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Should Bollinger and Mabillard go in a new direction?

Bollinger and Mabillard or Intamin AG

  • Bollinger & Mabillard

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • Intamin AG

    Votes: 4 40.0%

  • Total voters


Hyper Poster
All of the B&M mega coasters are essentially the same, either 4 across or a 4 person V shape seating, large smooth drops between 150-240 feet, and long sweeping curves. They really need to start changing up their variety, all of their inverts are the same in essence, most of the elements on their floorless coasters are the same, as with their Standup coasters. whenever i ride a B&M i feel like im on a clone of every other B&M. I like how Intamin has sharper curves, narrower trains, and they are still huge. However, Intamin is bumpy as a cobblestone street compared to the smoothness of a B&M. B&M needs to use their water/lazer manufactuting technique and build something tighter, faster, and different from every other B&M ride. they all feel the same to me, whether it be Goliath, Goliath (La Ronde) Behemoth, Nitro, Apollos Chariot, the only ride that is even remotley different is Raging Bull because of the more twists. sure the layouts are different, but its all large sweeping turns and drops. Like the floorless coasters are always a huge loop into a dive loop to ZG roll to a brakerun that leads into the interlocking corkers. they are all the same. The inverts all have large inversions, and the only remotely innovative ones are like Dueling Dragons because of the flybys, and Nemesis because it is such a tightly packed ride. B&M needs to get tighter and steeper, with sharper tighter close to the ground curves, and narrower trains. B&M's dont feel as special as the very unique screaming metal deathtraps that are Intamin megacoasters (Expedition GeForce, Bizarro, MF, Timmy305)
I agree with you to a certain extent on this. Yes, sometimes B&M's can seem somewhat redundant in terms of their their elements and layouts, but on the other hand, this is a company that has made its mark in the industry on reliability and consistency, and they've done that quite well. They're hesitant to push the boundary as much as Intamin does because they know can still sell multimillion-dollar rides by doing what they do best, which is engineering smooth, enjoyably intense rides that are accessible to most everyone, enthusiasts and less experienced riders alike. Don't fix what ain't broke, right?

However, I don't think that they're going to go the way of Arrow Dynamics, who relied on their 1980's market dominance so much that they seemingly refused to change, and consequently fell off the map and into bankruptcy. B&M may not be leading the charge of innovation as visibly as Intamin, but I believe that will at least stay current with the times as new reliable coaster technologies emerge.

And besides, it's not like they've never done anything innovative before. We have them to thank for inverted coasters, flying coasters, floorless coasters, dive machines, and stand-ups that don't totally suck.

So to answer your question, I think B&M does just fine, and there's something to be said for building coasters that don't require major modification/trimming within 2 months of their opening (cough cough I305).
Yeah, B&M are fab.

Intamin just build something, then go "Oh, ****, it hasn't worked... TRIMS"

I do honestly think that Intamin have lost it lately.

And the B&M hypers are vastly superior anyway.
Intamin <3's trims. Intamin is a world class barber when it comes to coasters - They make it look good but they trim the s**t out of everything.

B&M should build more of their rarer coasters at least. im sick of all these mega's and loopers and floorless ones (I <3 floorless)

we need more floorless dive machines (With a different layout than griffon or sheikra) or more custom flyers (no superman ultimate flights) or some new innovative way of riding, B&M is good at that.

B&Ms are also possibly the most reliable of rides. Intamin has more downtime then the drop tower at LC (called downtime, but it also never works) I mean with kingda ka, that thing breaks down for years at a time. (They cant trim any more it so theres nothing they can do)

Every Intamin ride ive stood in line for has broken down at one point while i was in line. EVERY - SINGLE - ONE
i have only seen 2 B&Ms ever break down while i was at a park. Dueling Dragons broke down because the scale stopped working, but then again IOA's maitenance sucks. and i saw Batman The Dark Knight break down at SFNE a few weeks ago. Both occured at the end of the day. I'd like to see this alleged B&M 4D ride.
B&M should also def do more terrain rides like Nemesis, im sick of these parking lot coasters like Raging Bull or Goliath (La Ronde Montreal)
madhjsp said:
I agree with you to a certain extent on this. Yes, sometimes B&M's can seem somewhat redundant in terms of their their elements and layouts, but on the other hand, this is a company that has made its mark in the industry on reliability and consistency, and they've done that quite well. They're hesitant to push the boundary as much as Intamin does because they know can still sell multimillion-dollar rides by doing what they do best, which is engineering smooth, enjoyably intense rides that are accessible to most everyone, enthusiasts and less experienced riders alike. Don't fix what ain't broke, right?

However, I don't think that they're going to go the way of Arrow Dynamics, who relied on their 1980's market dominance so much that they seemingly refused to change, and consequently fell off the map and into bankruptcy. B&M may not be leading the charge of innovation as visibly as Intamin, but I believe that will at least stay current with the times as new reliable coaster technologies emerge.

And besides, it's not like they've never done anything innovative before. We have them to thank for inverted coasters, flying coasters, floorless coasters, dive machines, and stand-ups that don't totally suck.

So to answer your question, I think B&M does just fine, and there's something to be said for building coasters that don't require major modification/trimming within 2 months of their opening (cough cough I305).

sorry for the douplepost, but Intamins first 4 across standups were pretty decent. nothing anything close to being Chang but i mean they were pretty good.

I love any Vekoma SLC, they just hurt like hell.

B&M has only done one launched coaster as far as i remember (Hulk) and they should atleast work with that idea. It's a great ride.

sorta OT >> I'd like to see Premier come out with a new lim bowl layout. more inversions less turns, more speed. I miss those premier lim shuttles and lim bowls, they need more. even though downtime is god awful with those.
CreditCrazy said:
Ben said:
Intamin just build something, then go "Oh, <img>, it hasn't worked... TRIMS"

How is that any different than B&M hypers that are just built with trims anyway?

Because they are built with trims on purpose, not because people are complaining :p ;)
Brad said:
For an enthusiast yes, however we only make up a small majority of the people attending parks. Despite this, I wouldn't say I am bored of B&M as I have only gone on 17 and there are about 75 operating.

For the general public, I really don't think they mind, if Nemesis Inferno is similar to a Batman clone. Nor do I reckon the Public has gone on over 5 or 6 B&Ms (unless they have gone too Florida and even then they are not that similar).

Nemesis Inferno was a disapointment. Nemesis on the other hand was ****n amazing.

The floridian B&M's are all custom B&Ms (mabey there is a clone down there but not that ive seen or been on)

if there is one thing i hate though
they suck as it is, and to make more of them just sucks more. Build em taller and mabey they'll be better, but ill ride an SLC over a Batman Clone.
Intamin has always been my favourite coaster manufacturer because they have such a variety, and there are a lot more Intamin in my top ten than B&M (which I think has a grand total of zero). B&M just seems to like, have the same layout style, just different seating or whatever, and their recent outpouring of B&M hypers kind of shows that they don't do anything new. But with that being said, they're successful as a company, so I don't get why they'd change it.
The standard modern B&M's look too predictable and boring. Too calculated and not wild enough. Intamin are more fun and wild and stay reasonably smooth, so they win.
A-Kid said:
Intamin are more fun and wild and stay reasonably smooth, so they win.

Erm... Smooth? When compared to B&Ms?

Can I have what you're on please...

On topic, as Dave said, they won't change it... A shame in some aspects when you go on some of the 90s B&Ms, but at least on the other hand you know you're getting (90% of the time) a quality solid fun ride...
Nemesis Inferno said:
A-Kid said:
Intamin are more fun and wild and stay reasonably smooth, so they win.

Erm... Smooth? When compared to B&Ms?

Can I have what you're on please...

On topic, as Dave said, they won't change it... A shame in some aspects when you go on some of the 90s B&Ms, but at least on the other hand you know you're getting (90% of the time) a quality solid fun ride...
Can i have what he's on when i go to the chiropractor after my next ride on i305?

B&M has always been amazingly smooth, and they are very straightfoward. but i just wish the drops were sharper, while maintaining the smoothness they always had.
Hardly. I've been on numerous B&M's which were far from smooth.. especially compared to some Intamins.
SnooSnoo said:
Hardly. I've been on numerous B&M's which were far from smooth.. especially compared to some Intamins.

Oh yes, they're called Stand-ups and should be ignored for eternity because they're utter ****e...