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Scariest coaster you have ever been on

^ Still annoyed that I missed it on the live. :(
For me its probably this travelling wild mouse(I forget the name), the cars really tilted to the side on each hairpin turn. And the noise it made. :shock:
I think the only coaster that's ever had me genuinely scared was X at SFMM. That's why its also my number 1 :)
I hardly get scared of coasters, it's normally just huge flat rides and drop towers.

But out of everything I've been on, probably Oblivion, or Furius Baco at night in a thunder storm, that was horrible.

Hurakan Condor is the single most scariest ride I've ever been on though. Scariest flat ride is probably something at a travelling fair, or Slammer, eugh!
I always get a little scared on X:/no way out at Thorpe park when the train stops on the brake run and edges forward in the wrong direction.
Ummm....havent found one to be honest. The toboggans come close though. If we include flats though...

Older stlyed ferris wheels where you sit 2-3 across and had a bar hold you in. My friends would start rocking the gondola and it would royally freak me out.

Its recently transformed into a near phobia ><

Switching between the hideouts'...
The Big One when I had about ten inches of gap between the lap bar and my body and undid my seatbelt. I was sitting near the back, and felt like I was going to be ejected for a second...
That is cool. :) I would have to say that the most scariest rollercoaster that I have been on has to be Shiekra, I nearly cried at the top of that massive drop!
I'm usaully scared when I think I'm going to crash into the supports (eg.SLC's) or fall out (too much airtime is bad!)...
Hmm, roller coasters don't generally phase me at all. I was quite nervous the first time I went on Oblivion, but any anxiety soon vanished after the fourth ride or so.

The only ride that actually intimidates me/gives me a surge of adrenalin is Apocalypse. Nothing comes close to a drop tower for me - I've actually done that thing nearly 300 times this year :p
Not a coaster, but there is a free fall ride that comes to the fairgrounds. That **** fell so hard I had bruising on my shoulders, so I will never ride it again.
The horrid Top Fun coaster at Magic World outside of Naples, Italy. The OTSR popped open on the lift hill and the ride op never noticed.

Wouldn't have been scary if the thing didn't have an inclined loop!
Can't say much about roller coasters but the scariest flat I ever been on is the hammer at my local carnival fair when I was a kid. I did once and never again. The most unsafe ride I ever been on was really ghetto ferris wheel back in my home county.
Rollercoasters don't really phase me tbh, The only one that makes me slightly nervous is Oblivion but thats just because its fab <3
None really maybe Blackpool Mouse, I rode it once and thought I was going to end up paralyzed, one day I will muster the courage to go again.......one day.
Apart from that I am not to keen on drop towers, ill ride them, but reluctantly. Word of note the last drop tower I rode was Apocalypse at DMP and I dare say I enjoyed it, so maybe I have slightly overcome my fear?
I used to be apprehensive about drop towers, but I rode Cliff hanger at FL and enjoyed it, i've been fine ever since, although I remember getting to the top of Drop Zone at Kings Island and thinking 'oh crap!'

Apart from that, the first time on TTD, I was sat in the second car to depart so I had to stay on the Blocks whilst the train in front went around, I remember looking up at the tower structure and feeling very nervous.

I also nearly had a heart attack at AT. I was walking past Nemesis and turned around to talk to a mate, but when I looked forward again I was right up to the chain fence and the the train sped past me at the banked section after the first Corkscrew, I jumped a mile! I should have heard the roar getting louder.