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Rides you have a soft spot for.


Giga Poster
I have a soft spot for Nemesis Inferno it being my first b&m and really it is not very forceful but for someone reason I still think its great. I used to have a soft spot for Euro Mir but in my recent visit this year it had become too rough, but I still have one for Atlantica Supersplash. Other rides I have a soft spot for are Saw because when I first rode it it became my favourite coaster and even though it is so rough now I still ride it on every visit and Air because when I first rode it I thought the flying experience was amazing and even though now I have ridden Manta and Tatsu I still really enjoy Air.
Cedar Creek Mine Ride. If I were to chain myself to a ride, you betcha I'm on that stupid ride. :razz:
Top Thrill Dragster and Cornball Express

TTD because it's been fun for EVERY single ride I've ever been on.
CE because it's **** awesome.
Avalanche for the childhood memories of riding it for half of a day when I was 5.

Dorney's old Laser, which was my first Schwarzkopf coaster.
Steel Force @ Dorney

While it's not the biggest or the best hyper I've ridden, it's still a lot of fun, and I didn't really appreciate it until the Zombie walk last year.
The one that comes to mind is Vampire. It's getting on a bit now, but we're the same age and she's still rattling on and bringing joy to people's lives. Vampire was probably my first 'proper' coaster and I love seeing younger kids still experiencing Vampire as their first :)
Quite a few actually:

  • Space Mountain: Mission 2 - My first ever looping coaster, I was actually tricked into going on it as someone told me it didn't go upside but it was awesome!

    Trace du Hourra - My first recollection of a proper coaster, we rode it 7 times in one day I think.

    Silver Star - A really big coaster, which I rode very early on after becoming interested in coasters.

    Air - I loved this ride in my early days at Alton Towers, before I had the courage to ride Nemesis.

    California Screamin' - There's just something about this which I really like, on paper it's not the best coaster ever by any means, but it's so fun!
The Green Scream at Southend Adventure Island. My first coaster and always loved putting my hands ups. When ever I go to southend if feels like my childhood has come back to life.
iSpeed and Katun in Mirabilandia, also Magic Mountain in Gardaland, they've turned me into enthusiast.
RMT at Alton because it's generally fierce. Plus, I was proper hardcore when I was 6 and whored it in the rain for about an hour.

The same could be said for most of the slightly older rides at Alton or Drayton which I grew up with. I never went to Chessington as a child, so obviously can't feel nostalgic about anything there. I know the topic isn't strictly about rides we find nostalgic, but I think to have a 'soft spot' for something you have to have known it for a while. So yeah, loads of stuff loads at the fab West Midlands parks <3.
I have a soft spot for Invertigo at King's Island. It may be a vekoma boomerang, but it brought me into my love or roller coasters. If I wouldn't have ridden that thing when I was a kid I wouldn't have the love I do for coasters. It will always hold a special place in my heart.
Space Mountain at Magic Kingdom. I know the ride like the back of my hand. Probably in the top 5 coasters I've ridden the most. It really started me on enthusiasm.
It always was Flamingo Land's Corkscrew. The underdog. No one liked it, so the queues were short and you could replace quality with quantity :D Although always living in the shadow of Altons Corky, nothing put excitement in my heart more than seeing those grubby white tracks peeking over that green grassy mound. Pure loveliness.
Definitely Loch Ness Monster. I always enjoy riding it, even though it really gets overshadowed by the three great B&Ms at Busch.
Avalanche at Blackpool I've always really enjoyed and still do. It's not a stunning ride, I just find it a short bit of fun.

Similarly the old Space Invader. I really like those 4-man bob rides, they bring a smile to my face. It's not a thrill, just a bit of cheap fun :)
I've always had a soft spot for Comet @ Hershey for it was my first true roller coaster. The one turning point coaster that really got me into coasters would be Maverick back in 07. I think I was about nine or ten when I first rode Maverick.