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Saw or Stealth?

Saw or Stealth

  • Saw

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stealth

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Surely this topic should be appropriately altered to "Sore vs Stelf" for Thorpe themed grammatical purposes?
It's an acceptable poll, it gives people the choice over quick extreme thrills (Stealth), over lengthier coasters focusing more on layout.

But it has to be Saw without a doubt, the only thing I find on Stealth is a good launch and airtime, Saw has a lot more to it.

Neither are great, but, Saw is so UGH. Stealth is at least OK. And hurts a LOT less!
Clearly Stealth, at least it has a launch.

Okay, so I haven't been on either and the theming on Saw is better, but I can tell for sure I'd choose Stealth anyway.
Sore, because Stealth is diabolically dull except in the front row. I quite like Sore too.
Saw. It's got a great theme, amazing atmosphere. Fun ride from start to finish and is just pulled of pretty well. Stealth is over in seconds and is only really good in the front row which requires queuing up for longer.
Eurofightrers are very "meh", and out of the 3 UK Eurofgithers, Saw definitely isn't at the top.
Stealth is alright for what it is, and offers the best launch when compared to quite a few other launched coasters, so Stealth it is for me.
^I thought it was less crap than I'd thought it would be ;). But, the day I finally get a lot of rides in after it being broken so much isn't really the time for me to be expressing true opinions.

It says a lot that it's a brand new coaster, SO close to me, and I've just never had the urge to go back and ride it again.
They tie for me. I can't make up my mind. Stealth's more re-rideable though. But for one off rides I'd prefer Saw. I dunno :)
Stealth. Went on both today. Front row of Stealth is good for the views, airtime and speed, even though it is over in seconds. (love the descent...being a bit skinny I literally fall forward and it feels like freefalling) :wink:
Saw is good too...But the queue time is diabolical, the second row is ****e and it's too short for a decent ride. Size is everything!
God, easy. Stealth everytime. It's not everyday I can ride a coaster over 200ft and 80mph!

I know height and speed isn't everything but the one cheap thrill is so much more mega than the whole of Saw put together.

Saw is not the best ride in the park. It's average and I rate Inferno, Stealth, Detonator and Rush over it.
I'd go for Stealth as its a little bit more special than the crappy Eurofighter and I actually enjoyed the coaster unlike Saw.

But they are both nowhere near as good as Inferno.
Stealth is the better ride out of the two.
Be honest go back to the first time you rode Stealth and compare to the first time you rode SAW. What ride blew you away the most?
I know a lot of people will vote SAW because at the moment its a Thorpe newbie so it will still be fresh to people when riding but when the novalty of the ride wears away Stealth will retain.
Almost everyone who has posted has said Stealth, yet half the votes to Saw. There are a lot of closet fanboys out there who can't make a case for their beloved coaster ;)