always, was a bit crap but a nice sit down.

X next, because I think it's funny. Weirdly enough the twisting tower of disco lights has gone and replacing it are loads of actually quite well placed lasers. It was actually fun, I enjoyed it and would probably have gone on it again if I weren't so bloody tired. We entered the Megastore in search of sweets for a bit of a sugar rush and a look at some of the new tat. They have some more of those resin model things now for Colossus, Tidal Wave and Inferno. The Colossus one is quite cool.

Unfortunately the sweets couldn't cut it and after seeing the dismal queue for Swarm (once again on one train operations) we decided to call it a day and head home. I slept the entire way back.

Have a photo of me by Nemesis Inferno:
Good report. Thorpe sounds really good and I hope one day to be able to go there. It's in a different county though - I wish they'd build a decent theme park closer to Stafford so I could juts fall out of bed into a coaster. Hahaha. No, seriously, wouldn't that be great?
nadroJ said:
It boasted a 15 minutes wait but because Thorpe are a bit awful and insist on one train operations we probably waited more like 30.

One does wonder when they'll learn. It's always good in summer when they start with one train operation early in the day then close the ride for half an hour before opening it again with two trains...cause that's genius.

nadroJ said:
They've added a shop thing as you exit Stealth

I suppose it was only a matter of time. Don't suppose there's any way of getting out of going through the shop. I love how they cornered everywhere off so you couldn't not go through Saw's shop. I'm surprised they didn't incorporate Swarm's shop in the same way.

nadroJ said:
A train WAS eventually farted out of the misty tunnel

Yay for Inferno's misty tunnel! Wonder how long that effect will last. I think last year it had been turned off by April Fool's Day.

nadroJ said:
Slammer is still dead.

Have Thorpe/Merlin actually confirmed it'll be opening this season? I do hope so.

nadroJ said:
X next, because I think it's funny. Weirdly enough the twisting tower of disco lights has gone and replacing it are loads of actually quite well placed lasers.

I heard about this. I liked X after last season's refurbish so I hope this has made it even better. I heard they have also put it to proper music? Rather than just wub wub wub wub.

Anyway, great report. Sorry to ask SOOOO many questions, don't want you to think I haven't read it properly ;)
I hate the new one train operation bollocks on a quiet day. 2012 and before they would still run both trains and it's probably the best theme park day out in the UK. No, I'm not exaggerating. Thorpe is fantastic on a quiet day.

Last year during the 1 train operations there was an hour queue for Swarm, I challenged a ride op who was passing through the queue as to why there was no second train. Her reply "If we put the second train on there wouldn't be any queues and we'd be sending empty trains whilst wasting electricity". Umm, no love. 1 train = 1 hour queue, 2 trains = 30 minute queues. I'm a thick bastard but even I can work out that one.
nadroJ said:
During the queue we witnessed theming:LIVE!, new for 2014!

Hahaha! Great report, looking forward to this new indoor seating. They've really pulled out all the stops for 2014, haven't they?!
Thorpe Park Resort: Home to Swarm, Stealth and more indoor seating than you can shake a stick at!
Its actually at the point now where queues can be shorter on a busy weekend with both trains running than on a weekday.

I don't believe its just down to capacity, though. On Swarm at least, they often let rows go empty because the person outside directing guests to each platform is incompetent.

I really want to just grab their height stick, bash them repeatedly with it, then do their job for them.

I complained at guest services about this about 3 times last year. If you witness it, I urge you to do the same. Its not fair. It understand they're working with a pretty poorly designed queue system there, but some common sense to just have a look inside, see its empty, and hurry people through, is required. If people are spending ages with bags, you call people through without any bags from further back in the queue.
I visited Thorpe last Sunday (30th March) and the max Q wait for any coaster was 15 mins, John Wardley was signing his book & charging £30 for a few other things.

My ride reviews:

Swarm: Love B&M, both trains running so a walk on, tried backward riding but did not like it as much as forwards, good to see the fire working & bill-board sign. Rode 12 times

Saw: Getting rougher than 2012 visit, but still ride-able, Rode this 5 times

NI: Same as Swarm since it's a B&M, mega smooth, rode it 6 times

X: Quite impressed with the update, much better with the lights but could of had better dance music. Rode it 3 times

Stealth: Impressive and powerful as ever, rode it 4 times. Love to see a tunnel built over the launch straight, add a dry ice curtain then chaser, lasers and strobes long the tunnel sides

Colossus: Single train running and now mega vibrations and side slamming. There is a Magpie's nest built within the coasters running track so they have to time everything between the coaster train passing.

Rumba Rapids: Rode this 3 times and did not have to get off to re-ride as no Q when we got to the turntable.

Flying Fish: Since this was Thorpe's 1st coaster as Space Station Zero I always ride this for a relaxing
in-between break, The operator sent us round 5 times as no-one in the Q line.