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Renegade (Complete - Video and Download Page 2)


Giga Poster
I've decided to start a new coaster but I don't really want to spend a long time on it, as I did with Taipan. It is a B&M Floorless as the title says and the layout is done, and I will soon start to terraform and support. I have some screenshots of what it is like so far (crappy pre-fab supports are only there to show support colour).








Expect updates soon!
Thanks for the comments guys, keep them coming.

Terraforming done, and started supports - lift and first drop done. Some shots of supports and terraforming below:






Look forward to hearing what everyone thinks, as this is turning out to be one of my favourite coasters that I have ever built.
The terrain under the lift..I don't like it at all. It's far too forced.

the zero g and immelman looks abit misshaped, but it may just be the angle.
I know what you mean about the terrain under the lift, but I'm not the best at terraforming and don't really like doing it, but I think it will look ok once it has trees on it. And I think the zero-g picture was just taken at a weird angle. As for the immelman, I think you mean the one after the main drop (the other similar element is a dive loop but this may not be clear from the pictures) was meant to be a little bit different and not a conventional immelman so I was trying to make it like that, although I'm not sure if it is misshapen, but I'll have a look at it. Thanks for the feedback.
Done some more supporting and been messing around with the colours, not sure about them though. Please comment on supporting and colours, suggestions would be much appreciated.



^My favorite colors, so yes. Actually, color the rails/ties something like black, and they'll look great.
^Well that's a very helpful comment. :roll: If you mean that the colour scheme looks childish, which I take it you do, here is the new colour scheme and the recently supported dive loop:

The purple and blue is hideous.

Make then slightly less saturated.

Why not go for some more subtle colours?
Thanks for the comment but in my opinion they are not hideous and I like the colours which is why I am keeping them.

EDIT: I have made the purple much darker, closer to a dark blue and in my opinion it looks much better, more pictures later.
I've changed the colours again, but I think I've finally found the ones I like the most. More supporting aswell:


The new scheme looks good, the old one wasn't that bad - it was definitely different! Overall this is looking a very good coaster, can't wait for the download!
I'd stick with those colours. Maybe you could lighten up the rails a bit, but they look fine.
See what I mean?

Actually looks good now.