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Sellotape poll #2 - Do you fold the end over?

Do you fold the end over for convenience?

  • Yes, I fold.

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 1 50.0%

  • Total voters


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
After you've used sellotape, do you fold the end over?

I tend to not bother and run my finger along the tape until I find the end and pick it "open". I find folding a waste of sellotape.

What do you do?
The only thing worse than the taste of sellotape glue is not being able to find the end, or anyone with nails who can then retrieve it for you. Yet more reasons why I don't LIKE sellotape very much.
Next question? :p
I never thought of that, haha. I'm gonna start folding the end over because I hate having to pick at it to find it, since it's sometimes impossible.
Depends on how I find it... I always leave things how I find them, ask the police...
It clearly wastes tape, because you'd have to get rid of the folded end before using it, then fold another end over once you've finished!
Yes, if the particular piece of tape is too long for what im taping I will fold the end over. I hold the belief it makes the bond stronger.
No. When I'm finished I stick it back down but angle it slightly so the end is slightly over the edge of the roll. That way you can easily find the end and you don't waste any tape.
Martyn said:
It clearly wastes tape, because you'd have to get rid of the folded end before using it, then fold another end over once you've finished!
For this reason, no.

Hixee said:
Martyn said:
It clearly wastes tape, because you'd have to get rid of the folded end before using it, then fold another end over once you've finished!
For this reason, no.


Same for me. It's not that bad to find the end afterwards. Most of the time anyway...
I've never thought to fold the end over.

I've managed 31 years without folding, and I'm not about to change my ways now thank you very much!
You rest it atop the holder's razor, primed and ready for the next simple use.

God, you all make sellotape so unnecessarily complicated and trivial.
gavin said:
I've never thought to fold the end over.

I've managed 31 years without folding, and I'm not about to change my ways now thank you very much!

This, except I'm not old like Gavin.
Generally no, unless it's one of those rolls where finding the end is consistantly a pain in the arse. In that case, yes, I'll sometimes fold the end over if I remember.
Folding is for folders, never thought of that way to do it. I actually strangely quite like looking for the end of the tape, lol (unless it takes longer than 10 seconds or so).