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Rides unsafe

It's the media. They'll claim that escalators are dangerously unsafe when two people fall down one and die.

How many people ride coasters every day, every year in fact (don't forget these rides put through 1000+ guests PER HOUR) and two people die? Big deal.
It is basically what they do. A lot of people will only listen to it and not look up the facts. The incident with New Texas Giant was completely overhyped because of the Darien Lake fatal incident. I am surprised the media hasnt actually taken this into a worse route tbh.

Ride incidents dont make headline news very often. Only when death or critically injured are involved (or making people **** walk I guess as well). It will have its course and the ride reliability to your everyday dumb **** is going to be non existant. My mom called the guy who died at DL a dumbass for getting on the ride to begin with (she is petrified of rides due to an accident at a fair when younger in which a roller coaster "came off the track" and crashed into the train in the station) and she hates them and worries Im gonna die on one because of lack of "ride safety technology".

It is going to run its course with people believing what they will. Those with coaster enthusiast friends will lay down the proper ruling when others bring it up (as Ive done at work). Other than that though, unless someone comes up with a study showing proper statistics of ride accidents being compaired with several other ways you can die or be seriously injured, **** like this will always be blown WAY out of proportion.
I got a few calls from friends about the Texas Giant thing asking if that was the one I went on, and I had to explain it was no big deal. The stupidity of they yahoo story acting shocked there is no federal guidelines in it (there are enough **** guidelines already by other companies thank you very much) is disgusting. Mention the guy with no lap was held by a lap restraint next time. I swear if I here one more person say the Texas Giant thing was something to report on, I'll just call them out to their face for being stupid. I know at work we were laughing about that story because it happens daily! Not necessarily at WoF, but at a random park across the world there is always an evac!
In other news, video games make people violent...

It's bollocks quite frankly... As per usual it's scaremongering that should be ignored by anyone with any sense... But since sense seems lacking in today's world, we'll be lucky...

Sorry, but someone had to.
It's in the US, so it's scaremongering. If this was in the UK they would point out that you would statistically die before getting to the park then move on to the issue.
Dave said:
It's in the US, so it's scaremongering. If this was in the UK they would point out that you would statistically die before getting to the park then move on to the issue.

Aside from the Daily Mail, which would declare that rides would give you cancer, whilst the Daily Express would say that they killed Diana...
Yeah. This is pathetic. Good Ol' Media. Not good for anything apart from either Ripping something apart or Promoting things. So silly. Moving on...
Last week, quite a few people died in car accidents. OMG!!!! Ban all cars! There should be regulations to check they're safe. All cars should be dismantled and never used again. All car owners should be sued for once driving something that had the potential to be lethal

Just last night someone was hit by a drunk driver, both died. The other day a guy fell asleep and drove off a bridge, killing himself on impact. Just last week a drunk driver did 97mph off the freeway ramp and demolished a family of 4- all 5 died. LETS BAN CARS!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOK AT HOW UNSAFE THEY ARE OMGOMG!!

**** the GP. Nothing but a bunch of mis-informed pricks that will eat anything the media feeds them.
As per your request...

Last week, quite a few people died in car accidents. OMG!!!! Ban all cars! There should be regulations to check they're safe. All cars should be dismantled and never used again. All car owners should be sued for once driving something that had the potential to be lethal

Mine posting was centered around actual car accidents.

How about cancer? Seems like everything gives you cancer, so lets ban the people from the world because cancer is unsafe and can cause people to die. But not weed. Weed is safe apparently :?
Dave said:
It's in the US, so it's scaremongering. If this was in the UK they would point out that you would statistically die before getting to the park then move on to the issue.

So you mean its the typical US Media approach? ;)
Yeah this chick at my friend's going away party started bringing the up the Texas Giant "incident" and was saying how it was just reconstructed and that it's already breaking down. Wanted to smack the bitch.
There was a lot of this in the media after the several incidents at Liseberg over the past few years, some of them I might understand, but saying Liseberg is unsafe just because Kanonen stalled at the top of the top-hat is just insane...

Same thing goes for this, why do they put this much effort into this, when people die daily in cars. It's just wrong...


Last year it was how healthcare will kill you, now it's rides. Oh, how they all like to keep everyone in terror.
Error said:
Last year it was how healthcare will kill you, now it's rides.

Oh I remember that, Americans constantly going "Look at the British NHS, they don't have nice teeth!". What a perfect answer.