Mega Poster
Six Flags Over Georgia, March 20th photo trip report
This will not be a huge trip report because my camera could only take 41 pictures before the memory died (and most of those pictures were spent on Goliath, for obvious reasons) .
Lets get started,
As you can see, it was a perfect day for coaster riding
I wonder what that could be on the horizon?
Oh wait, its GOLIATH!
Big-G was running better than ever this year.
Metal detectors... CRAP, does that mean I can't bring my shotgun to SFoG anymore?
NOTED! (even though I don't care)
First up, Big-G (Goliath)
we rode it in the back, best ride on Goliath I had ever had.
Next up, Mind Bender. They finally took the hair-gel adds off of Mind Bender. Mind Bender is still my second favorite coaster at SFoG
I wonder why Batman is feeling so blue...
... I just cannot place my finger on it...
...oh yea, it got a fresh coat of paint this year
Time for lunch. All the food at SFoG got a major upgrade this year... doesn't suck anymore!
Next up... Great American Scream Machine (which got a brand-spanking new coat of paint)...
Yea, GASM is looking great this year...
...dispite the fact that it still gets stuck on the lift hill about 50 times in a day
Sorry, no pictures of Superman, due to the fact my camera died after taking pictures of GASM and Ninja (I blame it on Ninja)
Now its time to play: Guess how many people are in pain on Georgia Cyclone
I say... EVERYONE!!!
After three pains in the neck (not counting Superman) in a row...
...time for more Goliath!
Which is always a good thing!
Yes, Goliath is that sexy
That has to be one of the best first drops ever
GOLIATH THROUGH THE TREES!!! (yes I know that is a complete wast of one of my 41 pictures)
What could this line be for?
The best stand up coaster in the world GEORGIA SCORCHER!(in my opinion)
Scorcher ALSO got a nice new coat of paint this year...
...well the trains did anyways in what has to be the best looking sponsored coaster ever.
Scorcher got sponsored by Georgia Natural Gas. And I think it looks great
GEORGIA SCORCHER THROUGH THE TREES!!! Why do I keep waisting pictures?
So those are the crazy people who paint all the rides
Now its time for the best part of the day...
Yes, Goliath is WAY better at dusk
I think this is my favorite picture of the day
I'm Going to end this Trip Report with what has to be the greatest thing to ever happen on Goliath. I was in one of the last trains of the night, and the lady behind me was weiring flip flops. Well, you should NEVER wear flip flops on (arguably) the best B&M Mega coaster when it comes to air-time. On the final pop of air-time before the station, she lost one of the flip flops. AND A TWELVE YEAR OLD GIRL TWO ROWS BACK CAUGHT IT IN MID AIR! I know what your thinking, "There is no way, he has to be making this up." Well, I got the on ride photo to prove it.
Look at the lady in the second row, you can see her flip flop coming off.
This will not be a huge trip report because my camera could only take 41 pictures before the memory died (and most of those pictures were spent on Goliath, for obvious reasons) .
Lets get started,

As you can see, it was a perfect day for coaster riding

I wonder what that could be on the horizon?

Oh wait, its GOLIATH!

Big-G was running better than ever this year.

Metal detectors... CRAP, does that mean I can't bring my shotgun to SFoG anymore?

NOTED! (even though I don't care)

First up, Big-G (Goliath)

we rode it in the back, best ride on Goliath I had ever had.

Next up, Mind Bender. They finally took the hair-gel adds off of Mind Bender. Mind Bender is still my second favorite coaster at SFoG

I wonder why Batman is feeling so blue...

... I just cannot place my finger on it...

...oh yea, it got a fresh coat of paint this year

Time for lunch. All the food at SFoG got a major upgrade this year... doesn't suck anymore!

Next up... Great American Scream Machine (which got a brand-spanking new coat of paint)...


Yea, GASM is looking great this year...

...dispite the fact that it still gets stuck on the lift hill about 50 times in a day
Sorry, no pictures of Superman, due to the fact my camera died after taking pictures of GASM and Ninja (I blame it on Ninja)

Now its time to play: Guess how many people are in pain on Georgia Cyclone

I say... EVERYONE!!!

After three pains in the neck (not counting Superman) in a row...

...time for more Goliath!

Which is always a good thing!

Yes, Goliath is that sexy

That has to be one of the best first drops ever

GOLIATH THROUGH THE TREES!!! (yes I know that is a complete wast of one of my 41 pictures)

What could this line be for?

The best stand up coaster in the world GEORGIA SCORCHER!(in my opinion)

Scorcher ALSO got a nice new coat of paint this year...

...well the trains did anyways in what has to be the best looking sponsored coaster ever.
Scorcher got sponsored by Georgia Natural Gas. And I think it looks great

GEORGIA SCORCHER THROUGH THE TREES!!! Why do I keep waisting pictures?

So those are the crazy people who paint all the rides

Now its time for the best part of the day...


Yes, Goliath is WAY better at dusk

I think this is my favorite picture of the day
I'm Going to end this Trip Report with what has to be the greatest thing to ever happen on Goliath. I was in one of the last trains of the night, and the lady behind me was weiring flip flops. Well, you should NEVER wear flip flops on (arguably) the best B&M Mega coaster when it comes to air-time. On the final pop of air-time before the station, she lost one of the flip flops. AND A TWELVE YEAR OLD GIRL TWO ROWS BACK CAUGHT IT IN MID AIR! I know what your thinking, "There is no way, he has to be making this up." Well, I got the on ride photo to prove it.

Look at the lady in the second row, you can see her flip flop coming off.